Question for the ladies...

posts from hell

New Member
Nov 30, 2004
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Which would you prefer -

Tiffany's Earrings pictured below - or gold nugget earrings or diamond stud earrings?

Tiffany & Co. | Item | Return to Tiffany

keep in mind... I'm getting these earrings for my 10yo and am getting some confusing messages.

An extra note: She's very responsible. I wouldn't be worried about her losing them. Stolen is another story.
What's popular with 10-year-old girls? :dunno:

Only you would know what her interests are, or what style she likes.

Are her other favorite earrings dangly or studs? Stones or metals? Sophisticated or cute?
"Stolen?" Do you mean someone might sneak them out of her jewelry box, or that someone would rip them out of her ears? That's scary.
Small hearts would be nice. Those Tiffany hearts are horrendous. Personal thing with me; I hate, hate, hate jewelry that's all about advertising the store where it came from, and Tiffany does that all.the.time. It's stupid and tasteless (IMHO, of course).

Also, aesthetically, I think the proportions would be wrong for a 10 year old girl. Smaller gold or silver hearts would be nicer.
Tiffany earrings are very neat. It's like a piece of history. I have an antique rose gold signet ring from Tiffany and it's one of my favorite possesions.

The gold nugget would be second choice if I were buying it, but I think ten is a little young for diamond earrings.
Tiffany earrings are very neat. It's like a piece of history. I have an antique rose gold signet ring from Tiffany and it's one of my favorite possesions.

The gold nugget would be second choice if I were buying it, but I think ten is a little young for diamond earrings.

That is what I am feeling too.
Tiffany earrings are very neat. It's like a piece of history. I have an antique rose gold signet ring from Tiffany and it's one of my favorite possesions.

The gold nugget would be second choice if I were buying it, but I think ten is a little young for diamond earrings.

Does your signet ring have "Tiffany" engraved on the OUTSIDE of it?

Tiffany jewelry that has the name discreetly engraved inside is fine. I just don't like the stuff where they advertise the name outside.
Gold nuggets. My soon-to-be 10 year old is pleading to have her ears pierced, which I will allow...but keep in mind, this is the kid who goes ninja-psycho anytime she sees a needle or a drop of blood...this shall be interesting. Nevertheless, gold nuggets will be a neat gift for your daughter.
I think I'd go for gold nuggets.
I don't like the advertising either, but then again... around here the kids only wear things from Tiffany.
A friend of mine had a bracelet with one of those hearts. First one was stolen in school, she told her parents and got a new one with her name engraved on it. That one got stolen, too, during gym. I never had anything expensive with me at school besides my HAs.
Tiffany earrings are very neat. It's like a piece of history. I have an antique rose gold signet ring from Tiffany and it's one of my favorite possesions.

The gold nugget would be second choice if I were buying it, but I think ten is a little young for diamond earrings.

That is what I am feeling too.

TIfffffannny! Just explain it to her that tiffany is very popular in NYC. I like tiffany if i were 10 yrs old. stay away from any gold jewerly if you want to ask. lol diamonds are nice but wait till sweet 16.

I agree with bott that tiffany earrings are precious memories. I remember someone gave me the tiny diamonds when i was 12. I was like aww nice but i was more excited when i see the solid of silver earrings. BUT if i knew it were tiffany then i would be thrilled. I grew up going to tiffany & co in nyc a lot. :cool2:
What do you all mean by "gold nuggets," exactly? The polished gold balls?

Those are always nice, very classic, and appropriate for any age.

Maybe not as much fun as little hearts or something like that, though.
This has been a real education for me. At 10 years old I didn't wear jewelry, and my daughter didn't, and now I have grandsons and nephews only. :lol:

That being said, my input is probably of little value. :)

The only things I can think of are:

* kids love things personalized with their names or initials

* engraving "Love, Dad" with the date somewhere private on the piece is precious

* timeless heirlooms that can still be worn as an adult are special

* make sure the fasteners on the jewelry (including earrings) are very secure--kids are active people

I like the gold nuggets option rather than a finished gold piece because that seems very organic but that's my personal taste.

I agree with the other ladies that diamonds are better for later. A birthstone might be nice.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Remember that gold is soft. It wears over time. 10k is more durable than 14k. Silver may be a better choice. Tiffany has some classic silver pieces that are very fashionable.
Reba, I only have nephews related to me by blood (all the nieces are from my step-brothers or my husband's brother), and guess what - that did not guarantee "no earrings!" I personally think it looks stupid, but two of the four of them wear studs in their ears sometimes.

Anyway, I love all your suggestions above. My first "real" jewelry I received at age 12, a single pearl on a gold chain necklace. Nearly 50 years later, I still wear that once in a while, and think fondly of the family friend who gave it to me. There is a lot to be said for timeless quality.
I have a tiffany bracelet (engraved on the inside) from my dad from when I turned 13. It really is personal and something she will cherish forever.

As for the stolen part that is just sad. Was it a friend?