Reveal your NYE!


New Member
Nov 3, 2009
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Yep, we've already discussed our upcoming plans for NYE.

Now I want to know what actually happened when the clock chimed at midnight and oh, I demand all the juicy details :hmm:

Don't be shy :eek3:
My eve wasn't very fascinating, I was snuggling in a man's warm bed...

... ALONE.

I had 9 shots of mystery alcohol at the party (about 20 deaf people total), the booze was stronger than I thought so I decided to rest alone on the bed for two hours while my married gal pals.. behaved.. not so married.

Judging from the pictures, it looks like I'm escaping a few embarrassing FB tags ((wipes forehead))

Oh yeah, found several email addresses in my pocket o_O

Now I shall cringe when I use hairspray, ugh... I don't think I will be eager to have another hangover anytime soon!
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mine was quiet, had two tall glass of jim beam and coke and did the countdown on facebool with a friend of mine
Was sound asleep. Just kidding---- hubby and I were in bed, kids were watching King of the Hill and mother and mother-in-law were sleeping. Not too much going on. We knew we needed an early night as we took today to prepare for a yard sale tomorrow. And, today - we managed to sell one of the boats my father-in-law had. We also sold his truck. Now, we just need to get garage cleaned up. Daughter and I spent today re-arranging our stuff and got furniture arranged onto the outer walls of the garage in one bay and tomorrow and Sunday afternoon, she and I will be arranging the boxes in an orderly fashion and unpacking some onto the bookcases and other furniture. After 6 months, we might find some of our needed stuff!!! Yeah!!!
We were all standing on the couch in the basement toasting each other and being silly when the ball dropped.
I was on aim with a few friends during the countdown eastern time, I was still in 2009 on the west coast. It was all good fun:)
embarrassingly dull

I fell asleep around eleven woke up at three and said to myself it is all up from here, fella. Then went back to sleep again. The dullest ever. No more NYE alone inside my head overthinking everthing in my life. Whoa.
Nothing exciting but spooky! I was watching the paranormal activity movie. I immedately realize about the ball drops on tv. So I spotted the clock and saw 5 mintues right before the ball drops. So I hurriedly paused the movie and switched to the TV to witness the ball drop. I got the vibrating pager of gettint text messages "happy new year" from my buddies before and after NYE. Then I finished watching the movie. :shock:
Spent it with my brother. While he got drunk. Boyfriend was in bed passed out. My boys were in bed sleeping after a long day of fun.

So yeah. :D
We all ate pizza, chatted about random stuff and it was raining outside as well. I got a few texts from my friends cheering Happy New Year.
I was watching my friend chat on the VP with his boyfriend in Costa Rica...also watched the new years at the Needle about 30 minutes on the HDTV before 2010 and he joined with 2 of us to watch the fireworks when the clock chimed in.
My brother and his friend were over. Was eating my midnight dinner and watching Jet Li's Fearless in tv. Just 1.5 minutes before the ball drops, I switched over to good ole' Dick Clark. 10 9 8 .... 1. the ball drops and I kissed my dog. FML.
My brother and his friend were over. Was eating my midnight dinner and watching Jet Li's Fearless in tv. Just 1.5 minutes before the ball drops, I switched over to good ole' Dick Clark. 10 9 8 .... 1. the ball drops and I kissed my dog. FML.

Hey, at least you put up with my drunken IMs at 4 in the morning ;)
I was at the Blackjack table and missed the West Coast New Year. Saw the East Coast ball drop while I was at dinner.
Spent it with my brother. While he got drunk. Boyfriend was in bed passed out. My boys were in bed sleeping after a long day of fun.

So yeah. :D

Yea, my brother was so drunk