Omg Omg!!!!!

Originally posted by Darlin Tweety
YES i went in there eariler and lost fewer numbers damn it

Tweety, you know you are a very nice girl, and I like you very much. I hope you dont find this to be offending but I have to say that numbers are only numbers. It is not the quantity that counts but the quality that counts. If I lost all of my post numbers and went back to 5, I wouldn't care about it at all because I know I posted good things here.
Originally posted by WilGecko
Geez you're a nut tweety :laugh2: .....congrats though :)

hee hee thanks Will :grouphug: pls pm me and give me your aol sn i want talk to you sumthing plz ..
Originally posted by kuifje75
ha... I would rather write REAL posts that actually were more than one liners, and meant something. Keep the chit chat out of Alldeaf and do it in chatrooms instead. I think these oneliners degrades this forum and makes everything too much to read. It seems like to me that you all only care about your post numbers than caring about something that is actually worthy of saying something.

In a lot of ways, I agree. :) Thats why I only post when I do - which is when I think I have something worthwhile to say. Granted, I'm prolly (no offense) a little nicer about it ;) But I like people who speak their mind, so kudos.

but congrats to people who hit milestones ;)