Parents not told, school take children to Mosque, forced to bow

:roll: This has been ALL over the news here where I live. The students weren't forced to pray. They OBSERVED a prayer service, and some boys basicly did the Islam equalivant of bowing their heads during the actual prayer service. That could be seen as a sign of respect.

Doesn't change the fact that it was an inappropriate field trip for a public school........ The whole seperation of church and state thingy. It doesn't matter if the parents approved or not.
As seminary students of one religion, you participated in the rites of other religions?

Absolutely. It was wonderful to learn about the similarities of the basis of the beliefs. Mind you that our seminary is ecumenical. The more we learn and understand one another the more we respect one another.

On the "flip side" many traditions come to our services, especially those who marry into another tradition, become dissatisfied with their own services or doctrines, or simply feel more at ease.

We even share our rooms with small groups who do not have enough folks to have their own building but are too large to home study. This may mean that different faiths share one roof. Everyone is welcome.