Random Vents.....

Maybe the PDF needs to be turbocharged first.
^^^^ Thank you AlleyCat... now I have to clean my keyboard off!!!
My random vent:

I took a great deal of abuse from my ex-wife. I'm a "nice guy" and I never once hit back. In fact, I never did anything other than try to be a good husband. Perhaps I crossed the line between "good husband" and "doormat", but that doesn't give the other person the right to abuse you.

I'm still dealing with the affects of her behavior even after seven years. It's very frustrating to find that our society gives all kinds of attention to abused women (which is a wonderful thing) but almost no care is given to abused men. Men are abused just as much as women are.

I am trying to do things about it, not just for me but for abused men everywhere, but it's still very, very frustrating. Domestic violence is a two-way, "equal opportunity" phenomenon, and both male and female survivors need to be treated with the dignity, respect and compassion they deserve.
My random vent:

I took a great deal of abuse from my ex-wife. I'm a "nice guy" and I never once hit back. In fact, I never did anything other than try to be a good husband. Perhaps I crossed the line between "good husband" and "doormat", but that doesn't give the other person the right to abuse you.

I'm still dealing with the affects of her behavior even after seven years. It's very frustrating to find that our society gives all kinds of attention to abused women (which is a wonderful thing) but almost no care is given to abused men. Men are abused just as much as women are.

I am trying to do things about it, not just for me but for abused men everywhere, but it's still very, very frustrating. Domestic violence is a two-way, "equal opportunity" phenomenon, and both male and female survivors need to be treated with the dignity, respect and compassion they deserve.

Really sorry to learn of what you had to deal with. I think women get more attention because they make up the greater share of being victimized and people are going to be more outraged by the "weaker" sex being abused.

And you're right, abused men deserve as much help as abused women do.
I am happy I am remove on pop no more :P I am happy no more I am freedom NO more you told me many times scream me NO POP :lol: I water right now important mores! :)
Wirelessly posted (Backberry)

audiodef said:
My random vent:

I took a great deal of abuse from my ex-wife. I'm a "nice guy" and I never once hit back. In fact, I never did anything other than try to be a good husband. Perhaps I crossed the line between "good husband" and "doormat", but that doesn't give the other person the right to abuse you.

I'm still dealing with the affects of her behavior even after seven years. It's very frustrating to find that our society gives all kinds of attention to abused women (which is a wonderful thing) but almost no care is given to abused men. Men are abused just as much as women are.

I am trying to do things about it, not just for me but for abused men everywhere, but it's still very, very frustrating. Domestic violence is a two-way, "equal opportunity" phenomenon, and both male and female survivors need to be treated with the dignity, respect and compassion they deserve.

Our society is moving towards more equality. This means more men will come out and speak about this issue. Women also need more support, somehow both need to be addressed. We need to make it clear that abuse is not tolerated no matter the sex.
Wirelessly posted (Backberry)

Our society is moving towards more equality. This means more men will come out and speak about this issue. Women also need more support, somehow both need to be addressed. We need to make it clear that abuse is not tolerated no matter the sex.

There goes..."it's my way or the highway"! :giggle:
I am not happy Rogers delete on my accoutns Ia m pissed rogers because cuz because owe they no reason I don't understand they confused! again tried sigh! complain tty problem I don't like tty because I wish fast to VRS
i am not happy that im SOOO BROKE, that i cant even afford a flippn lottery ticket, Now hows that for being poor? its just unreal...

rant number 2, my dogs coco pulls me so damn hard when walking or when im trying to sit in public places its not funny, she's freaking strong and does not know it, and now i have aches and pains all over my arms and shoulders (yes BOTH)...thats for today, bloody dog...Jetta is worse (only when i play with her that is when she decides GAME ON, she's ROUGH and FAST wayyyy too quick its scary....she's a pointer like a freindly version of a dobermann...unreal..BUT thankfully she's very mellow and rather kiss and cuddles and me let her go hunting then come back for kisses...(thats what i prefer too)...but Coco...is a through and through harden cattle dog, pulls like locomotive, i got tennis elbow (from the old kung fu days) and darn she doesnt slow down grrrrr best way is off lead but some places its jsut not allowed -trying to avoid it....and sometimes i can't...:(
today i was told to meet "a very attractive deaf girl" so i got all swaggered up and went to go pick her up.... ugliest thing i have ever seen! WTF WERE THESE PEOPLE THINKIN tryna set me up with her! god. Im starting to wonder if there are in fact any beautiful girls my age who can relate to me in my area. Im tired of the flings and broken relationship with the girls that hear. I mean the sex is great and they are beautiful but due to the communication issues and what the avarage girl my age wants it never lasts long.
Today's random vent: I can't stand people who read half a book by one author and decides he knows everything there is to know about that author, and it's all negative. No matter how many documentaries you watch, you simply do not have an informed opinion about an author unless you read more than one complete book.

This is especially true of fiction. Stories take on their own lives. So what if Ayn Rand is held up as a champion for the cause by Tea Partiers and wing-nut conservatives? They're stories. Atlas Shrugged, regardless of Rand's own political views, makes many points that are in direct opposition to political wing-nuts' stands. Wing-nuts are not smart. Rand clearly believed in intelligence above all. Wing-nuts take without giving. Rand clearly advocated that society cannot survive without productive members who give as well as take. Wing-nuts want everyone to look and think just like then. Rand clearly believed in the sanctity of individual development.

None of this championing of Rand by wing-nuts makes any sense at all.
today i was told to meet "a very attractive deaf girl" so i got all swaggered up and went to go pick her up.... ugliest thing i have ever seen! WTF WERE THESE PEOPLE THINKIN tryna set me up with her! god. Im starting to wonder if there are in fact any beautiful girls my age who can relate to me in my area. Im tired of the flings and broken relationship with the girls that hear. I mean the sex is great and they are beautiful but due to the communication issues and what the avarage girl my age wants it never lasts long.

Ahhh, to be young again! Don't worry, one day you will learn to see the beauty in the people you once thought were ugly. It's a skill worth developing! Just remember, almost no one actually look like the super models on the cover of the fashion magazines. Those pictures are touched up as well.
today i was told to meet "a very attractive deaf girl" so i got all swaggered up and went to go pick her up.... ugliest thing i have ever seen! WTF WERE THESE PEOPLE THINKIN tryna set me up with her! god. Im starting to wonder if there are in fact any beautiful girls my age who can relate to me in my area. Im tired of the flings and broken relationship with the girls that hear. I mean the sex is great and they are beautiful but due to the communication issues and what the avarage girl my age wants it never lasts long.

Hope she doesn't post on AD... Or sees that.
Ahhh, to be young again! Don't worry, one day you will learn to see the beauty in the people you once thought were ugly. It's a skill worth developing! Just remember, almost no one actually look like the super models on the cover of the fashion magazines. Those pictures are touched up as well.

I see the beauty in people but that doesn't mean i wana have a relationship with a nice lady who is 200 pounds and looks like chewbaca. I have to be sexually attracted to her. Im 20 i have RAGING HORMONES! RWARRRRRR ahaha:laugh2:
today i was told to meet "a very attractive deaf girl" so i got all swaggered up and went to go pick her up.... ugliest thing i have ever seen! WTF WERE THESE PEOPLE THINKIN tryna set me up with her! god. Im starting to wonder if there are in fact any beautiful girls my age who can relate to me in my area. Im tired of the flings and broken relationship with the girls that hear. I mean the sex is great and they are beautiful but due to the communication issues and what the avarage girl my age wants it never lasts long.

Pretty is as pretty does. You are a bit behind on how pretty acts.

I see a lot of ugly there in your attitude.
i see alot of ugly in me too. I've got no one to communicate with and quite frankly im tired of feeling isolated. Ive got lots of friends and im a nice guy, contrary to what you may think, but its been a struggle to find anyone who knows/can relate to what im going through. I have no friends who are deaf/HOH so i feel like an alien at times. When girls constantly disappear from your life when they find out your deaf it does tend to make one a little rude. They all think im attractive and that im a nice guy and then as soon as the deafness is brought up they go running. #SECOND RANT OF THE DAY #swag
today i was told to meet "a very attractive deaf girl" so i got all swaggered up and went to go pick her up.... ugliest thing i have ever seen! WTF WERE THESE PEOPLE THINKIN tryna set me up with her! god. Im starting to wonder if there are in fact any beautiful girls my age who can relate to me in my area. Im tired of the flings and broken relationship with the girls that hear. I mean the sex is great and they are beautiful but due to the communication issues and what the avarage girl my age wants it never lasts long.

What did you do?Did you go through with it?