Should Evolution Be Taught To Our Children In The Classroom?

I read parts of it years ago. Did you view the PBS series?

If there is anything about strings theory is that such a theory lends well to the claims creationists make. Nine other dimensions. Wow! If god does indeed exist, he would have to rule supreme in every dimension. What if spirituality is an avenue (a simple tease) into that realm after death. Now I am reaching out in the dark (no science talk for now only possibilities/creativity/imagination); and reaching out in the dark does NOT feel stable. Hence I cling to science because all we know as true at this point in time. Now I don't have faith that heaven lies in one or more of those dimensions, but if it were true, then all this talk we are stirring up doesn't matter in the least. Why? Because no matter what we believe in, what we say and what we do, it's all out-of-our-hands. What pulls us back to center though is science - or better stated, what we know so from about everything because of science. Therefore I stay with science; and I stay open-minded as normal.
Sorry about my disjointed sentences above. It's late and I am tired.
ABSOLUTELY! I totally agree 100%. But, sadly, the teaching of evolution in public schools in unconstitutional. Isn't that pathetic.
What do you mean that teaching evolution in public schools is unconstitutional? I was taught about evolution in my public school. They teach evolution in the public schools where I interpret.
I am sure I am right. Please tell me I'm wrong. I would love to be wrong in this case.
I am sure I am right. Please tell me I'm wrong. I would love to be wrong in this case.

yes. you're wrong. it's not unconstitutional to teach evolution in class. there's nowhere in Constitution about evolution.

exactly which part of Constitution is it unconstitutional to teach evolution in school?
I do not know from where I got that. It always sounded fishy. some bad info i guess. that's good news.
maybe state/county laws?

no such thing. I think you meant.... teaching about evolution from religious perspective. Public schools do not teach that.
I know I never heard of any schools down here ever teaching evolution - not even in biology class in high school. I haven't seen it.
I know I never heard of any schools down here ever teaching evolution - not even in biology class in high school. I haven't seen it.

maybe you were :zzz: in class? :lol:
What do you mean that teaching evolution in public schools is unconstitutional? I was taught about evolution in my public school. They teach evolution in the public schools where I interpret.

Agreed. Evolution is taught in public schools; creationism is not taught in public schools.
I know I never heard of any schools down here ever teaching evolution - not even in biology class in high school. I haven't seen it.

They don't teach how species adapt to their environment?
Agreed. Evolution is taught in public schools; creationism is not taught in public schools.

one question - is it legally required to teach evolution in public schools?
one question - is it legally required to teach evolution in public schools?

That would depend on the state curriculum requirements for the science curriculum. But if adaptation is touched on at all in life science or biology, they are teaching evolutional theory.
no. I ace that class actually. No evolution. Anyone here from Florida?

Not sure about now - but I was in both Polk county FL and Palm Beach County, FL and was taught evolution. My nephew was taught evolution here in Palm Beach County just 13 years ago. My kids are home schooled, but I have taught them about evolution, both scientific and spiritual. When looking over the curriculum for my son's virtual school that he was going to try, the 9th grade science did have evolution in it. That was just this current year and through the Florida Virtual Schools.
I've never heard of evolution NOT being taught in public schools. Yeah it sounds fishy alright. If the schools are not teaching the students Evolution or Creationism then what the hell are they teaching the students? :lol: