Sarah Palin's book tour - wanna meet her?

:wag: me too!
Again, the MSM desperate attempt to somehow hurt or tarnish her image by not telling the full story.

Sarah Palin: Not Enough Hours in the Day | Facebook

How come the article don't follow up on Palin's apology and her attempt to get back with those left behind?

Secondly, what does a book tour has to do with "running a country"?

Thirdly, do you know how many books she signed and for how long? How come the article does not mention that, Vampyrox? She signed about 1000 books that day vesus a planned 500 at Columbus. Maybe it had to do with keeping schedule with her next stop? With 1000 books to sign might not sound alot but try and do that consistently. Let's say 5 sigs per minute, which is generous. That would be 300 books in an hour or about 4 hours worth of constant signing.

Why is the MSM so afraid of her? Especially when you have an Obama organizing group who says that the Palin book tour is “dangerous.” Cute by hilariously laughable not to mention desperate.

Obama group attacks Palin to fundraise - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Question is, dangerous to whom? Man, you can actually smell the fear in the Obama administration about little ol Sarah Palin.


That isn't fear you are smelling. Its disgust.:giggle:
Jiro and RD, u are both silly! :)
I will go joggin with her.



Rather talk politics with her. Funny how we both went to the same university. LOL.
I think it has to do with more of keeping schedule. Suppose you sign on average 2 books a minute, that's 120 books an hour or 360 books in 3 hours or 600 books in 5 hours. I heard that she was doing upward of some 1000 books, maybe signing it at 3 or 4 signatures a minute? And decided to drop it down to 500 or so at each stop. I don't think it's a lot of fun signing books so many books but she seems to be enjoying it.
I think it has to do with more of keeping schedule. Suppose you sign on average 2 books a minute, that's 120 books an hour or 360 books in 3 hours or 600 books in 5 hours. I heard that she was doing upward of some 1000 books, maybe signing it at 3 or 4 signatures a minute? And decided to drop it down to 500 or so at each stop. I don't think it's a lot of fun signing books so many books but she seems to be enjoying it.

She appears to enjoy any activity that does not require thought.:giggle: Shame she didn't enjoy the process enough to write her own book.
She appears to enjoy any activity that does not require thought.:giggle: Shame she didn't enjoy the process enough to write her own book.
It appears she is busy at FaceBook these days. Love the obsessed fans that refresh her page every few minutes, hoping for an update.
It appears she is busy at FaceBook these days. Love the obsessed fans that refresh her page every few minutes, hoping for an update.

Wonder if her ghost writer is posting for her there? Maybe she keeps things short enough that she can handle the attention span necessary for a few lines.:giggle:
So? That was beyond Palin's control.

Hardly. She was the one that did the shopping. Totally under her control, especially the amounts spent and the persons the money was spent on.

**sarcasm mode** Poor wittle Sarah. Da big bad RNC forced all dose clothes on her, and made her shop until she dropped.**end sarcasm mode**