People who say "What, What?" to deaf person

i've never been mocked for being hh/deaf or even blind, but i have been in the past because of my bipolar. fortunately, that hasn't happened to me in quite awhile. people who do such things are the ones who have the problem -- you or i.

You are absolutely right. People who are mocking or laughing for not understanding our disabilities are the ones who have the problems of ignorance and very insentitive. I just hope the doctor who came for an interview with the other doctor might not pick it up from that jerk. :mad:
You are absolutely right. People who are mocking or laughing for not understanding our disabilities are the ones who have the problems of ignorance and very insentitive. I just hope the doctor who came for an interview with the other doctor might not pick it up from that jerk. :mad:

An anesthesiologist is an md just like that doctor is, so, perhaps he was acting like the first four letters of his profession (anus), he showed how much of a juvie he is. I'd let the first time slide, but the second one, HR should be contacted, as should the EEOE officer. That anesthesiologist won't be doing that again any time soon.

And no, you don't have to say anything to the guy to "educate" him. Apparently, he didn't receive much of one growing up, not to mention medical school.
definitely rude...ppl do that to me..its diff if its my close friends who sometimes do it...but i had someone at work do that and it was my friends friend and he was like WHAT! in my ear and i gave him the dirtiest look of life and was like um no i am really hard of hearing/deaf ...and my friend gave his friend shit..i called him an asshole and now he is trying to be really nice to me. I don't like that...don't be rude..argg

I would say complain if it happens again, maybe he/she was trying to act cool in front of the new Dr. ...
in my opinon, both the anethesiologist and the doctor were wrong. one is not any more to blame than the other. the anethesiologist was wrong for making such an ignorant comment and the doctor was wrong for not correcting it.
mshel, you're in a professional environment. Business practices in a hospital should be the most important aspect of it, as both your personality has an effect on how well you can do your stuff and how it affects the people you work with.

Don't let yourself down to his level by looking for a way to get him back. You'll only be taking his bait. There's no point to sink down to his level, as your details just proved how much of a 'tard he is. Doug has it best so far. We may have to earn our respect the hard way, it is not worth it to lose it to a dork like this. Just ignore it and move on, until it starts getting serious where you feel traumatized then maybe it's time to take action.

But for now, this is no different than the acts of a bully at jr/high school trying to pick on someone else because he/she has a superiority complex and needs attention or form of self esteem from siphoning it off others.
MAybe the doctor believed she was handling the situation well enough on her own, but if he witnesses another incident he may be more inclined to step in and say "Hey, this is a professional hospital, I expect nothing but professional conduct from you while your here on the job. Another incident and you'll no longer have privileges here at this hospital."

I grew up with a very mean group of kids were I was constantly being bullied for being deaf and different. I constantly got the mocking "HUH?!" "WHAT? WHAT WHAT?" and let's not forget "TURN UP YOUR BELTONE!" I socked one kid in the nose for it once, got sent to the principal's office then I was labelled a bully to the other kids. Go figure.
The anesthesiologist said that right after the doctor had left the room to scrub. And this was not the first time he had done it.

Excuse me, but if I understand you post -- The doctor was standing there the entire time the anesthesiologist was doing this -- And the doctor said NOTHING?

Are you sure it is the anesthesiologist's behavior you should be concerned with -- Or the doctor's?
Have you ever thought of carrying a voice activated tape recorder on you? They are fairly reasonably priced and I have used them to good effect in the past. They are small, fit nicely in a pocket unnoticed, and while they may not be admissible in a court of law they do do a lot of convincing.
Have you ever thought of carrying a voice activated tape recorder on you? They are fairly reasonably priced and I have used them to good effect in the past. They are small, fit nicely in a pocket unnoticed, and while they may not be admissible in a court of law they do do a lot of convincing.

$20,000 in exchange for tape... :deal:
Have you ever thought of carrying a voice activated tape recorder on you? They are fairly reasonably priced and I have used them to good effect in the past. They are small, fit nicely in a pocket unnoticed, and while they may not be admissible in a court of law they do do a lot of convincing.

i thought it was against the law to record someone without their consent.
That is VERY rude. I've had people do that to me as well and it makes my face burn red with hurt and anger. Best thing to do when someone does that is to just ignore them if you can. I take out my aids and refuse to speak to people like that and would rather stare at them as if they were dumb apes. Which is what they are...

i thought it was against the law to record someone without their consent.

here's a tricky thing - it is illegal to tape-record someone as government agent. it is illegal to tape record confidential conversation such as patient-doctor and client-lawyer without consent. however - it is NOT illegal to tape-record voices in public place.

here's a tricky thing - it is illegal to tape-record someone as government agent. it is illegal to tape record confidential conversation such as patient-doctor and client-lawyer without consent. however - it is NOT illegal to tape-record voices in public place.


really? i always thought it was. then again, if people are allowed to record college lectures, i guess that just goes to show it is indeed legal.
really? i always thought it was. then again, if people are allowed to record college lectures, i guess that just goes to show it is indeed legal.

yep... only for private use but if it's for commercial purpose - obviously that is illegal.
That's incredibly rude. I also work in a hospital as a nurse, and would not put up with that at all.
Hi, i am deaf. Then my name is garrett stuart and a.s.l. Learn the long time school deaf in gooding ,idaho . Well i will gave to I have a vp-200.

Would you get off this announcement about yourself and get into the discussion thread. If you have something say about the OP topic and want to discuss it. You already did enough what you want to say to us in the introduction threads. We are talking and discussing on what the top OP are saying. :roll: