Picky eaters

Originally posted by Fly Free
:shock: BOILED bread and cake qq *thud* those are the ones ive never heard of!

I know a bagel place that boils bagels in water. The bagels are very good.

I believe, for a boiled cake, the ingredients need to be boiled before baking.
Well, well, my mother's family are mostly German, and also Scottish and..... Irish! lach... But my mother never would boil anything. She likes frying everything in her sight. So I think that's the German inside her. I never heard of boiled turkey in alcohol... *eek!* I don't really like bagels very much. Would rather eat fresh wheat rolls from the bakery. Whoo, my pickiness is surfacing again. I hate white bread and would rather eat rye or breads with flavours. ok ok, I better shut up...
Myself used be hell picky eater during my childhood. Remmy, my grandparents (my legal guardianship) told me they upset with me after I got diagnosis with Iron Deficiency Anemia when I was 7 years old. How how I recovery from Anemia. Just eat more food. Of course, they massively make me break my habit for taste different food by learn how to develop my confidence in food. Now, I love most of foods. Only I hate mushroom and Root Beer that's all I do remmy.
Last year, my grandma was so happy to see me eat anything very well. Made her pay off her working hard to break my picky eating habit. Guess what, I found out I got genes from my daddy who is also picky eater. Same to my brother. Poor thing!
Originally posted by SilenceGold
I've not turned down anything.

I always say, "I don't care." I only say that to people who already know me.

My dad is the only one I wouldn't say "I don't care" 'cause he made me a turtle soup (didn't tell me what it was until I ate it all), buffalo tongue, chicken livers, squirrel hearts, and few other things. Now I resist to say "i don't care" when he asks.

My mother..she just wonders what I want for dinner..I would just say, "hot food" or "cold food."

Lisa knows that I really dont' care...if her mother asks both of us what we want from KFC, I just say I don't care..and Lisa would tell her mother something about what I wanted. :)

:rofl: :rofl: I've eaten tripe (cow's stomach) and I knew what it was...! :shock: Delicious. The only thing I won't eat ever is....LIVER. UGH! I don't like the way it tastes and the texture of it. *shuddering*

THANK GOD I AM NOT ALONE - I still have not grown out of my pickyness but I know I am offending others but now they are used to it..... :) I wont eat lamb or fish (seafood) and lots of things lol very very picky - even picky on restaurants and got to have COCA - COLA - i have even brought my own coke if going to a friends house and I know they dont have any coke LOL LOL I know I am bad but dang I cant change......
I accidently ate a buffalo tongue. It was into a french word...so I ordered it...and then later...mentioned it to my mom...she told me it was a buffalo tongue...I was like "WTF french people got buffalos there?"

I used to work at Burger King at times, knowing how things go around there. Every time when I went to Burger King to order a nice and juicy whopper cheese, I demanded that it be OFF BROILER, BUNS FRESHLY TOASTED and NO SALT ON FRIES (to force them to fresh fry the fries). After the transaction was made, and the change returned, I immediately walked over to establish a visual trajectory where my foods are being prepared. When an employee prepare the food for some body else, he noticed that my eyes were dead locked onto him, giving him no room to neglect my specific orders. He became nervous, tried to make everything right and accordingly. He took my meat off the broiler and assembled my fresh sandwich, and put it into microwave, nicely spread mayonnaise on the crown bun, lettuce perfectly layed on each other, and all that. When my order was assembled, I took out one stick of hot fries and tasted it to make sure that it is nice and fresh. Satisfied with the order, I walked over to the table to sift salt on my fries. "Your way, right away" is the Burger King's motto on which I value the most.
LMAO....I liked the part of your staring hypotnic (sp?) game....I should do that. :p
haha, I'm a major onion hater too... unfortunately the folks love it, so I either have to do the picking it out (which sucks, cuz sometimes i miss one or two!) or they have me get the food before they add the onions.

I just moved back home for awhile and I cry if I have to eat at home sometimes... I usually love food, but since the folks are on Atkin diet and diabetic, food has become quite nasty (the only salad dressing we have is oil and little bit of vinegar, blah) but I bear with it until move out time!

I'm picky with meat too, mostly I refuse it.

Maybe it's just a strong sense of smell and taste (which can be a good thing for 'dieting' heh)
myself was a picky eater when I was little boy but not anymore, I eat improve alot since I was become adult.
I am a picky eater. I don't like when I have to eat at someone else's homes and at restaurants. When eating at someone else's homes, I am polite and don't try to show it.