Speeding and the law conspiracy


New Member
Oct 28, 2004
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Here is my conspiracy theory.The cops allow people to speed all the time.
EVERYONE speeds at least a little bit.This is so that they can pull you over at any time.Cops generally will let people go about 5 mph over the limit. Anything over that you're pushing it.Not if you get a radar detector. Go 15 miles over the Speedlimit and when radar dectector alarms you then you slow down. The best one to get is the one detects X-band, K-band, Ka-band, and Laser
Like This one!
Radar Dectector
hey pleasee quit complaint about laws stuffs i am getting tired of ur whinning !
Taylor, fishing is very relaxing. Mellows a lot of folks out. I mean, unless you get jaws on the line, how can you get mad at a fish? I like wade fishing in rocky streams for smallmouths myself. Very relaxing. Unless you hook yourself in the nose with a treble hook. That sux.
Codger said:
Taylor, fishing is very relaxing. Mellows a lot of folks out. I mean, unless you get jaws on the line, how can you get mad at a fish? I like wade fishing in rocky streams for smallmouths myself. Very relaxing. Unless you hook yourself in the nose with a treble hook. That sux.

Yeah...perhaps steve can learn 2 lessons here. First, fishing is relaxing and he might enjoy it.

Second lesson is you can't catch all the fish. Same with police.
Once cop...20 cars speeding...only one is going to get stopped.
and i think general rule is.. when theres a line of cars going on same speed (over limit ) they usually goes for either last car or first car of the lines...

thats why i usually tries to cut in a line... when i see first person who is "leading" on the speeding... i would speed up and try to squeeze myself in middle and twice it worked cuz cops went for the car behind me... usually 2 or 3 cars behind me :-P
Taylor said:
Yeah...perhaps steve can learn 2 lessons here. First, fishing is relaxing and he might enjoy it.

Second lesson is you can't catch all the fish. Same with police.
Once cop...20 cars speeding...only one is going to get stopped.
True, true. But you can just kill all the fish with dynomite and sort them out on the bank. Or you can use a DRAGNET. But then you might catch ELLIOT, the loch NESS monster, and it would be too big to eat. I hear the fishing is really good off HIWAII.But FIVE OH would be too many fish there too. Maybe defscuba knows some cool fishing spots. :naughty:
This is very very old news. Almost all police departments follow the 10+ over the speed limit standard. I've gone to several courthouses and have seen the list that shows how much they charge. On the list has the number of MPH over the speed limit, the regular cost, the cost if in a school zone, the cost if in a construction zone, etc. On the top of the list... 10 MPH over the speed limit. It goes all the way down until it gets to the point where the license is revoked or something. ;)
VamPyroX said:
This is very very old news. Almost all police departments follow the 10+ over the speed limit standard. I've gone to several courthouses and have seen the list that shows how much they charge. On the list has the number of MPH over the speed limit, the regular cost, the cost if in a school zone, the cost if in a construction zone, etc. On the top of the list... 10 MPH over the speed limit. It goes all the way down until it gets to the point where the license is revoked or something. ;)

Thats true for the most part, but I recall a time that I was stopped for doing 34 in a 30...and I got a ticket for it LOL. 4mph over the speed limit. When I went to court (to get the points dropped) I was one of 190 people who were there for similar stuff.
Thats one way of defeating the speeding ticket. Get in front of the pack. Ever watch lions chasing a bunch of deers and the lion gets the one in the back pack of dears 2 or 3 might get eaten but 10 of them escaped. Look at the mexicans who crossed the border at night. The border patrol gets a few of them but many mexicans made it across. So thats the rule i go by get in front of the pack and they cant get you. Second way of advioding the speeding ticket is to get a radar dectector. It lets you know where the cops are hiding. 3rd way is watch the other side of the lane,,Sometimes other drivers will let you know where the cops are by flickering their headlights. So cop better focusing on getting real crime instead of the speeders. Cause HI tech is really beating them.
not really.. i do have a radar and some cops somehow didnt let that radar detect them.. and laser is no good... theres no warning for laser so if cops used laser on you... ur too late. and beside.. theres are so many depts for cops.. one is for highways, theres for cities, theres for crimes, theres for everything so that way they are able to cover everything and sometime they DO request assistance...

from waht im seeing here... u r thinking if they stop "focus" on speeding then u can get away with it... LOL theres no such a thing for anybody to get away from law they broke... i mean there will be people who DOES run away but they always get what they deserve in the end. so its no good...

good try though steve.
SpiceHD said:
not really.. i do have a radar and some cops somehow didnt let that radar detect them.. and laser is no good... theres no warning for laser so if cops used laser on you... ur too late. and beside.. theres are so many depts for cops.. one is for highways, theres for cities, theres for crimes, theres for everything so that way they are able to cover everything and sometime they DO request assistance...

from waht im seeing here... u r thinking if they stop "focus" on speeding then u can get away with it... LOL theres no such a thing for anybody to get away from law they broke... i mean there will be people who DOES run away but they always get what they deserve in the end. so its no good...

good try though steve.

i have a radar too.. lol.. and agree with you spice..

ravieboy.. why are you still so obsessed?? did you forget your meds again?? :roll:
Taylor said:
Thats true for the most part, but I recall a time that I was stopped for doing 34 in a 30...and I got a ticket for it LOL. 4mph over the speed limit. When I went to court (to get the points dropped) I was one of 190 people who were there for similar stuff.
See Taylor the court lert you off because of the buddy system YOURE A COP! And Judges and other fellow law enforcement officers will never find you guilty or give you a ticket. I bet if a cop gives me ticket going over 5 MPH you think the judge is gonna let me off the hook? NO WAY!! cause im not a cop. I can find FBI badges on E-BAY i might buy one so if a cop pulls me over ill show him im with the FBI and he`ll let me go.
knightwolf68 said:
hey pleasee quit complaint about laws stuffs i am getting tired of ur whinning !

he wasnt even complain or whine about the LAW. All he wants to tell us about it.

Any officers love me and they will dismissing my ticket or let me go.
lol even cops get arrested or didnt u see news about them? they usually makes big news about it :-P
i remembered few years ago... im sure when i was in high school so that means more than 5 years ago... anyway.. there was a policeman who did something about drugs or whatever.. (in wisc) and is in jail for it. i didnt pay attention but my dad did and he found it really funny cuz he hates policepeople too lol. Thats why i remembered that. But u also are right.. sometimes police dept do try to hide it... from media that is.
SpiceHD said:
lol even cops get arrested or didnt u see news about them? they usually makes big news about it :-P
Hey A few,,,But Mostly if a cop steals money his buddies wont tell its called code of honor they keep their mouths shut. COPS can abuse their powers but theres always to limit theur powers .Just like the baltimore ravens and the baltimore orioles have new security policy."" Orioles Policy"" Cops who attend the games must be in the stadium where fans are..They are not allowed in the locker room areas.Hi Ranking officers can be where the players are in the dugouts and the bullpens.The officers who are in dugouts and bullpens might be a hi ranking officer like sargents and up. This prevents officers asking for autographs from players. ""Baltimore Ravens Policy"" Cops who attend the games must be in the stadium where fans are..They are not allowed in the locker room areas. They are not allow down on the field nether. Ravens have their own security staff. This prevents officers asking for autographs from players. Theyre there to keep everyone safe and protect the fans who wanna enjoy the game not to get autographs..I reported a sheriff deputy and took his picture when he walked up to mark mc quire ask him for an autograph down on the field during BP i went up to a supervisor and told him id like him suspended for 1 week without pay if i see him on duty i will give this photo to the ST LUCIE TRIBUNE and WPTV Channel 5.The reason i was outraged cause theyre are fans who want mc quires autographs and didnt get it. The Deputy is the only one who got it because of his powers of a duputy and guess what HE GOT SUSPENDED!!! Because of my pressures towards the dept and they dont want the press making them look bad.
hey with that radar. It suck. Get Valentine One Radar Detector!


-Be Smart- while you are speeding and that's all I can say. Speeding is like playing a gamble game with police. Sometime you got caught but let go, and other time cop will get you pulled over.