Religion at work vs religion at school

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Oct 28, 2004
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On CBS news story certain employers allow prayers at the work place like muslims can pray at certain times.They seperate rooms for certain people based on their religion. Now why cant they work something like this at a public school system. I say seperate whatever kids religion is. Like all jewish kids in their home room and the teacher must be jewish too.All catholic kids in another homeroom and teacher is catholic And the 10 commandments displayed all christan homerooms. If they can do this at the workplace why not do it in public schools as well?
If a student would like to pray, he/she can do so by praying quietly...
that is discrimination, its like back in time when the black and the white were separted, it same idea for separting each religions, it's telling the kids/students that its wrong to socialize with other relgion which is stupid cuz the world has enough problems with religion already. If the students wishs to pray, they can pray in a room for themselve, all they have to do is ask someone authoritiy, they have right for that. Like my school, one girl who is muslim asked the authority for a room of quiet for praying, and she got a room of silent for praying. So I dont agree with separtating all the kids in certian religions, cuz it will affect them more than you think...
And so we'll all be in our seperate worlds, never learn about different perspectives, and never learn to get along?
ravensteve1961 said:
On CBS news story certain employers allow prayers at the work place like muslims can pray at certain times.They seperate rooms for certain people based on their religion. Now why cant they work something like this at a public school system. I say seperate whatever kids religion is. Like all jewish kids in their home room and the teacher must be jewish too.All catholic kids in another homeroom and teacher is catholic And the 10 commandments displayed all christan homerooms. If they can do this at the workplace why not do it in public schools as well?

I totally disagree with your suggestion because as one of the posters said, it is a form of discrimination and more of a segregation. This method will not encourage a way of all human beings to learn to accept and respect everyone's religion. We live in a world full of variety of races and along with those races comes with different cultures and religions.
If public places want to accomodate each individual's different background and religion, then they should be able to do as to respect one's right.
Otherwise, lack of respect and acceptance of one's another background leads to high tensions and eventually harsh confrontation as it has been demonstrating in the world throughout entire human civilization history. WAR. Which is what we do not need anymore at this moment.
deaf24fan said:

I totally disagree with your suggestion because as one of the posters said, it is a form of discrimination and more of a segregation. This method will not encourage a way of all human beings to learn to accept and respect everyone's religion. We live in a world full of variety of races and along with those races comes with different cultures and religions.
If public places want to accomodate each individual's different background and religion, then they should be able to do as to respect one's right.
Otherwise, lack of respect and acceptance of one's another background leads to high tensions and eventually harsh confrontation as it has been demonstrating in the world throughout entire human civilization history. WAR. Which is what we do not need anymore at this moment.

That is why the liberal democratic party will never allow prayer in public school.Simply because you feel its more like segregation.You wonder why kids are out doing drugs commiting crimes and taking guns to school. Its because no one even taught them the 10 commandments.Todays kids are not like kids back in the 1950s and beyond the 50s.Kids back in that era knew it was wrong to bring guns to school.Knew its wrong to steal,rape or murder. And they never had drugs on their minds.Kids need to be taught personal responsibilty.Kids back in the 50s always used manners.Plus we didnt have brutal R rated volent movies in the theaters.Plus there wasnt graphic volence on televison nether. Plus kids prayed right before eatting lunch.Heres the prayer my parents said to me when they were in school right before eatting lunch."" God is good"" ""God is Great"" "" Thank you for our food"" ""amen"" Now you cannot say these words anymore in school because of liberalism. Thats what rush limbaugh was explaning about.. Crime is out of line today because of liberalism.Like for example,,Kids listen to rap music and volent profanity words in their songs And if you try to ban rap music the ACLU will say """ THATS AGAINST THE FIRST ADMENDMENT.""" And all these volent movies on TV and theaters and if you try to ban those volent movies the ACLU will say """ THATS AGAINST FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION""" And if your try to bring back prayer in public school the ACLU will say""" THATS AGAINST CHURCH AND STATE""" So where you draw the line to teach our kids personal responsibilty? I think president bush made a great choice on supreme court to take back our country today!!
ravensteve1961 said:
That is why the liberal democratic party will never allow prayer in public school.Simply because you feel its more like segregation.You wonder why kids are out doing drugs commiting crimes and taking guns to school. Its because no one even taught them the 10 commandments.Todays kids are not like kids back in the 1950s and beyond the 50s.Kids back in that era knew it was wrong to bring guns to school.Knew its wrong to steal,rape or murder. And they never had drugs on their minds.Kids need to be taught personal responsibilty.Kids back in the 50s always used manners.Plus we didnt have brutal R rated volent movies in the theaters.Plus there wasnt graphic volence on televison nether. Plus kids prayed right before eatting lunch.Heres the prayer my parents said to me when they were in school right before eatting lunch."" God is good"" ""God is Great"" "" Thank you for our food"" ""amen"" Now you cannot say these words anymore in school because of liberalism. Thats what rush limbaugh was explaning about.. Crime is out of line today because of liberalism.Like for example,,Kids listen to rap music and volent profanity words in their songs And if you try to ban rap music the ACLU will say """ THATS AGAINST THE FIRST ADMENDMENT.""" And all these volent movies on TV and theaters and if you try to ban those volent movies the ACLU will say """ THATS AGAINST FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION""" And if your try to bring back prayer in public school the ACLU will say""" THATS AGAINST CHURCH AND STATE""" So where you draw the line to teach our kids personal responsibilty? I think president bush made a great choice on supreme court to take back our country today!!

This is completely false. Your interpretation is downright wrong. Schools are not allowed to hold school sponsored prayers, such as during the morning annoucements. However students are able to pray openly and publicly all they want, just as a female Muslim student would be allowed to wear a head scarf. In high school, I belonged to a school sponsored club known as FCS (Fellowship of Christian) students, and every Tuesday and Thursday morning we would pray and have worship outside or in the lobby, and during club days, there was a large meeting in the school auditorium that was filled up with 1/4 of the total student body.

Not much has changed since the 1950s. Research back, and I'm sure you will find bringing guns to school is not a new trend, and even today, it is a rare occurance. There are just as many children being taught religion being forced to go to church today as there was in the 1950s. And that is one of the reasons kids turn away from the teachings because it is their nature to as humans and because they are forced to learn it, and not given the option. The reason there wasn't violence on TV back then is because there was nothing like cable or satelite TV back then with the variety of programming today has. Crimes among was just as much as problem back then as it is today, especially drugs. No R rated or violent movies back then? What about "Pyscho" and "Night of the Living Dead?"

Liberalism has nothing to do with rise in crimes and the popularity of rap music. In fact you should be grateful for the 1st Ammendment. It is what allows you to practice your religion and allows you to believe what you like, no matter how outlandish and outrageous it is. Despite popular belief, this country was not founded on Christian ideals. Many of the founding fathers were Deists or Unitarians. It just so happens that Christianity is the largest spread religion in this country. That does not mean the law is based off of it. Human nature tells us right from wrong, and that is where laws come from, whether you believe it is divinely inspired or not. There is nothing to take back. Every single president since the start of this country has openly professed their belief in a higher being. You are simply wishing for President Bush to press this nation to follow your fundamentalist views.
"Pyscho" and "Night of the Living Dead?
Were not in theaters until 1962 NOT IS NOT THE 50s! You should watch the movie "" THE 10 commandments "" That is a pure family type movie unlike mel gibson " the passion of the christ " is Also another great family movie "" BEN HUR "" is a great family movie unlike "The Gladiator" Those im talking about. You wont see one graphic scene of blood in those movies. Showing the graphic of blood to volence of it only makes the person volent and wants to commit a such an act. Im glad bush nominate the right guy. I cant wait to see the day we take back our country!!
ravensteve1961 said:
"Pyscho" and "Night of the Living Dead?
Were not in theaters until 1962 NOT IS NOT THE 50s! You should watch the movie "" THE 10 commandments "" That is a pure family type movie unlike mel gibson " the passion of the christ " is Also another great family movie "" BEN HUR "" is a great family movie unlike "The Gladiator" Those im talking about. You wont see one graphic scene of blood in those movies. Showing the graphic of blood to volence of it only makes the person volent and wants to commit a such an act. Im glad bush nominate the right guy. I cant wait to see the day we take back our country!!

The shows before "The Brady Bunch" (I think) were utterly ridicous (sp?) with censorship and lack of education. For example, "I Love Lucy" showed that a couple sleeping in separate beds. What kind of example are they showing? That a married couple do not need to be close and intimate in bed? What about in real life? The married couple already are sleeping in a same bed so what the difference? I think Brady Bunch were the first show to show a couple in bed unless there's a series before them did so.

Also, a person has its own responsibility to use common sense to separate reality from fiction. For example, when I was young, I watched those 80s slasher flicks such as "Friday the 13th"s, "Nightmare on Elm Street"s, "Halloween"s, etc. Those movies has never made me want to go out and do a teenage sex or perform murder. Common sense prevailed to me that the movies are fake, they're all actors/actresses along with props, et al. I don't know how or why kids do that today, probably due to lack of proper education telling them the shows and movies are all fake, except reality shows which some of them goes extreme such as "Fear Factor."

Also I don't want to live in the 50s and 60s with all of those censorships, inequality (gender, race, and handicapped) exists. I firmly believe that all human race regardless of the background, gender, race, etc should be equal. We all have the capability to perform equally regardless of how we are. I hope we still continue to evolve to better human races than we are today.
deaf24fan said:

I totally disagree with your suggestion because as one of the posters said, it is a form of discrimination and more of a segregation. This method will not encourage a way of all human beings to learn to accept and respect everyone's religion. We live in a world full of variety of races and along with those races comes with different cultures and religions.
If public places want to accomodate each individual's different background and religion, then they should be able to do as to respect one's right.
Otherwise, lack of respect and acceptance of one's another background leads to high tensions and eventually harsh confrontation as it has been demonstrating in the world throughout entire human civilization history. WAR. Which is what we do not need anymore at this moment.

:gpost: Right on deaf24fan, You said all I wanted to say. :thumb:

And ^Angel^, I agree with that too, they allow to make a quiet prayer base on religions they are. :thumb:
ravensteve1961 said:
"Pyscho" and "Night of the Living Dead?
Were not in theaters until 1962 NOT IS NOT THE 50s! You should watch the movie "" THE 10 commandments "" That is a pure family type movie unlike mel gibson " the passion of the christ " is Also another great family movie "" BEN HUR "" is a great family movie unlike "The Gladiator" Those im talking about. You wont see one graphic scene of blood in those movies. Showing the graphic of blood to volence of it only makes the person volent and wants to commit a such an act. Im glad bush nominate the right guy. I cant wait to see the day we take back our country!!

If you want to argue technicalities Psycho was in 1960 and Night of the Living Dead in 1968. If you're trying to imply that there was some sort of morality turn point, "Scarface" came out in 1932. Why do you think the 1950s were the Golden Age of Morality? They weren't. Technology has allowed more realistic and accurate portrayals. Do you really think its right to censor the truth? Mel Gibson portrayed Jesus' crucifixion according to all available text he could find.

How do you come to the conclusion that watching violence makes you violent? I've watched violent programming my whole life. I love watching horror and slasher moves. I'm not a violent person at all. I've never had the urge to go commit crimes after watching "Scream" or to go do drugs after watching "Half Baked." Humans have free will and are accountable for their own actions. You on the other hand, have threatened to kill moderators, and confessed to cutting the thumb off a receptionist who you thought was rude to you. So what have you been watching that made you act this way?

Like I said earlier. There is nothing to take back. If you feel that America is not moral enough, that is only your opinion, and perhaps you should take complaint with the United States government, whom is controlled by the Republican Party that you support so much.
ravensteve1961 said:
That is why the liberal democratic party will never allow prayer in public school.Simply because you feel its more like segregation.You wonder why kids are out doing drugs commiting crimes and taking guns to school. Its because no one even taught them the 10 commandments.Todays kids are not like kids back in the 1950s and beyond the 50s.Kids back in that era knew it was wrong to bring guns to school.Knew its wrong to steal,rape or murder. And they never had drugs on their minds.Kids need to be taught personal responsibilty.Kids back in the 50s always used manners.Plus we didnt have brutal R rated volent movies in the theaters.Plus there wasnt graphic volence on televison nether. Plus kids prayed right before eatting lunch.Heres the prayer my parents said to me when they were in school right before eatting lunch."" God is good"" ""God is Great"" "" Thank you for our food"" ""amen"" Now you cannot say these words anymore in school because of liberalism. Thats what rush limbaugh was explaning about.. Crime is out of line today because of liberalism.Like for example,,Kids listen to rap music and volent profanity words in their songs And if you try to ban rap music the ACLU will say """ THATS AGAINST THE FIRST ADMENDMENT.""" And all these volent movies on TV and theaters and if you try to ban those volent movies the ACLU will say """ THATS AGAINST FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION""" And if your try to bring back prayer in public school the ACLU will say""" THATS AGAINST CHURCH AND STATE""" So where you draw the line to teach our kids personal responsibilty? I think president bush made a great choice on supreme court to take back our country today!!

You are full of shit Ravensteve. When I was in school, I do pray in my thoughts. And I do the same thing at work. I bet you pray for "Elephant" and you wish he will :bj: you.
I don't know why everyone thinks the 1950s were so great. I suppose maybe it was great, for the rich, white men. But I'm happy I live now, where there are so many more oppertunities for women, people of color, Deaf people, and everyone who wasn't given a chance in the 50s! Heck, up until the late 60s, there was a law on the books in Virginia forbidding marriage between a white person and a black person. Who wants to go back to that????
Let me give you another example. PORN!! Porn industry didnt take off until the 60s and a person going to an X rated threater watching a girl gets fucked by 3 men when that person walks out of the theater and do it to somebody else for real!
ravensteve1961 said:
Let me give you another example. PORN!! Porn industry didnt take off until the 60s and a person going to an X rated threater watching a girl gets fucked by 3 men when that person walks out of the theater and do it to somebody else for real!

The porn movie industry did not take off until the 1970s, although the porn magazine industry got a jump start in the 1950s with publications such as "Playboy" and "Modern Man."
ravensteve1961 said:
Let me give you another example. PORN!! Porn industry didnt take off until the 60s and a person going to an X rated threater watching a girl gets fucked by 3 men when that person walks out of the theater and do it to somebody else for real!

How did u know about this? Is it mean that u did?
ravensteve1961 said:
That is why the liberal democratic party will never allow prayer in public school.Simply because you feel its more like segregation.You wonder why kids are out doing drugs commiting crimes and taking guns to school. Its because no one even taught them the 10 commandments.Todays kids are not like kids back in the 1950s and beyond the 50s.Kids back in that era knew it was wrong to bring guns to school.Knew its wrong to steal,rape or murder. And they never had drugs on their minds.Kids need to be taught personal responsibilty.Kids back in the 50s always used manners.Plus we didnt have brutal R rated volent movies in the theaters.Plus there wasnt graphic volence on televison nether. Plus kids prayed right before eatting lunch.Heres the prayer my parents said to me when they were in school right before eatting lunch."" God is good"" ""God is Great"" "" Thank you for our food"" ""amen"" Now you cannot say these words anymore in school because of liberalism. Thats what rush limbaugh was explaning about.. Crime is out of line today because of liberalism.Like for example,,Kids listen to rap music and volent profanity words in their songs And if you try to ban rap music the ACLU will say """ THATS AGAINST THE FIRST ADMENDMENT.""" And all these volent movies on TV and theaters and if you try to ban those volent movies the ACLU will say """ THATS AGAINST FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION""" And if your try to bring back prayer in public school the ACLU will say""" THATS AGAINST CHURCH AND STATE""" So where you draw the line to teach our kids personal responsibilty? I think president bush made a great choice on supreme court to take back our country today!!

So, Christian values are a good thing? I find this hard to believe coming from you considering that you were whining in another thread that God didn't answer YOUR prayers.
ravensteve1961 said:
Playboy in not porn!!! Its Nudity! Jesus christ!

Does it matter? A christian shouldn't be looking at Playboy regardless of what you might call it.
Main Entry: por·nog·ra·phy
Pronunciation: -fE
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek pornographos, adjective, writing about prostitutes, from pornE prostitute + graphein to write; akin to Greek pernanai to sell, poros journey -- more at FARE, CARVE
1 : the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement
2 : material (as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement
3 : the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction
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