Speeding and the law conspiracy

Taylor said:
Steve, many schools have crosswalks and kids crossing the street. When I was in school, our schools didn't have those types of speed zones. It wasn't until a crossing guard was struck and killed that they went into effect at my school. Its not kids playing in the street, its kids walking to school. There are plenty of posts about people running red lights for not paying attention...that red light could have kids in the crosswalk.

As for construction zones, how do you expect them to repair the roads or bridges without working on them? Less than two weeks ago, a construction worker in a nearby city was killed during rush hour. Another incident that comes to mind is the brutal death of a construction worker in Northern Virginia. He was on top of an overpass when a speeding car struck a 'barricade truck'..that truck then hit him and he fell off of the overpass and landed in the middle of 395 and was then run over by...you guess it..speeding motorists. (395 is a major interstate going into Washington DC).

I guess it takes more people to die?


Some of children didnt pay the attention that's why we are for slowly speed limit in the place where the school children goes. It's safety.
ravensteve1961 said:
Speed Laws are dumb. Like 20MPH in a school zone? My parents taught me never play out in the street when i was little, So if other parents teach their kids dont play out in the street you wouldnt have drivers running them over. And 55 MPH in a constrution zone? Well dont work near traffic and you wont worry about getting runed down by a car . But its liberals who love to create traffic laws so the traffic volators can pay fines and boost the states revinues.

You call that speed law dumb in a school zone? :eek:

I'm for it because of children safety. Sure, every parents taught the children to not play or watch out the car come etc but the children often forget quickly when they play with their friends. The children could be senseless sometimes.

I'm agree to slow my speed limit where the school zone is because I'm doing for children's safety.

German law: low speed limit up to 30 mph in children zones and school zones. I think it's good but you??? :eek:
Yeah its dumb. But i pay my taxes for them to ride in a school bus to school and back to home.
Don't be surprised in the future we will pay
more taxes to take kids to schools by their
choice of scretch limos instead of school buses. :lol:
See its cheaper to teach your kids at home. But the law says you cant do that. Why?? CAUSE THE FREAKING DEMOCRATS LOVE RAISING TAXES AND WASTING YOUR TAX DOLLARS ON TEACHERS UNIONS.
Liebling:-))) said:
German law: low speed limit up to 30 mph in children zones and school zones. I think it's good but you??? :eek:

I thought Germany uses a Kilometers per hour system -- so it would be more like 30 KPH, which makes more sense.

I'm all for speed limits off of highways and within construction zones. I do respect the fact that it is IMPOSSIBLE to prevent people from accidentally getting in the way of traffic in those situations.

Highways shouldn't have speed limits, in my opinion, but then again, I'm also a strong advocate to empower policemen to give out reckless driving tickets and make arrests if the recklessness is life threatening.
ravensteve1961 said:
See its cheaper to teach your kids at home. But the law says you cant do that. Why?? CAUSE THE FREAKING DEMOCRATS LOVE RAISING TAXES AND WASTING YOUR TAX DOLLARS ON TEACHERS UNIONS.

Havent you heard of homeschooling? It is not against the law to do homeschooling for kids.
ravensteve1961 said:
See Taylor the court lert you off because of the buddy system YOURE A COP! And Judges and other fellow law enforcement officers will never find you guilty or give you a ticket. I bet if a cop gives me ticket going over 5 MPH you think the judge is gonna let me off the hook? NO WAY!! cause im not a cop. I can find FBI badges on E-BAY i might buy one so if a cop pulls me over ill show him im with the FBI and he`ll let me go.

Finding FBI badges on e-bay and showing off to cops saying your an FBI guy means you broke an federal law. It is against the law for impersonating an FBI agent. Now dont get any idea on getting one :mad:
Meg said:
Havent you heard of homeschooling? It is not against the law to do homeschooling for kids.
On the contrary, depends on state laws. Some states forbid that kind of activity (I am not sure which one though, I am going to check these out right now). I believe, it is against Vermont's laws..

California laws is very, very friendly with these 'radical' ideas i.e. homeschooling, breastfeeding in the public, midwife practices, etc etc. I am sure that Oregon laws is similar as California's as well, am I right?
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Well, Taylor, have you ever seen or
drive on Germany highways (bahn) before ?
These Germany highways are champs the best,
much better than USA highways because
of the quality these German highway (bahn)
were made very solid and thick which is
much easier to drive in a high speed than
on USA highways. Of course, many USA
highways have speed limit between
55 and 70 mph, but I wish they increase
up to maybe 90 or 100mph limit in USA
and/or unlimited someday...
I wonder if this would make any differences ?
Why not ? I am not talking about city streets,
just on highway only. What do you think, Taylor ?
Y said:
Well, Taylor, have you ever seen or
drive on Germany highways (bahn) before ?
These Germany highways are champs the best,
much better than USA highways because
of the quality these German highway (bahn)
were made very solid and thick which is
much easier to drive in a high speed than
on USA highways. Of course, many USA
highways have speed limit between
55 and 70 mph, but I wish they increase
up to maybe 90 or 100mph limit in USA
and/or unlimited someday...
I wonder if this would make any differences ?
Why not ? I am not talking about city streets,
just on highway only. What do you think, Taylor ?

How many MPH can a German driver can speed?
Magatsu said:
On the contrary, depends on state laws. Some states forbid that kind of activity (I am not sure which one though, I am going to check on these information right now). I believe, it is against Vermont's laws..

California laws is very, very friendly with these 'radical' ideas i.e. homeschooling, breastfeeding in the public, midwife practices, etc etc. I am sure that Oregon laws is similar as California's as well, am I right?

Really..I assume that other states were like Oregon. My bad. :Oops: Homeschooling is popular here.

I need to stop assuming that the rest of country is like West Coast - progressive, radical, environmental concisous, etc. Heh :giggle:
Meg said:
Really..I assume that other states were like Oregon. My bad. :Oops: Homeschooling is popular here.

I need to stop assuming that the rest of country is like West Coast - progressive, radical, environmental concisous, etc. Heh :giggle:
Heh. That's why I like to live in west coast because of these reasons as you mentioned in your post :D

About homeschooling laws, I found this information: http://www.homeedmag.com/HSRSC/hsrsc_lws.rgs.html -- It appears that I am wrong about Vermont laws. I cannot remember which state at this moment or perhaps these laws were reformed to allow the homeschooling, I dunno really.
And crimes are down in germany too. The police there know what being a police officer is about.Its not about writing up speeding and parking citations. Its about protecting and serve the people. Germans are not scared to walk down the streets of berlin late at night. Germans never lock doors their homes. And the police are real friendly too. But not to the lawbreakers. If an alarm goes off in downtown berlin police will repond not to cancell a call and call it a bluff. Thats why germans dont need guns unlike americans do. And get this,, Judges in german courts do not allow lawyers perform their courtrooms like a circus nether. If a Judge sees a defense lawyer putting on an act he bangs the gavel and fines the defense lawyer. But justice in america is nothing but a 3 ring circus nowdays and cops dont do their jobs well.
RSTeve, your'e the most quentissential (sp?) example of an American who needs to go and live just about anywhere overseas for about 5 years.
ravensteve1961 said:
All i want is cops to protect us like they did in the old days. Cops back in the 1950s really nailed criminals hard. And they arrest them accordinly. Cops back in the 50s patroled the neighborhoods instead of shopping centers. And cops didnt hide behind billboards and bushes to catch speeders.They caught the speeders the old fashion way driving on the road and catch em in the act. Cops didnt work at the stadiums like they do now. Not one Baltimore city officer ever walked up to brooks robinson or johnny unitas asked them for their autographs while on duty. And if theres a drunk out in the colts game they put em out the ballpark. Back in the 50s people wernt afraid to lock their doors or walk out on the street at night. And if your tail light isnt working or brights are on they politily warn you that your and let you go. Nowadays cops act like a tough Задница Дерьма and dont give a crap who burgalize your house or your tail light isnt working or your brights are on theyre just give you a ticket and tell you these 5 words "" TELL IT TO THE JUDGE! ""
In the old days, cops abused criminals... and you tell us that cops are bad for abusing criminals? There you go contradicting yourself again. :roll:
Meg said:
Really..I assume that other states were like Oregon. My bad. :Oops: Homeschooling is popular here.

I need to stop assuming that the rest of country is like West Coast - progressive, radical, environmental concisous, etc. Heh :giggle:

Uhhm. I don't believe homeschooling is illegal anywhere at this point. California tried recently to demand certification of homeschool teachers - something it periodically tries. Another cash cow story.

And homeschooling is actually a libertarian/conservative practice. A backlash against the social engineering that public school has become. Google "outcome based education" and Arizona sometime and see what you find.
lostintexas said:
Uhhm. I don't believe homeschooling is illegal anywhere at this point. California tried recently to demand certification of homeschool teachers - something it periodically tries. Another cash cow story.
The information that I recieved was only few years ago. In Vermont, it was used to be illegal (A pager message from my mother confirmed that information. She used to be in admin position of school in Vermont so she know the first-hand information).

lostintexas said:
And homeschooling is actually a libertarian/conservative practice.
Uhhhh. Nope. Correction: Homeschooling as the Practice of a Liberal Democratic Faith. Check this out: http://www.uuhomeschool.org/pub-040725-01.php3

You will see the corrections in that article. Allow me quote the important information:

First a little corrective history: The home education movement was NOT started by religious conservatives, who often claim the practice as their own, but by liberal education reformers with a very different philosophy at the heart of their efforts. I’ve written a short synopsis of that history in an article for the Journal of Religious Humanism that ran last summer, and from which the following history hails:

“Homeschooling is first and foremost a humanistic endeavor, conceived of by early education reformers in the 1960s who were very different from today's charismatic homeschool celebrities, and with no motive other than that of decentralized, uninstitutionalized learning. It is, at its source and as humanism has been called, an ideology of modernity. .. The focus of 1970s education reform leaders was not orthodoxy and obedience, but freedom of thought and learning.

“Early reformers, principally Ivan Illich who was one of homeschooling legend John Holt's main inspirations, repeatedly argued that no true education can take place in an environment of conformity and regimentation.” In one of my favorite Illich quotes, Illich said, To equate equal educational opportunity with obligatory schooling "is to confuse salvation with the church."

So the facts of the matter are, quite simply, that liberal home educators, like Unitarian Universalist homeschoolers, are a more accurate reflection of the original design of the early education reform efforts that became known as homeschooling. And commensurately, our lifestyle of “learning by living” is completely compatible with, and complimentary to, our liberal democratic faith.
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All i want is cops to protect us like they did in the old days. Cops back in the 1950s really nailed criminals hard.

This doesn't sound like a fact. YOU WEREN'T EVEN ALIVE in the 50's!