Powerful Small hearing Aids?

It's not vanity when I have to add a piece of hardware to my body to hear. Maybe if I were worried about the size of my nose or something then it would be. Im tired of the vanity word.

Thanks for the info guys.

Then just go without HAs more often like I do. I relay on reading lips to understand others anyway. I do wear my HAs when watching movies to hear the sound effects and when going out of my home.
Chuck you still haven't told us how severe your loss is, but if it's bad enough then you're not fooling anyone anyway, they already know you can't hear. So you might as well go with the larger aids and get the most benefit. Kind of like the bald guy who combs his hair in circles on the top of his head. I mean who's he really fooling.
Kind of like the bald guy who combs his hair in circles on the top of his head. I mean who's he really fooling.

LMAO. :rofl2:

I know I have deep hearing loss, not sure if its profound or severe.....I thought the words meant the same thing =P

I can't hear anything if I take my hearing aids off, only really deep sounds. I don't have the reports on-hand.... they're at my mom's house, and the audiologists of course.

LMAO. :rofl2:

I know I have deep hearing loss, not sure if its profound or severe.....I thought the words meant the same thing =P

I can't hear anything if I take my hearing aids off, only really deep sounds. I don't have the reports on-hand.... they're at my mom's house, and the audiologists of course.

Got your hearing tests? If it is below 90dB you are profound. If it is between 70dB to 90dB-- you are severe.

I am considered as severe-profound.
Hmmm. I wonder if my audiologist does emails. I will ask him to send me a copy through the mail for sure. My audiologist is in the next town over. Really really cool dude. I remember him since I was little. He would come over to my school and fix everyone's hearing aids for free. True love.
most usually do emails! mine does and I lover her for it..

botte- I haven't actually gotten them yet but when I do i'll let ya know..i believe it's 90 for each ear :P
Chuck............you could get colored aids and earmolds. They look SO much more " hip" then beige hooks and clear earmolds.
You can still get the colors in the powerful hearing aids, just can't have little aids.

My audiolgist was surprise I wanted my hear aid to be red and was not able to get it for me! I guess he thought I was too old to want a red HA!
I do not care if people see my HA and I thought it it was red I would misplace
so easy! I some time get it off and forget wear I left it! I once left my hA on the coffee table when I took a nap . It was gone whe I woke up! My hearing
dog thought I lost it and pick it up and put it on his blanket to watch it for me! If it was red I would had found it faster!
Chuck............you could get colored aids and earmolds. They look SO much more " hip" then beige hooks and clear earmolds.

Never was into the colors, I like the plain colors. Although my BTE is brown to match my skin tone.