please pray for my dog

Thank you all for the support. Seems like today just dragged on forever. I'm trying to be there for my mom but she and I grieve differently. She wants to talk as if Nina is still there, like you could just bend down and pet her. But I just want to get out of the house and not think about things for awhile. I'm not blaming God but in the past 3 months I've had to deal with 2 friends' moms dying, Darin's mom back in the hospital with cancer and his uncle dying, it just hurts when my friends are hurting and now my dog is gone. Feels unfair. and I know, life is unfair but sometimes it's a little more cruel than it needs to be.

Hang in there.

Things now are overwhelming for you but hang in there.

If it helps, type your emotions here and pour it all out here.

You have support here in the AD community.

thank you all for the support. Seems like today just dragged on forever. I'm trying to be there for my mom but she and i grieve differently. She wants to talk as if nina is still there, like you could just bend down and pet her. But i just want to get out of the house and not think about things for awhile. I'm not blaming god but in the past 3 months i've had to deal with 2 friends' moms dying, darin's mom back in the hospital with cancer and his uncle dying, it just hurts when my friends are hurting and now my dog is gone. Feels unfair. And i know, life is unfair but sometimes it's a little more cruel than it needs to be.


I am sorry to hear that and Yea it was her time to go cuz she have suffer too much and cant bear the pain. I can understand that cuz I had to put my dog (pomeranian) down due to abuse by my exh.

Here is a good website that you can go in and have your dog name in there. Rainbows Bridge Home Page Gotta love that site.