Outer Space blows my mind.

yes web730 taht is right.. too many tiny gain of sand! too long long to be done on counting those! it would be almost forever! haha!
Awesome isn't it? I agree with you. I don't think we could possibly be the only human types in the gallaxy. For one thing, too many people have seen things that just can't be explained and the gallaxy is just too huge

It is amazing, but equallt amazing is one must keep in mind a couple of things. First our universe is still very young, only 13 billion years old. So it's also possible that we may be the only one's in it, as incredible as that may sound. Or perhaps we are not alone. Just can not know for sure. Another thing to keep in mind is what we are seeing in those pics are snap shots from the past. The universe at age 800 million years old, still a babe!

But lets talk about *if* there is life out there. It can be either more primiative then ours or more advanced. But to be more advanced would mean it evolved before our own. This possibility while certainly possible, is less likely due to the age and evolution of our universe so far. It's more possible for less primitive worlds. But lets assume there is a more adanced life source some where out there. We know it can not be nearby. It would most likely be at the very least outside of our own galaxy.

Even if this advanced life source could travel at the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second, it would take several hundreds of years to get here from the nearest galaxy. There are just too many wild cards and obsticles in the way that makes distant space travel even at the speed of light not the best way to get from point A to point B.

So what are these people seeing who spot UFO's? Well I don't know what, but my bet is it is NOT align life. Because any one that could over come all those difficulties I would think would be able to design better looking space ships then cigar shapped or saucer shaped toys we see photos of!
jaydeemfoo, you say that "wait and see".. i am not talk about travel light we go to.. i am talk about when will we find them throught telescope... it would take time.. yes one day..

Alright, thanks for clearing that up. I guess I didn't read carefully what you've said at the 1st place.
I always wonder what really started the planets and everything else anyway? It cant be the big bang theory though.
I always wonder what really started the planets and everything else anyway? It cant be the big bang theory though.

I've always wondered what sparked the universe and the whole system and that's always a mystery for us to find out forever and forever. I have run out of ideas on how it began.
We have discovered more than 300 exosolar planets so far, but I am sure more than millions or billions planets are not to be discovered yet.

Definitely there is life in some of these undiscovered planets.
There's is a lot of stuff that doesn't make sense to me at all.

They will become more and more sensible as long as the scientists have gathered information and proof on how the planets are created and evolved.