Some Parents Choose Not to Allow Their Kids to Hear Obama's National Address

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Did you tell your girls that Obama inherited more than $5 trillion debt from Bush?

Oh yes, did you tell your girls that National debt hits 11 trillions before Obama took office?

I think his girl will learn alot about US government when she's getting older and she would pick any direction whatever she want.
It's very nice for us to hear about your positive comment on Gally.

I will enroll at Gally in Fall 2010.

I wish you luck and I hope you enjoy your stay at Gally.
The point of an education is to gain critical thinking skills.

Kids should be exposed to different viewpoints to broaden their horizons.

No kidding! These parents are lacking in critical thinking skills! :lol:
Hmmm...ok. Allow school to freely discuss intelligent design as way to help gain critical thinking skills, and have kids be exposed to different viewpoints to broaden their horizons.
I think his girl will learn alot about US government when she's getting older and she would pick any direction whatever she want.

Funny thing is, many kids try to do the opposite of the parents. Maybe I will end up ignoring her radical Liberal views. :eek3:
The stupid, it burns! :run:

I find it amazing that some people are so afraid of education and thinking. :wtf:

I'm glad that we have a president who came from modest means and became a very educated man. He is a good role model for kids. I wish that I had a good role model growing up. I had to aspire to higher education without a good role model. It would have been easier if I had known a woman from my social class that made it to graduate school. I hope that some students are inspired by his accomplishments.
Did you tell your girls that Obama inherited more than $5 trillion debt from Bush?

Oh yes, did you tell your girls that National debt hits 11 trillions before Obama took office?
You know why? Because Clinton had sex with an intern. :giggle:
No kidding! These parents are lacking in critical thinking skills! :lol:

Exactly. Here is a perfect example of what is wrong with education, and a fringe minority, in this country. Complete and total close mindedness. If they were really so secure in their viewpoints, they would have no objection to listening to opposing views. Ignorance and fear abound.
Exactly. Here is a perfect example of what is wrong with education, and a fringe minority, in this country. Complete and total close mindedness. If they were really so secure in their viewpoints, they would have no objection to listening to opposing views. Ignorance and fear abound.
Is Obama going to be presenting "opposing views" during his speech to the kids? I thought it was just a speech to encourage students at school.
Is Obama going to be presenting "opposing views" during his speech to the kids? I thought it was just a speech to encourage students at school.

Are the parents of those kids that are denied the option to hear the President going to get both sides? Since my understanding is that this speech is to encourage kids to stay in school, are we going to have some dropouts give the rebuttals?
Is Obama going to be presenting "opposing views" during his speech to the kids? I thought it was just a speech to encourage students at school.

And the opposing view to "stay in school", is "drop out of school." There's a good lesson to provide children.

I was referring to the closedmindedness of parents. The refusal to take anything into account except their own narrow viewpoint. Their objection to Obama's speech has more to do with their own political viewpoint, and their refusal to accept anything from the "enemy" as valid. It is absurd. Children are in school to learn. They cannot learn when they are denied the opportunity to be presented information.
You know, I seem to remember that G.W. Bush was sitting in an elementary school classroom talking with children when he was informed of the 9/11 attacks. But I don't remember at all these absurd protests and objections regarding his doing so. :hmm:
Last night I chatted with my friend who is working as an educational interpreter in the U.S. and she brought up a good point.

How can you expect 5 or 6 years old kids understand some political and complicated lingoes from his speech? She said it would make more senses for 13 years or older kids to watch his speech.
Does anyone EVEN remember where BUSH was during the 9-11 attack?

He was at an elementary school!
You know, I seem to remember that G.W. Bush was sitting in an elementary school classroom talking with children when he was informed of the 9/11 attacks. But I don't remember at all these absurd protests and objections regarding his doing so. :hmm:
I recall a photo of this, where he had a book upside down. That might have been a Photoshop picture. If there were protests, they were squelched in the press. All I have learned from my days of reading political topics is this: Conservatives are much more active in their politics. It reminds me of the anti-Gun Control people (NRA) in their activism. It is never enough to middle of the road like me. You must stand on the right side of the political front, or you are an idiot. Got a debate on another site with someone that keeps hollering "Left Wing" at me, when I state repeatly that I am MOR. That is what makes it hard for me to debate. I lack the passion to defend Obama with the same fervor his opponents attack him. How can I defend MOR? :roll:
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