Should the legal drinking age change?

:jaw: at this thread!

I agree with Cheri mostly.. We're here to protect our children. This world has gone crazy now with alot of crimes going on. Its very important to sit down with your kids and explain the drugs and alcohol substances. Its also very import to become "bestfriends" with your kids so your kids can be comfortable talking about what's going on in their lives instead of not knowing what they're going through. I know the highest percentage of the kids would try to take a sip, take a puff of weed, take a puff of cigarettes or other drug. I'm still sticking with the age of 21. The age of 18 for them to purchase cigarettes. I have seen so many kids out there doing all kind of things that they shouldn't have done or weren't suppose to do. My point is...

be a bestfriend to your children no matter what they're going thru and explain the circumstances of what life is all about. If your kid gets caught drinking underage.. and you go blowing up at the kid, more likely the kid is gonna continue to drink when they're under pressure. Yes, you can't force them to quit at whatever they're doing but make sure you're behind them 100% by saying.. please stay at your friends house and call me.. and i'll come pick you up.. I would rather for my kid to call me than her getting in the car with someone drinking.

I would never let my kid know its okay to have a drink underage. I'd explain that loud and clear that its illegal for underage to drink. same goes for drugs and cigarettes. but its not the parents that can teach them to say no.. its all PEER PRESSURE coming from their friends. when their friends are doing those things. they're most likely gonna try it. the main thing is to watch who your kid/kids are hanging out with, who they are, how old they are and meet their parents. (well, that's my opinion)

I'm still going for 21.. PERIOD... just keep an eye on your kid/kids and make sure they're going to the right path.
ButterflyGirl said:
Sorry for misunderstanding your post. You see I was not here when these topics were discussed. I know all about in some states that a 14 year old can drive on a learners licence with an adult supervision. Interesting about it being illegal in Germany for parents to teach their children to drive.
Pssst Liebling, this thread needs to get back to its topic which is about drinking not driving ;)

Yes, you are right that it should not topic off in this thread so I´m going to create 2 new threads later but I has to add driving issue here if there´re drinking issue.

Yes, it´s illegal in Germany for the parents to teach their children how to drive but I think they are right because of protect children and be safety.

mld4ds, I create a new thread about hunting age legal with few links and will paste your post on my new thread to answer. :thumb:
VamPyroX said:
I've been drinking since 17 and smoking since 15. Do you see me having a drinking and smoking problem? No. I have good will power. I know how to smoke and drink responsibly. I know how to handle myself.

I just don't understand how people can become alcoholics. In some ways, I think it's their emotional intelligence that's the problem. I recently read about how people who have high emotional intelligence do better than people who have high intelligence.

Yes, you come from good family background, that´s why you didn´t suffer physchological disorder. The people who suffer physchological disorder including low self-esteem use drugs and drink as way to forget the problems or relax, anxiety, anger, depression, etc..and also unhappy family atmopshere could affect self-esteem & lead more depression & feel being failure to make them think suicide, too... It's how to get people addict/absue drugs/alochol.

It's like a dog on a leash. If you keep the dog chained up 24/7 and never let him out, will he return if you suddenly let him go? No. You need to prepare the dog for that. Same with kids. I'm not saying that we should let them drink. I'm saying that we should make sure they are fully aware of drinking and smoking. That way, when they go to college... they know how to control themselves. I've been exposed to smoking and drinking while growing up. So, I'm used to it. I've seen kids who have been kept in the house by their parents all the time. The only time they see drinking and smoking is on television, movies, and magazines. They aren't really taught much of the negative effects or responsibilities with smoking and drinking. So, when they leave the house for college... their leash are suddenly unhooked and they run wild and free. That becomes a problem. A lot of kids here at NTID have drinking and smoking problems. In fact, the drinking problem with deafs are nearly 3 times worse than hearing people. That's not good. What do most of these kids have in common? They grew up while being kept in the house by their parents. Many of them never had a chance to get a job while in high school. Many of them didn't get to go out and have fun with friends. Many of them just stayed home and listened to their parents say "no" a million times a day. After hearing "no" a million times, do you think they are going to listen to us when we say "no" to them in college? Nah!

That´s why I feel sorry for the children because their parents didn´t give them chance to be trust and responsible and treat them as young adult. The young adult will act immature children if the parents carry on like this. That´s problem is they disrespect and abuse anyone including laws.

*I will be back for further post... I must go now because my friend come to visit to see me soon. Of course I serve her a glass of white wine to share with me... This is natural part of Europe culture. :)*
I can see everyones are trying to be GOOD PARENTS so am I.. btw nobody perfect.. which you're trying to be taught your children proprite way to not allowed drinking any kinds... due underage.. Your children will *nods and shake their heads* Yeah Mommy, or Daddy, I will not do.. blah blah... No matter what, STILL BEHIND YOUR BACK... gone to partying or end up drunk.. How will you feel about your child already done for.. ?
Can you deal with your child's situation..? I've been there already and seen my older son already done for.. I knew I"ve been there when I was underage and gone partying and drunk.. which good thing I have not gone for passed out yet. Which it's good thing.. Espically I'm surprised my older son already passed out and way too young..
No matter what how much you keep patience BEST aliabity displince your child... still behind your back ongoing.. Just let your child know.. Just be careful and *begging as long make sure r u safe pretty please*

Of course law is increaes stricter and want everyone can wake up and smell the coffee?? They are still 1 pieces of break a law.. no difference..
I'm kinda patience and be there my child(s), no matter what any kinds happending...

I understand that you're trying to critizite anyone who allows their acholic permit have a sip... their own cultures as respect.. Their business.. THEY KNOW what their doing manage own..
Im not here allow my children have a sip but STILL behind my back.. sneaking and steal beer or whisky then end up drunk and passed out.. *sigh* still part of my responbile where you should put proprite safe place or left on the table while r u on partying... Still there!

"Ongoing still behind your back" Try remmy that!
Are supervised house parties a way to promote responisble drinking to teens?

To drink or not? That is the question of today’s youth
Are supervised house parties a way to promote responisble drinking to teens?

Published Friday, July 29, 2005 1:00 am
by By Rachel Hatzipanagos

About 120 alcohol-related fatalities among 15 to 20-year-olds occurred in the state of Florida in 2003, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics.

To combat underage drinking, one method parents use is allowing children to drink in the home with the theory children would be safer where the parents could monitor alcohol consumption.

Some say house parties make teens think it’s okay to break the law, while others say the entire problem could be avoided if society stopped looking at alcohol as the forbidden fruit.

“I don’t agree with the house parties theory,” said Ellen Goldberg, a Boca Raton mother. “I think it’s giving them the wrong message. I believe that when children are young they need to be taught properly and giving them alcohol is not the answer.

“My husband and I drink very little alcohol and I believe children need to learn that alcohol has its place when they are older,” she said.

Ellen Goldberg’s daughter, 17-year-old Rachel Goldberg, also says that supervised drinking is not the answer. “I think that they are wrong because when kids get used to the atmosphere they will continue to drink even when their parents aren’t there,” she said.

“House parties are a tremendous liability,” Andy Hindman, executive director for Mothers Against Drunk Driving Florida, said. “In the past several weeks we have had two court cases with house parties where under aged drinkers were killed as a direct result of alcohol being consumed at that particular party,” Hindman said. “It’s a tremendous risk. We don’t want a young person killed on a highway because they were coming home from one of these parties set up by the parents.”

However, not everyone agrees with the concept of being an “under-aged drinker.”

The National Youth Rights Association, in fact, supports lowering the drinking age to 18 and argues that stricter laws on under age drinking will not help drunk driving.

“It’s age discrimination considering the fact that they can do anything at 18 but they can’t drink a beer if they choose to,” Alex Koroknay-Palicz, executive director for the NYRA explained. “In pretty much every other country in the world, people drink under 21.”

As for the house party issue, the Koroknay-Palicz says that house parties would be a good method to prevent drinking and driving.

“I think house parties are a great idea. I’m always shocked at how MADD is so upset over people doing this,” he said. “They should realize that youths are going to drink eventually we learned that during prohibition. So what they do is they have these parties but they can’t leave the house and that prevents people from drinking and driving.

“I think that’s an effective way to stop drunk driving. However, MADD prefers to push everything underground and make it more dangerous,” Koroknay-Palicz said. “I don’t understand their theory and why MADD is protesting parents that are actually doing more for drunk driving than they are.”

Whether minors choose to drink or not, some argue, the reason behind it all is boredom and the idea that it is human nature to want what is prohibited.

Rachel Goldberg said that in her high school, many students choose to drink because there is nothing else for them to do.

“Peer pressure and the media show drinking as something fun to do to feel accepted. Maybe they want to feel older and they are bored,” she said. “I don’t drink because I might do something that you don’t want to do and I don’t want that to happen to me.”

To combat the feelings of peer pressure, the National Youth Right’s Association proposes, more of a European system where people can drink with parental supervision at 16 but can’t buy alcohol until they are 18.

“I don’t see what there’s to be afraid of. Six year olds are not going to go out and buy alcohol.” said Alex Koroknay-Palicz. “We would like to change the climate around alcohol and not so much of a forbidden fruit. The important thing is they learn how to drink moderately and responsibly,” Koroknay-Palicz added.

According to Hindman, however, the reason for the higher drinking age has nothing to do with level of maturity. “There’s an argument that you can go to war at 18 but it’s not a maturity issue, it’s a health issue. The reason that we’ve had the under 21 law is because of the adolescent brain has not fully developed,” Hindman said. “The impact of consuming alcohol under 21 cannot be controlled. There is a negative impact on their brain development. They are more likely to drink and drive and become alcoholics if they consume alcohol under 21,” he said.

For Koroknay-Palicz, “If that study [on brain damage] is to be believed then pretty much everyone is the world is brain damaged because most people drink under 21. There’s all sort of other groups of people who have health considerations who know they shouldn’t drink alcohol. However, we don’t have any laws saying they can’t drink. Pregnant women are an example. However, they still have that choice and they are still respected as citizens. Why do we treat young adults differently?”

In the end, it’s all about choices. Rachel Goldberg’s decision: “On the weekend I’ll go out with friends to movies, the mall, the beach and things that you don’t have to go party and drink.”
let them go and learn will come better..

If didn't learn will come worst..
their choices.. preferences..
diehardbiker65 said:
I think you are getting wrong idea what I am saying.

I do not need to show my kids drinking! I can explain to them why I don't drink that way, they would look up at me and see other suckers get their life fucked up, they will follow my footstep,.

As you said that you explain your children why you don´t drink and they would look up to you, not other "suckers" then they will follow your footstep. Do you think so? I don´t... Why?

I have an alocholic mother - Do I follow her? No, I follow others´s footstep. Depend on children´s decision either they can follow their parents or not. Depend on children´s feeling toward their parents either they can trust them or not.

Well, may I ask you a simple question?

Would you explain your children pros and cons about alochol, cigarettes and drugs?

Would you negative your children about alochol, cigarettes and drugs all the time?
Alcohol and your health: Weighing the pros and cons

Red Wine May Protect Against Breast Cancer

I noticed some of members don´t understand what´s the difference between heavily drinker (too much drinking) and moderately drinker (one to two glass a day). They think we teach children how to drink heavily which it´s not... we teach children to drink moderately.

Link explains what moderately means...
Should raise it to 27 necause thats the true 'maturity' age for modern and present age people.
GalaxyAngel said:
I can see everyones are trying to be GOOD PARENTS so am I.. btw nobody perfect.. which you're trying to be taught your children proprite way to not allowed drinking any kinds... due underage.. Your children will *nods and shake their heads* Yeah Mommy, or Daddy, I will not do.. blah blah... No matter what, STILL BEHIND YOUR BACK... gone to partying or end up drunk.. How will you feel about your child already done for.. ?

Exactly.. I´m agree with you. they would never learn how to treat as moderately drinker if they are not being taught how to respect the aclohol because the parents keep on say no no no no no. I have alochols in my basement... I did not lock them to protect my children because I trust my children since I know they respect alochol already and doesn´t bother to touch alochol. Alcohol is nothing important to my children since they already drink some sip with us and not interesting to try anything... I feel sad for the children who brag anyone how they can drink alcohol as "adult" and can´t wait like childish to turn 21 years old to be drinking legal and enjoy to be drunk.

Can you deal with your child's situation..? I've been there already and seen my older son already done for.. I knew I"ve been there when I was underage and gone partying and drunk.. which good thing I have not gone for passed out yet. Which it's good thing.. Espically I'm surprised my older son already passed out and way too young..
No matter what how much you keep patience BEST aliabity displince your child... still behind your back ongoing.. Just let your child know.. Just be careful and *begging as long make sure r u safe pretty please*

Yes, I know it´s not very easy to handle with teenagers who have puberty. Teach them an earlier before they hit puberty.

Of course law is increaes stricter and want everyone can wake up and smell the coffee?? They are still 1 pieces of break a law.. no difference..
I'm kinda patience and be there my child(s), no matter what any kinds happending...

German law is stricter about drinking and driving which it´s good... that´s how teenager driving accident are low.

Iunderstand that you're trying to critizite anyone who allows their acholic permit have a sip... their own cultures as respect.. Their business.. THEY KNOW what their doing manage own..
Im not here allow my children have a sip but STILL behind my back.. sneaking and steal beer or whisky then end up drunk and passed out.. *sigh* still part of my responbile where you should put proprite safe place or left on the table while r u on partying... Still there!

"Ongoing still behind your back" Try remmy that!

Exactly, the children will hide from you if you won´t let your children try something curiously...
Let me say example:

My children were toddler and experiement their curiously... They want to touch fire. Should I say no no no no no? All what I do is lit the candle and showed them my finger go to candle... and said..."Occchhh it´s hot... "Occchhh it´s hurts..." My children won´t listen me and point their finger and they feel it´s hot when their finger go near the candle... They touched candle almost and know it´s hurt... Occchhhh.... hurt.... Now they know what fire is... They never touch fire... they kept the fire away when they look at me to put woods to fire... never touch.... know what fire is... It´s exact same example with alchol. I let them experiement their curiously than say no no no no... bad... etc... then they hide from you more and more and then go to wrong crowd to have drunk to death.... because they didn´t know what moderately is... but just for the fun or as "adult".
HawaiiJo said:
Should raise it to 27 necause thats the true 'maturity' age for modern and present age people.

I disagree w/you reason why look the young children or teenager will go crazy and decide sneak more and get drunk or passed out.. isn't worth.. don't need increase age of law.. Ridcouislly!
GalaxyAngel said:
let them go and learn will come better..

If didn't learn will come worst..
their choices.. preferences..

What does that supposed to mean? Just because I don't agree with encourages children a sip of is the way of giving children the opportunity to go on the right way. I refused to violate the state law which says 21 to drink. I don't need to respect those who teaches their children it's okay to drink, because they are parents, That's not following the legal law. Parents are breaking the legal law by teaching their kids to drink in front of you, when the law says 21 is the legal age of drinking. I don't share the same parenting method as some of you. I go by my best judgment by teaching my children honest answers about health, safety and the dangers of underage drinking.

I pulled up a really good website against drinking,

It's a tough job to set clear rules for your children regarding alcohol, especially when society often accepts underage drinking as a "rite of passage." The most important thing to remember is that it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to drink alcohol. Studies prove that the brain is not fully developed until 21 years of age, and alcohol can have a detrimental effect on its development. Even more compelling: Statistics show that the younger a person is when he or she begins consuming alcohol, the more likely it is that he or she will later have a problem with alcohol and other drugs.

Studies and surveys also show that allowing children to drink in the home sends a mixed message. Often, young people interpret it as: 'If it's OK to drink at home, then it's OK to drink anywhere.'
HawaiiJo said:
Should raise it to 27 necause thats the true 'maturity' age for modern and present age people.

27 is not a bad suggestion, It's better than under 21. :thumb:
Most of Americans disagree with MADD´s view where you put your link, Cheri. I´m agree with Americans forums where I added my links...
Cheri´s post
Studies prove that the brain is not fully developed until 21 years of age

Yes to Heavily drinkers and No to moderately drinker.

Just alochol? What´s about smoking, teenage driving, gun and drugs?- Are smoking, teenage driving, drugs and gun the brain fully developed until 21 years old or what?
Liebling:-))) said:
Most of Americans disagree with MADD´s view where you put your link, Cheri. I´m agree with Americans forums where I added my links...

How do you know that for fact that they don't agree with MADD's? It been a popluar program for a long time. I've seen people march for MADD's. I believe and support them too. ;)
HawaiiJo said:
Should raise it to 27 necause thats the true 'maturity' age for modern and present age people.

Wow. That would mean that I, an educated, stably married, professional, and well-regarded-in-my community person would not yet be "mature." Versus many, many other people in my community who are far older and far more immature, not responsible, unreliable, close minded, can't stay in a relationship, picky and prone to backstabbing and rumors.
In my opinion, legal drinking age should be 100 :giggle:
so that nobody can virtually drink :eek2:
---- love always :)
Actually it would be great idea, but plm is organized crimes and black market will flourish, not worth it.

ecevit said:
In my opinion, legal drinking age should be 100 :giggle:
so that nobody can virtually drink :eek2:
---- love always :)
Actually it would be great idea, but plm is organized crimes and black market will flourish, not worth it.

ecevit said:
In my opinion, legal drinking age should be 100 :giggle:
so that nobody can virtually drink :eek2:
---- love always :)