Sarah Palin's book tour - wanna meet her?

It's so amazing how some "fans" are so upset with Sarah Palin not being able to sign their books - hello, she signed thousand of books... you cannot make her stay longer when she got other things to do.. like signing more books!
It's so amazing how some "fans" are so upset with Sarah Palin not being able to sign their books - hello, she signed thousand of books... you cannot make her stay longer when she got other things to do.. like signing more books!

And getting her nails done, for Goodness sake! I saw a chip in her French manicure the other day! How embarrassing!:lol:
She spent $150k on clothes?

Good lord.

I know people that only spent like $300, and they look more stylish than her.
She spent $150k on clothes?

Good lord.

I know people that only spent like $300, and they look more stylish than her.

You can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl.:lol:
She spent $150k on clothes?

Good lord.

I know people that only spent like $300, and they look more stylish than her.

yep. like Michelle Obama. Her clothing styles are affordable at any J. Crew stores... but Palin... Going Rich, eh?
If I do a poll among friends who bought the book, 1oo percent hated it, lol.
Sarah Palin's Fake Bus Tour
Celtic Diva at Blue Oasis has this interesting bit of speculation on how Miss Palin has been getting around:

Sarah Palin arrived in North Carolina Sunday by way of Asheville. She was slated to have a much-touted dinner with Franklin Graham and his father Billy. While this is a video made by a fan (so pardon the drippiness) it does provide a good view of the plane she arrived on...and the call number. You may also see some "interesting" dynamics at play:

"Linda, Thought I would let you know. The plane Sarah flew in to Asheville had the N number 262SP. The SP does not stand for Sarah Palin but the plane is owned by Samaritans Purse. I checked it out at the FAA registry. Wonder if that plane is being used at Rochester and other book signing destinations? Samaritan donations being put to good use to haul Palin's carcass around."

As if that was not interesting enough, he wrote back later:

Tried to check the flight activity for this airplane (N262SP) at The flight activity for this plane is blocked by the owner. Guess he doesn't want anyone to know where he is flying. This is a good site to track an airplane's activity. Might come in handy for checking the use of AK state airplanes.

Yup, especially those Alaska planes now leased by Samaritan's Purse up here.

It seems that one must apply to have their plane's schedule made "private" and in doing so, a reason must be provided. I'd love to see the reason Franklin Graham gave for blocking access.

This might be a one-off thing, or it might be something else. However, as with the attempted book-signing event at Fort Bragg it's clear that Palin will use any means necessary to further her own ends.

Screengrab from the video below of the N262SP.

UPDATE: Palingates has details of a much more luxurious plane, the Gulfstream Jet, also being used by Sarah Palin for her "bus" tour.

Thanks to our reader "snowbilly", we have identified Sarah Palin's private plane which she used for her "bus tour" - so far we can reconstruct all the flight movements back to November 21, 2009.

Sarah Palin is touring around in a Gulfstream II (twin-jet). The flight details of this particular plane can be found HERE.

An extended flight log can be found HERE.

Therefore, it is proven that her big "bus roadshow" is just a fake. Sarah Palin is in fact being carried around with her family on a luxury plane. Sarah, why are we not surprised?

not surprising!!! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
Unless that book is yours you can do whatever you want with it. She still makes a buck off of it.
Unless that book is yours you can do whatever you want with it. She still makes a buck off of it.

you don't mind her lying to people especially her fans?
I visited my folks in The Villages, FL (a very conservative retirement community) for Thanksgiving. One of the guests had a signed copy of her book. It was all I could do to keep from pulling out a lighter.

Now, I hope you guys have seen this: Palin vs. Shatner. Sorry, no CC. When will they EVER mandate CC?

The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien - Shatner Gets Served By Palin (12/11/09) - Video -

BTW, I may be married, but jogging isn't what I think of when I think of hanging out with her. :devil:
I think they are handing out her book on street corners and it's free now. :lol: Next thing you know they will be delivering them in the mail with all of the other free crap we get.