soft teeth

its all good.

my ssp was the one who introduced me to flavored water. one day during lunch (at our local deafblind center) i forgot my soda and didn't have change for the vending machine, so she gave me one of her flavored waters. i was hooked and couldn't believe how good it tasted! it's also considerably less expensive than soda. having said that, i'll never break my habit of drinking coca-cola. i'm a coke drinker for life! :giggle:
my ssp was the one who introduced me to flavored water. one day during lunch (at our local deafblind center) i forgot my soda and didn't have change for the vending machine, so she gave me one of her flavored waters. i was hooked and couldn't believe how good it tasted! it's also considerably less expensive than soda. having said that, i'll never break my habit of drinking coca-cola. i'm a coke drinker for life! :giggle:

i understand. i forgot why i started drinking it, but it was a long time ago. i could never go cold turkey on the coke though.
I don't know what it means, but I am surprised your dentist didn't offer you tips. Of course, whatever tips you take, make sure you see your dentist for check-ups every six months.

I remember seeing a tv commercial about something like a special toothpaste to protect teeth from acidic drinks. Maybe this is for you? Even if you do this, I'd still recommend that you don't drink soda too much. Also, rinsing your mouth after eating or drinking could help.
The lack of calcium can cause the teeth and bones to weak.

Dairy products are a rich source of calcium. You need a lot of calcium in your diet to aviod to get weak teeth and osteoporosis.

Did you know that soda weak the bones and can lead to osteoporosis?
I don't know what it means, but I am surprised your dentist didn't offer you tips. ...
That surprised me, too. I would expect the dentist to explain what it means, how it happened, and what to do about it. After all, the dentist is being paid for his professional expertise!
thank you a ton for the info. i like soda... but thats ok. i can live without. thanks.

Maybe you can get a long straw to get to the furthest reaches of your mouth, past the teeth and away ya go with your Coke! :lol:

Seriously, I'm not sure what soft teeth are but some of the replies make sense. I have a sister-in-law whose teeth are sensitive to ice. She loves ice so she ordered a special ice-making machine that turns out "soft" ice and she's happy.
That surprised me, too. I would expect the dentist to explain what it means, how it happened, and what to do about it. After all, the dentist is being paid for his professional expertise!

well, the dentist had just finished drilling, and his kids were singing in the choir, and i wanted to go home...
I had a denist that had to put sealants on my teeth because my molars did not fuse.

But as for having soft teeth. My cousin ended up with it and staining from an antibiotic reaction.

Yep, antibiotics can interfere with enamel formation. Also, if a child has a high fever during the time that the permanent teeth are forming in the gums, the fever can interrupt the enamel formation.