Some positive energy to balance things out

...or they don't respond at all.

Hm... that's rude. Luckily I never had too much trouble with that. Although sometimes people are stuck in their own little world, which I have been guilty of. So I usually brush it off knowing they're probably thinking hard about something.
I love coffee too, and cappacino as well! But what I love most is getting a bear hug from my sweet boyfriend :)
Can I post?

I'll be positive!

When you're having a hard time on a test, think this, "The wolf is so cool."

And bam, your mind is clear, you may proceed with the test.

Usually, I'd tell that to people who had a hard time remembering things, I'd tell them, the females, that they should think, "Dylogic is so hot."

But since this is a positive post, I am telling everyone about this.

It's not a line to pick up people, it could be, but right now it's not.

Also, the only reason why I said "The wolf is so cool." is because it's related to AD. Which could give you good memories of what people said and give you a good laugh. Nothing biggie.

Positive times Positive = Positive
Negative times Negative = Positive

Go math!
I had a hard time following your post, imdeafsowhat, but hey, if that works for you during a test, that's great.
Studying historical accounts for my personal interests and my belief that is always make me happy cos many 'new' things I learn. I dont have so many positive things to do but reading, writing, and draw are only the way to keep my joy going. :)
I wish... no. I'm going to teach her to sign... even if i have to do it without letting her know...

i wonder why she doesn't want to get hearing aids? having said that, i'm glad you've decided to teach her sign. knowing sign will make communication so much easier.

is there a specific reason why your mother doesn't want to get hearing aids? (we can continue this discussion via pm or under my profile page since this is off-topic.)
I love being in college and learning about psychology. I love debating feminism in class!

Work is amazing. Being paid to put make up on women all day, tee hee.

I am so grateful for my mom, friends,and boyfriend!
Waking up early morning before the alarm goes off fully rested and ready to go. :applause:
1. the beginning of a manic episode when i feel extremely happy, as if i have tons of energy and a heightened sense of creativity.

2. reading a good book that has a great ending.

3. being able to sit down and write during times when ideas flow so fast i can't jot them all down.

4. spending time with friends and my boyfriend.

5. playing with my guide dog tigger and seeing her act like a pup even though she's 12 years old.

6. learning new things.