Show off Your Computer Desk!

chevy i might mistake.. i thought it was someone i know.. lol! i will ask my friend about that... hope it wrong or right! let see! are you in still in tx or ohio?
ok, here's the picture of computer desk i use. i will get a brand new computer later in future, not now.

the picture is in effect color :lol:
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Ubuntu FTW!!! :D

Indeed. M$...worthless.

Linux Ubuntu is one of my new ultimate operating system choice and trust me it is not for the faint of heart. Though I have not left Windows XP completely (I usually have to switch to it to play games and do some work) but after much determination and struggle I have managed to adapt myself in the Linux environment and it is very cool and challenging.

For those of you who think that Linux is terrible and Windows rocks, here is my say on why Ubuntu is better than Windows.

1. No Viruses - Thats true! as Linux does not recognize Win32 Executables so the possibility of having a virus on-board is absolutely 0%
2. Open Source - Unlike Windows, Linux distributions are open source and the source code can be edited and modified to the most to suit your needs.
3. Better Learning - While Windows just teaches you how to install and run a program, Linux helps you do that using a Terminal. So if you fall in a situation where you don’t have a GUI, you can operate things well.
4. Free Software - Every application and software on Linux is free and open source. You don’t need to worry about licenses anymore and you can always find a better and free Linux alternative to a Windows application.
5. Easy to Use - This point may seem ironic but is true to a lot of extent. Linux Ubuntu is one of the most user-friendly and easy to use Linux distribution which even beats Windows XP and Vista in usability and ease of use.
6. Ubuntu Community Help - Ubuntu has a very active support and help community where you can get answer to your questions and problems in minutes.
7. Cool Desktop Effects - For those who think Aero in Windows Vista is damn cool! wait till you experience Compiz on Ubuntu which provides better 3D desktop effects with less resource usage.
8. Easy Upgrade - You can upgrade Linux Ubuntu through the package manager and all applications can be installed/updated through it. There is no need to Google for freewares as the package manager helps you find all of them.
9. Highly Customizable - If you like customizing your operating system without a billion registry and software hacks then Ubuntu is your ultimate choice.
10. Experience Live - Linux Ubuntu CDs come with a pre-installed OS environment which allows you to run the OS without even installing it. Carry your Ubuntu Live CD with you and use it on any PC anywhere around the world.

This may not be all but still these are some of the strong points that tell you how powerful Linux Ubuntu is. It definitely has some bugs and issues but as long as you don’t mingle with commands and updates too much, there shouldn’t be a problem using it.
And also when your XP or Vista is messed up and need to renew the system again, it should be called MS Wash" But linux, I never need to reinstalled many time like MS do. SO I hate windows and if I need to use Photoshp, I just use Macbook :D and as for download movies, internet, emails,etc just use Linux.
Interesting, it is possible for me to download directly from the internet, no?
Download Ubuntu | Ubuntu
But bear in mind, you should try it first before installing it. I suggest you to use another HDD.

And just so you know, Ubuntu isn't a software, it's a OS(Operating System)
I read in the other thread you suggested me, FoxRac said that you can use this OS on windows XP or such. I have Windows Vista on my laptop and it is fucking up with me. Hell, I emailed myself and will check it out tonight :)
I read in the other thread you suggested me, FoxRac said that you can use this OS on windows XP or such. I have Windows Vista on my laptop and it is fucking up with me. Hell, I emailed myself and will check it out tonight :)

Yes you can boot it before window start unless you partitioned it first?
Maybe you should observing in the Ubuntu forum first before making a decision. Ask purplecatty. He know alot about this. PM him maybe?
Nathan, you still roaming on AD?

If you are -- PM me, I want to talk to you, I am at my laptop right now
fyi on win vista i installed fine it is because you didnt do google on linux and vista installation yes vista use very diffrent boot sector than xp and when installing linux you need to tell it to point the boot sector to linux partition and for partition and resizing do not use linux own on virgin vista partition , just use vista own disk mangament to shrink volume first then after that you can use linux to partition and format it and get a boot manager that is made to work with vista and point it to that partition i use vistaboot pro
Here's 2 pics of 1) my dead laptop due to it caught spyware I kept it offline and 2) my PS3/ LCD TV combo used to surf AD until I can replace the laptop with an Apple MacMini. No more M$ shit for me...
Here is my desk... It is messy..:)

Here's 2 pics of 1) my dead laptop due to it caught spyware I kept it offline and 2) my PS3/ LCD TV combo used to surf AD until I can replace the laptop with an Apple MacMini. No more M$ shit for me...

By golly, I can see my post on the second photo! :jaw:
chevy i might mistake.. i thought it was someone i know.. lol! i will ask my friend about that... hope it wrong or right! let see! are you in still in tx or ohio?

I live in Ohio. I had been visited at Austin TX last month. My picture at Hula Hut restaurant in Austin.