Sarah Palin, please leave them alone

I think their is far less cruelty involved in hunting then their is in factory farming. I've never really understood people who eat factory farmed meat and go foaming at the mouth about hunting.
I think their is far less cruelty involved in hunting then their is in factory farming. I've never really understood people who eat factory farmed meat and go foaming at the mouth about hunting.

you feel this way dreama and yet you are a vegan?
Yes, I am Vegan, but you and most of the western world's population arent.

Factory farming is extremely cruel. I know I went to a factory farm. The pigs there were kept in a terrible condition. Whilst I think it would be great if everyone joined me and gave meat up, that's not going to happen any time soon. Factory farming is also unhealthy and very bad for the environment. I'd love to see an end to factory farming.

The alternatives to factory farming are hunting and traditional (free range) farming practices.

A factory farmed animal suffers for the whole of their lives in overcrowded and filthy housing.

A hunted animal only suffers whilst being hunted and killed. I'm against hunting as a sport but hunting for food is less cruel then getting meat from your local supermarket. This is Why I consider it the lesser of two evils.
I have seen factory farms as well, especiall poultry farms. Unfortunately because I work in the poultry buisness I do realize that I contribute to this evil despite earning a paycheck from the industry. I dont eat chicken near as often as I used to knowing where the meat came from. I think if more people realized what conditions the chickens have to live in they would be less inclined to eat the meat because of unsanitary conditions from the chicken house all the way to the killing wheel.

Don't get me wrong I like my meat and I consider myself a carnivore, but for me it simply comes down to having some respect for God's creation if that makes any sense.

I only eat beef that I know has been free range pastured (IE the black angus cows that I see in my backyard, I know that is good meat. Burgers anyone?) But I no longer eat burgers from fast food restaurants because of the treatments the cows likely got at the slaughterhouse. I mean I have pictures of the California slaughter house of workers running over heifers with forklifts and pulling them out of trailers with chains and seeing the cow scream in agony. If the cow is too sick to stand on their own, then they are unfit for human comsumption simple as that, euthanize on the spot and haul off to a factory that makes food for animal consumption. But like any industry, it comes down to making a dollar off that animal. If they can get the animal to 'act healthy' long enough to bypass USDA inspectors then they know theyve made an extra buck or two.

Then there's the ban on selling horse meat for humn consumption to Asian countries. Im all thumbs up for this. I just cannot fathom slaughtering a horse for meat, especially as it is often a symbol for the free range of the American West. I also boycott China for the inhumane ways they treat dogs and cats for consumption, and prior to the Olympics, any dog weighing over 25 pounds was bludgeoned to death in the street, sometimes in sight of their owners, and tossed into the back of a truck and then eventually dumped at a landfill like trash and these were family PETS!! Because of this I absolutely did not watch the opening or closing ceremonies, not that China really cares if I watch or not but still its there to show my distaste.

If the consumption of dogs and cats were done as a cultural delicacy and done in a humane manner, IE euthanasia over beatings, and they were properly taken care of during their lifetime then I would be more OK with it, but I wouldn't agree with it if that makes sense as no two seperate cultures are going to completely agree with everything they see in the other culture. But then again China has a history of treating their poorest citizens just as badly as they treat dogs that are being raised solely for their meat.
not ALL koreans but usually rural area or some people do eat dogs. Mind you - it's not ALL breeds but it's a certain breed of dogs that they do eat. I saw hidden camera about uncontrolled dog market in Korea (meaning - it's not regulated by government which is why it's unsanitary & cruel - they will killed in barbaric way) and I cannot share it in here because it's beyond repulsive. It's horrifying and I couldn't even finish watching it. Believe me - you're better off not watching it.

Where's link to that bararic acts? I want to watch it.
google YouTube - IAKA - Sungnamo dog market. That's all Im going to post.

yes... that's the one.... :mad2:

I STRONGLY advise you NOT to view it if you do not have stomach for it. IMO - this is worse than any horrible PETA clips since especially you're dog owners and we do not have innate emotional relationship with cows and chickens... but we do for dogs and horses as they are our pets.
I watched all the clips and I was repulsed by it, nearly lost my dinner. ICK, I agree with Jiro, it is not for the weak hearted or weak stomach.

I still cannot fathom the fact that these dealers are going through this like this was corn they were harvesting in a country where people do keep dogs as pets and not as human consumption.

Sadly however this isnt just a Korean or Chinese problem, this is a worldwide problem in all countries. We've got abuse cases here in the U.S. that are just as sickening despite having the ASPCA and PETA. BTW - PETA for the most part is a radical animal rights group that while their heart is in the right place, they are going about this animal rights thing all the wrong ways. Not everyone can go vegan as humans are genetically designed to be omnivores meaning they need meat and vegetables in order to get all the necessary nutrients for optimum health.
I have seen factory farms as well, especiall poultry farms. Unfortunately because I work in the poultry buisness I do realize that I contribute to this evil despite earning a paycheck from the industry. I dont eat chicken near as often as I used to knowing where the meat came from. I think if more people realized what conditions the chickens have to live in they would be less inclined to eat the meat because of unsanitary conditions from the chicken house all the way to the killing wheel.

Thanks for sharing. I agree with most of what you've said except some people CAN and DO go vegan. It's more a case that people won't. I used to think that it was just a matter of educating people but it isn't as simple as that since some people think they need meat and some people just don't want to give meat up.

Wether or not a balanced vegan diet is better then a balanced diet that includes some meat is most healthy I don't know. At the moment it's more a case of some people eating too much meat which is very unhealthy too.

Its a real moral dilema for vegans. In some ways it would be better to advacate eating less meat and advacate a return to traditional farming methods. It might stand a chance of getting accumplished. Although some people in the animal rights movement don't see it that way.