Riddle me this...Riddle me that....

Who cares?? As long as I can slide a witty comment in there then I'm happy.
Oceanbreeze said:
:lol: Sure...

I just find it quite odd that the same people who gripe about her are now wondering where she is.

Kinda makes me wonder if there is a double standard, and frankly, I think there is.

I don't really gripe about her and for the most part I enjoy her posts...I do think she's a bit extreme but that doesn't mean I don't like her or can't care about her. Hell, I like ravensteve and I do believe he is more extreme than anyone in here but I like him because he doesn't back down and neither does P. Hell, I may joke around but a lot of people joke around in here. And as far as double standards go, there a many many many here in AD and in other places. It is a part of life.
mlkshkgrl said:
I don't really gripe about her and for the most part I enjoy her posts...I do think she's a bit extreme but that doesn't mean I don't like her or can't care about her. Hell, I like ravensteve and I do believe he is more extreme than anyone in here but I like him because he doesn't back down and neither does P. Hell, I may joke around but a lot of people joke around in here. And as far as double standards go, there a many many many here in AD and in other places. It is a part of life.

Oceanbreeze said:

Does it matter where Miss P is? If she were here, you all would be bitching and moaning about her threads and such. Now that she's offline, you bitch because she's possibly doing something productive?

Make up your minds, folks. Either you care about Miss P, or you don't.

Oh my goodness Oceanbreeze, no one is actually bi*ching here, I find this thread harmless and funni....Also I don't think you should speak for all of us here cause I haven't complain about Miss P's threads or posts and I never said I didn't care for her either....

Beside mlkshkgrl was being curious and I find nothing wrong with that...I had a good laugh out of this thread anyhow!
*hands angel a glass of sweet tea*

Hmmmmm....if she's getting laid, then I'm jealous as hell cause this is like 5 days straight.
mlkshkgrl said:
*hands angel a glass of sweet tea*

Hmmmmm....if she's getting laid, then I'm jealous as hell cause this is like 5 days straight.
:buttsex: :bj: :69: :lick: feel better?
mlkshkgrl said:
I just figured whoevers not on top is the one using the keyboard....

mlkshkgrl said:
*sticks head between legs and sniffs*......It ain't me

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: You cracked me up! *Hugs!*
Cheri said:
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: You cracked me up! *Hugs!*

CHERI BERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *kisses both cheeks* OMG where have you been I've missed you!!!! :kiss: :hug: I was gonna make you a thread in a couple of days if I didn't see you...btw I accidently made angel spit her ice tea out. I handed her a towel and a new glass. You don't think she will tell the big man to send me to the hot seat do you? And I'm not talking the hot seat on who wants to be a millionaire. My booty is sesitive when it comes to heat, I can handle something as hot as candle wax and thats it.

OOps back on topic now:

I think I know what happend to Miss P....she finally got around to having sex and the guy asked her if it was good....well, good ole Miss P lied and said it was and her nose grew so long that it knocked him out when she turned her head and now the police are taking her in for assault with a deadly weapon. Time to get the penny jar out to raise bail money.
mlkshkgrl said:
I think I know what happend to Miss P....she finally got around to having sex and the guy asked her if it was good....well, good ole Miss P lied and said it was and her nose grew so long that it knocked him out when she turned her head and now the police are taking her in for assault with a deadly weapon. Time to get the penny jar out to raise bail money.

I will be SMAHT said:
have yall wondered if raven and missy p would have eloped together? :squint: no wonder they switched a places... :o

Well, the nerve....and I wasn't even invited....You think they were married by elvis or one of the drive thru chapels....OMG was that the guy that she knocked out? Uhoh not a good way to start the marriage...
girlfriend: so how did you spend your honeymoon?
Miss P: Oh the sex sucked and I ended up in jail for assault
girlfriend: omg, why didn't you just tell him how to do it or use a vibe?
Miss P: Because he is an extremist like me and he thinks he knows everything. But for knowing everything he sure couldn't find the hole.
mlkshkgrl said:
CHERI BERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *kisses both cheeks* OMG where have you been I've missed you!!!! :kiss: :hug: I was gonna make you a thread in a couple of days if I didn't see you...btw I accidently made angel spit her ice tea out. I handed her a towel and a new glass. You don't think she will tell the big man to send me to the hot seat do you? And I'm not talking the hot seat on who wants to be a millionaire. My booty is sesitive when it comes to heat, I can handle something as hot as candle wax and thats it.

*Hugs tight~!* I missed you too! :hug: I've been busy, Nah Angel's man wouldn't go after you, sending you in the hot seats. :laugh2:

Methinks Miss P been using her own nose as a dildo. She found something to be useful :Ohno: Just kidding, Just kidding! :D

Where did you go MissP?