Sad News

oh man!!! sigh.. i am very sowwy to ehar abt that.. i hope that he will be ok.. i pray for yall.. hugs hugs!
You have our best thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.
Aww :(

I'm truly sorry to hear about that Vollyballgirl, I feel really bad for your husband, I know that losing a family member is painful, but I sure will pray over this and hopefully things will get better....

It is also nice to hear that your husband and you are going down there to be near his father, it means alot to him and his mother....

Hang in there girl and tell your husband how truly sorry to hear about his father :hug:
Hello, Im back!

Thank you for your caring: C.C.Sinned, Beowulf, ^Angel^. Im in Wisconsin with my husband and daugther with his mother. I saw his father, he look very HORRIBLE, skinny and sick. He just lay there on the bed and just ate apple sauce or mashed potato only and drink any but not soda or cafferine or sugar, just plain drink like water or juice. I felt bad for him, I took care of him dor my husband during he look for jobs to work. And, mother in law is very upset abt it but she wants him to be gone to peace and not have painful anymore. Father in law said that he want to spent more time with his sons, granddaughter and us. Mother in law respect his wishes and leave him alone until his time to die. That's very horrible. Last night, my husband and I talk abt our baby that is on the way in my stomach, if our baby is male and we will call him after his father. It is Bryant. Like it? Need to go now. Talk to you later bye bye :bye:
i am glad that yall arrived safety.. i am sowwy to hear abt that.. i know he wanna spend with sons and family too... i like the name after him.. good idea..
sorry to hear about your father in law, I have seen worse exactly like what your father in law going through. IT really hard to deal with and am pround of you and the rest of family to be on his side help him go through the ordeal.

I like Bryant if it girl I could suggest name for girl is Brya or Bryna similar to your father's name.

I often read this topic because, I want to tell you something, I know it's not same but.... you said your father in law has cancer in his brian and everywhere else..

This year I decide to walk for Jimmy Funds again.. that's a 13 miles or 26 miles walk to to raise $ for the Dana Farber Cancer Instituation... why I am doing this ???

I am doing this for my son who is brain tumor Survivor...
I am not only doing this for my son.. but I want to make sure Everyone gets best medications, best treatments for both way *staying alive, or going toward to light*

so, I am going to ADD in my list.

*in honor of my son Sean*
*in honor of Volleyball and Blake's Dad*

by the way, the baby's new name Byrant is an awesome name.

My prayers are with you and your family. I lost my father to colon cancer 8 years ago, so I know the feeling of feeling helpless and the sorts, just do what you can. Be there for your husband and his family - that will mean a lot to them because it means you're giving moral support in every way and things you do.