Same-Sex marriages!!!

Gay Marriages

  • YES im in support of same sex marriages

    Votes: 43 57.3%
  • NO im not in support of same sex marriages

    Votes: 21 28.0%

    Votes: 11 14.7%

  • Total voters
My debate is END !! It is not such good healthy for those children look up those gay parents.

I feel very bad for those children in this society !!! :(


Originally posted by Sabrina
My debate is END !! It is not such good healthy for those children look up those gay parents.

I feel very bad for those children in this society !!! :(



Ok...but some gay/lesbians had hetrosexual parents when they were growing up. It's just something they felt right with, being gay/lesbian. It had nothing to do with their parents nor the way they were raised.
And like someone else in here mentioned children of gay/lesbians grew up hetros, not gay/lesbians at all...most of them, that is...some did.

Just a fact of life, dearie.

Originally posted by Sabrina
My debate is END !! It is not such good healthy for those children look up those gay parents.

I feel very bad for those children in this society !!! :(



There are some straight parents who abuse their own kids, even straight fathers who sexually abuse their own daughters and sons.

I feel sorry for children who live under close-minded parents.
Well, I hope i make some point view.. here..

I voted I don't care. Really!! because we should treat the same as humans.. Like I said many times.. "Humans are HUMANS" we all are the same but the contradictory of their lives are individual opnions of their own life.
Good example: Is it good to have kids which are biracial? Is it good to have kids who are parenting by their grandparents? or Aunt/Uncle? or disabled parents? Oh how about the foster homes? All foster homes arent good homes. We just can't judge on others. We can't control on others.. we all treat the same as humans.

One thing, I wanted to tell you how impressive that I see one of my friend who is gay, he adopted 2 biracial kids which have AIDS/HIV. For almost 8 years, He and his parnter were so carefully not to catch AIDS/HIV from them. They commited each other and the kids to give up their lives to give love & care what the kids have. Then later, both kids died. They adopted other 2 more kids, they are teenagers who have troubled lives. They worked so hard, then my friend found out that he have AIDS. It changed their 2 current teenager kids' lives. They helped him and got their lives better for 2 years. He died. The kids graduated this year. Both kids had honor rolls and awards for the outspoken person about AIDS/HIV children and adults. (my friend got AIDS from his deceased adopted kid)..

See, the kids are precious and very flexiable. They know how to stand. If they have troubled by other people's mockings or haterful. They learned how to moved on and be strong.

Just like my kids went thru with their school (recent) that they were mocking by other kids that they have deaf and dumb parents (us)... I worked so hard with school counselor and school board.. they dont help so i decided to transfer my kids to different school.. that's part of parenting life to be responsbile to make their kids better life..

Kids are kids.. they all are same and go thru same thing.. racism, disabled, deaf, gay/lesbian and so forth.. We cant point finger at ONE thing who we against for..

:ily: all !
Originally posted by Sabrina
My debate is END !! It is not such good healthy for those children look up those gay parents.

I feel very bad for those children in this society !!! :(



Sabrina, you got yourself in this when you posted your opinion. You can't simply say "I'm finished with this debate." It shows how close-minded you are, Sabrina. You are the prime example of this quote..

Why do CLOSE-minded people have OPEN mouths?!

You are throwing out opinions that do not make sense to me at all. Have you personally asked a child of gay and lesbian parents if they are suffering consequences? I know of a lesbian couple who gave birth to a son and that child is blossoming quite well in the family. Do not underestimate the children or the gay/lesbian parents' rights to parenting children! Sabrina.. do you realize that your behaviour excaburates the situation about gays/lesbians even more? The more you rant on and on about disagreeing with gays/lesbians parenting children.. it reflects off your persona. When you say you have nothing against gays/lesbians.. your post makes you sound hypocritical. You may want to evaluate your thoughts before you post.
There are many male/female parents who make horrible parents and should not be allowed to have kids period.

Thus, I do not judge by their sexual orientation or sex..I judge their nurturing skills, responsibility and love.

Children are very resilient - they can adapt to anything as long as they are given tons of love, support and security.

We should focus on INDIVIDUALS, not their sexual orientations!
My younger son's perspective:

I am from a high school, and Im telling you that gay kids are not accepted, the only reason why no one beats the fuck out of them is because the charges are very high when people beat up gay kids. But people having gay parents is just crazy. Kids should not be put in that kind of home where, he ends up being confused, thinking boys and boys or girls and girls are suposed be that way. Its not natural at all. Im not against gay people or lesbians, I have a gay friend. But I think putting a helpless child into that situation is sick.

Ask anyof them if theyd mind 2 gay gay guys kissing and hugging around thier kids. Then tell them to let their kids stay at gay peoples houses. I bet their perspective is alot different now.
Of course, your younger's son's perspective is encouraged by the society at large to think that way.

If the society started to stop encouraging people to think that way and to accept this model of parenting, then there would be nothing to be embarrassed or humilated about like Sabrina said in her post. It is not the gay parenting that makes children suffer, but the society makes them suffer. By further rejecting this idea, you contribute to this society's view to support that "it is all wrong." Remember, 40 years ago, biracial parenting were something that was very taboo, but now we've come to accept it. We don't make biracial children feel humilated anymore because we have come to accept it in our society. This will be the same for gay parenting in the future. It WILL happen, whether if you like it or not.
Originally posted by kuifje75
Of course, your younger's son's perspective is encouraged by the society at large to think that way.

If the society started to stop encouraging people to think that way and to accept this model of parenting, then there would be nothing to be embarrassed or humilated about like Sabrina said in her post. It is not the gay parenting that makes children suffer, but the society makes them suffer. By further rejecting this idea, you contribute to this society's view to support that "it is all wrong." Remember, 40 years ago, biracial parenting were something that was very taboo, but now we've come to accept it. We don't make biracial children feel humilated anymore because we have come to accept it in our society. This will be the same for gay parenting in the future. It WILL happen, whether if you like it or not.

Yeah but you know what? That would be like giving a white boy to a black family in the civil war. It woul;d not be a good idea at all. And wheater anyone here wants to admit it, we live in a world controlled by what society thinks.

If all the kids at school think that gay people are disgracful and should be killed. Well then theyll kill that boy regardless of what people in this forum think.

Originally posted by Sabrina
Yeah but you know what? That would be like giving a white boy to a black family in the civil war. It woul;d not be a good idea at all. And wheater anyone here wants to admit it, we live in a world controlled by what society thinks.

If all the kids at school think that gay people are disgracful and should be killed. Well then theyll kill that boy regardless of what people in this forum think.

It would be like allowing a black couple to adopt during the Civil War?

Sheesh, I don't believe the black couples were even allowed to adopt children of different races till the late 60s and early 70s.

But if any of you folks know something about the history of adoptions. Please enlighten us because it should be interesting.

They had to start somewhere.

Gay couples should be allowed to adopt children, and that right should had been given to them a long time ago.

But since it hasn't happened yet... it has to happen now or else. That way, the society will adapt to it.
come to think of it -- Sabrina hasnt said anything in ref to natural children of gay/lesbian parents

Sabrina -- u seem to be mostly referring to those occurences from LONG AGO not sticking to the now and present day events -- as for ur comment of "living in a world that is controlled by society" granted i would agree to this only TO A POINT -- ppl have their own right to choose their opinion on various debatable issues and Freaky is right -- u had brought this upon urself by making a post in here and call it quits ending ur debates in ref to this -- sounds like u hadnt really researched enough on this issue to make a valid argument

ur reference abt killing a gay person just cuz of his/her orientation WILL throw those homophobic ppl who did kill the gay victim in prison for a VERY long time cuz its a hate crime (a felony) along with a homicide (also a felony) (this being viewed as "homicide motivated by a hate crime") in case u dont realize -- ppl who are charged with hate crimes and found to be involved in a homicide they are charged for BOTH crimes and their sentences would be weighed upon BOTH crimes either served separately or concurrently -- look at the Matthew Sheppard case (the kid from WY) for example -- what happened to the kids that killed Matthew qq they all are locked up and their own lives are ruined -- that certainly sets a bad example of society

Banjo and Kuifje are right -- gay parenting WILL be accepted overall in society at some point
I know a couple who had a baby then somehow their relationship didn't work so the father is gay so had a bf and the mother used to be lesbian so she went back to being lesbian and had gf... so the baby grew up to be a little girl and understood she have two mother and two father and she loves both of them and no problem with that girl... I feel bless for those people...
Originally posted by Sabrina
My younger son's perspective:

I am from a high school, and Im telling you that gay kids are not accepted, the only reason why no one beats the fuck out of them is because the charges are very high when people beat up gay kids. But people having gay parents is just crazy. Kids should not be put in that kind of home where, he ends up being confused, thinking boys and boys or girls and girls are suposed be that way. Its not natural at all. Im not against gay people or lesbians, I have a gay friend. But I think putting a helpless child into that situation is sick.

Ask anyof them if theyd mind 2 gay gay guys kissing and hugging around thier kids. Then tell them to let their kids stay at gay peoples houses. I bet their perspective is alot different now.

I believe and know it's true -- a lot of kids are like that whilst growing up. I did, too and I know a few who were really anti-gay when one of my classmates was suspected to be gay a year before he finished high school. They were threatening him and the sorts and nearly cornered him at a party (he was a popular and well-liked guy) about trying to hit on other boys.
That was over 10 years ago, now I know those people who tried to attack my classmate for being gay -- all are now saying 'they regret the actions they've done towards the gay person and they don't mind his sexual orientation anymore and they still like him as a friend'.
Another example that time has changed over the years. A few people at my school came out of the closet during their 11th/12th years (about 3 to 5 years ago) and they were accepted unanimously and with no complaints. Maybe a couple here and there, naturally. But there were no gay bashing or threats made.

The classmate who was suspected as gay, I had a massive crush on him through out my years at the school and his being gay didn't bother me at all. I visited him in '94 and he was such great fun to hang out with and we had heaps to talk about and all!

So, it's evident that time that has gone by since the '60's and '70's. People of today are much more adapted and accepting of gay/lesbians plus bi-racial relationships. We've realised that it happens and we cannot stop it as nature played a part in the love process.

Gay people are Humans after all. If they love each other and want to get married I say go for it.

Society nowadays are changing. but be warned its going to be a UPHILL battle to get the right to marry for gays and lesbians against those tight-assed so-called "Religious Right" conservatives. I have heard that they may amend the Constitution to ban gay marriage. IMO I think that is very fucking stupid to amend the constitution just for the purpose of adding more discrimination to sexual orientation. After all the USA is supposed to be open-minded and free but guess wot? Canada is much more freedom than us when it comes to gay/lesbian rights.

I'm all for opening marriage to gays and lesbians after all I have gay friends myself even though im a married man.
Im telling you that gay kids are not accepted. But people having gay parents is just crazy. .
DUH!!!! Of course GLB kids aren't generally accepted in high school. High school society SUCKS, and it is not a reflection of real life society. I was tormented in high school just for being deaf/disabled(only deaf/disabled kid in the entire school!) and for being suspected of being l/b!
However in college everyone thinks my being deaf is COOL! I'm even out to about twenty kids at school! No one particularly gives a crap about my sexual oreintation and my college is pretty conservative!
Kids should not be put in that kind of home where, he ends up being confused, thinking
boys and boys or girls and girls are suposed be that way. Its not natural at all. Im not against gay people or lesbians, I have a gay friend. But I think putting a helpless child into that situation is sick. Ask anyof them if theyd mind 2 gay gay guys kissing and hugging around thier kids.
Then tell them to let their kids stay at gay peoples houses
Why not? It would make them more tolerant and accepting of others with differences!
I have a ton more to say on this subject but it's almost time for Jeopardy! so I gotta run!
I voted "I don't care". Why should I care whosever wants to marry anyone. It's not my problem.

I personally do not favor same-sex marriages for MYSELF, but I don't care if anyone wants same-sex marriages. My view does not apply to others, anyway.

If I were these anti-same-sex marriage advocates and pro-same-sex marriage advocates, I won't waste my time getting controversial over this issue. All I care is that a person is happy with his/her partner regardless of gender.

According to the Bible, homosexuality is a sin. HOWEVER, it's up to God to judge gays, not us. I just leave it up to Him. Soooo....I'm sitting on the fence.

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I have read Sabrina, and her younger son, Freaky, Fly Free, and Kuifje's comments.

Ok, Sabrina...

Let me tell you something..I understand what you are trying to say about same sex marriages and you felt that it is not right for them to get married.

Ok, I know few of gays/lesbians take care of their nephews/nieces while their sibilings went off to work for several hours. They sometimes called them "mom" or "dad" cuz they were Mr. Mom or substituted mom to them. They showed their loves to them as well as they displinced them with respects and love. Of course, they know how to deal their own homosexualities and not to show it to them, however, when nephews/nieces get older, start to recognize their uncles/aunts being gay. Guess what? they love them no matter what cuz they don't care whether they are gay or not. They accepted them for who they are.
Well, I think that Sabrina is forgetting that all humans can adapt.

Starting early as a where the best spot to start the adaptions.

If you were blind since the childhood about 50 yrs'll be adapted to being blind.

Same as if you were would be adapted.

If you had missing would be adapted (like typing 80 wpm with your feet).

If you had been born in a family that is so would be adapted (smart and understanding enough to save money than a lot of rich snobby kids).

If you had gay parents...more and MORE likely that you would be adapted to those types of parents.

Like my mother has told me (and yes my first time to hear her say the F word), "If someone tells you that your parents raised you awfully and they don't know sign language, tell them "FUCK YOU", because we both learned how to adapt to you to be deaf."

I guess that would apply to anyone who has a difference than the rest of the people.

Anyone can adapt. Being young is the easiest point. Look at my grandparents...jeez..they're still hung over what I tried to start a converstation after I got married....
Originally posted by LadyDuke
I voted "I don't care". Why should I care whosever wants to marry anyone. It's not my problem.

I personally do not favor same-sex marriages for MYSELF, but I don't care if anyone wants same-sex marriages. My view does not apply to others, anyway.

If I were these anti-same-sex marriage advocates and pro-same-sex marriage advocates, I won't waste my time getting controversial over this issue. All I care is that a person is happy with his/her partner regardless of gender.

According to the Bible, homosexuality is a sin. HOWEVER, it's up to God to judge gays, not us. I just leave it up to Him. Soooo....I'm sitting on the fence.


Well, it's ironic because there's been news popping up everywhere from Brisbane to England about a gay priest taking up the bishop job. Recently, today in England, a gay priest turned down bishop position.
If churches are being anti-gay then why they have gay priests in there then? Obviously, time has changed and people are more accepting and understanding.

Originally posted by Sabrina
Yeah but you know what? That would be like giving a white boy to a black family in the civil war. It woul;d not be a good idea at all. And wheater anyone here wants to admit it, we live in a world controlled by what society thinks.

If all the kids at school think that gay people are disgracful and should be killed. Well then theyll kill that boy regardless of what people in this forum think.


There's one perfect and high profiled story -- true one...You know Cher and Sonny Bono? Their daughter, Chastity is a lesbian. Her parents are hetro (Sonny passed away years ago, yes).

So, you see...gays and lesbians don't always come from a gay/lesbian background at all.
