Should Evolution Be Taught To Our Children In The Classroom?


Active Member
May 1, 2003
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Inquiring "free thinker" wants to know.
If it is taught as a theory, I would not object.
important: a THOERY, by itself is VASTLY different than a SCIENCTIFIC theory which is what Evolution. Also, the data scienctist are getting from the knowleged gained from genome testing has virtually erased the word THEORY from the evolutionary term to FACT.

Things have change
important: a THOERY, by itself is VASTLY different than a SCIENCTIFIC theory which is what Evolution. Also, the data scienctist are getting from the knowleged gained from genome testing has virtually erased the word THEORY from the evolutionary term to FACT.

Things have change

Some things do not change. Theory is still theory whether it is scientific or not.
that's not how it is viewed. did you know that GRAVITY is considered a theory? That word (theory) can be twisted around to mean what you want it to mean. I am describing it as how science describes, not thoery, but scienctific (using scientific method) theory
that's not how it is viewed. did you know that GRAVITY is considered a theory? That word (theory) can be twisted around to mean what you want it to mean. I am describing it as how science describes, not thoery, but scienctific (using scientific method) theory

Nope, it's a law.

Sorry, I misspoke. I guess I was thinking of law of gravitation.... I use that law a lot in my calculations... ;)
that's not how it is viewed. did you know that GRAVITY is considered a theory? That word (theory) can be twisted around to mean what you want it to mean. I am describing it as how science describes, not thoery, but scienctific (using scientific method) theory

There are theories that gravity does not exist but is a form of energy indistinguishable from all other energy.
Well, what did the first bacteria come from? What did the first carbon atom?
Well, what did the first bacteria come from? What did the first carbon atom?

Science can't prove it. Therefore, it's simply a mystery. All we "scientists" know is that it CANNOT be created by god because religion says so. After all, religion is mutually exclusive from science. Didja know that?
their are all sorts of theories regarding gravity, yes.

Have you guys ever heard of a magazined called, Scientific American? Maybe they have copies of the current issue in your local library. That magazine will grant you a wealth of highly interesting scienctic information. I recommend it.

You guys won't believe me if I told you but did you know that my favorite book of all time is the bible. I have read it twice in my lifetime and I still read it today...not as much as I use to but, regardless, I still do. Of course I don't read it gain any spiritual maturity but to enjoy of its deep wisdom. Now I bet that's a surprise.
Well, what did the first bacteria come from? What did the first carbon atom?

Without ever really giving this aspect of science a well deserve study, all i know is that the earth is (i think) 4.6 Billions years old. That after many hundreds of thousands (LONG time folks) fish emerged and fish, after many hundreds of thousands years later, the first land animals emerged from the oceans. This is a rough estimation for I do not get mysef hang-up on details but I know i am close. now for the first elements that created life...i have to open my books an find out because i tend to veer my attention to new discoveries and not somuch an well established findings.
It is a SCIENTIFIC THEORY!! It means that there not sufficient evidence to prove or disprove the theory. We need more evidence.

Also why are you bringing up these religious threads to provoke us into an argument? You know the discussion of religion is banned here for this very reason. The arguments get ugly and people get their feelings hurt.
Science can't prove it. Therefore, it's simply a mystery. All we "scientists" know is that it CANNOT be created by god because religion says so. After all, religion is mutually exclusive from science. Didja know that?

You are waaaaaayyyyyy smarter than me.

But I have faith. :wave:
Inquiring "free thinker" wants to know.

It would also seem that you want to get yourself warned/banned. Have at it, but, be careful. Discussions that veer too heavily into religious discussions aren't allowed.
But... how can you have faith in something that cannot be proven!?!

Makes no sense!!!

Are you saying that the Big Bang "theory" and man evolving from an ape that evolved from a fish has been proven? :wave:
Are you saying that the Big Bang "theory" and man evolving from an ape that evolved from a fish has been proven? :wave:

Yep. They are FACTS.

(PS. Ive been sarcastic this whole time... ;) )

I DO BELIEVE in the theory of evolution. As for Big Bang theory.... I don't really think anything of it. Technology wise, we just aren't there yet to show evidence of something like that.
Yep. They are FACTS.

(PS. Ive been sarcastic this whole time... ;) )

I DO BELIEVE in the theory of evolution. As for Big Bang theory.... I don't really think anything of it. Technology wise, we just aren't there yet to show evidence of something like that.

I know. I have played along nicely. What about my love comment?
Why do you have to see it to believe it? Why do you have to touch or smell it to know its there? That's why its Faith. Everyone needs someone to be there for them - through the good and the bad. I believe everything happens for a reason, its what keeps me going. :)