Recently moved to Denver

Hello all old and new AD peeps!

I lived in PA for few years and posted during my stay there. I lived in Orlando, FL for only few months and am now living in Denver, Colorado.

Any those who are familiar with Colorado... even Denver... any feedback on jobs and fun things to do?

I didn't feel that I need to re-introduce myself on introduce yourself thread... I think I did that once before after not posting for a little while.

Those that who knew me, those who wants to know who I am... ask any questions... feel free! I'm just browsing through... again. :)

Hope all is well with everybody and congrats to all new mods. (I'm VERY behind! :) )

If you are still living in Denver, hit me up. I am a native of Colorado and can help you out if you wish. I am also learning ASL but super slow at it. But if you are still in Colorado hit me up!
That's cool! yes, it was VERY easy to change planes in Denver when I was there. The plane was just the next gate, just walked there and catch the plane without waiting, LOL.

Yea, I actually have been to west part of Colorado, only in the Rockies, but not in Denver metro area (only the airport to change planes) or the plains. I have been to Gunnison, black canyon, Crested Butte, Vail, Leadville, Grand Junction, etc. I visited Colorado when I was living in Utah that time. Yep, it is beautiful of course. :)

Dart sounds like fun, for sure. My work has those magnetic darts that I can throw to the door which is metal. :)

I would like to visit Denver area and the vinicity, though. I don't know much about it but I know it has a light rail line, good shopping districts, rock climbing activities, skiing not far from Denver, all that outdoor stuff.

HOLY SNAPPING DUCKSHIT!! You have been to every city I have been to Colorado. I used to spend two weeks out in Gunnison every year with my parents. Is there a chance we could have ran into each other way back when..... :hmmm:

Anyway yes I've been to Denver metro. The snow turns black in the winter on the freeway.

There Winter Park/Mary Jane ski resort in Frasier which I think is a couple of hours from Denver in the mountains. I've been there and they are very accommodating with deaf and blind skiers there. You can even get private ski lessons there with a deaf instructor I do believe. (not sure if the same instructor is there or not it's been about 6 years since I was last there).

As for the other cities mentioned here:
Gunnison, Crested Butte, Vail, Leadville, Grand Junction, Aspen, The Black Canyon, etc. They are all awesome places. I've also been to Telluride as well. Very nice. I hope to go back to all those cities someday including Denver.

If you want some really good fun this summer I suggest heading to Gunnison for Fat Tire Week, where it's essentially a huge mountain bike festival and they may have some deaf groups there as its a very large festival between the cities of Gunnison and Crested Butte (you have to to go through Gunnison to get to Crested Butte, it's the only road going into and out of Crested Butte.)

*Just remembered I need a TWO week vacation to visit Colorado* If and when I get this elusive two vacation, we could be planning an AD Pow Wow in the Rockies. No worries though, this is anywhere from 2-5 years out depending on which company I am able to get on with.
:wave: This just became my favorite oath of all time!!

:lol: It's definitely a head-turner that's for sure. I screamed it once at Petit Jean because I was shocked over something and everybody just looked at me like WTF? At first, my boss thought I called her duckshit, :rofl: Then I said it again and she just laughed. It just popped into my head out of nowhere and its stuck ever since.