old/haunted dorm at gallaudet

Yeah, and then he call his friends, neighbors to witness it. They all did. It lasted for 30 minutes.

Since this was serious schitt. It could tell us that the students who died has left their ghosts to chill around the room, it sounds creepy, eh.
As for which dorm is supposedly haunted and if my memory serves me right, I think it was the College Hall dorm which is right next to the Tower Clock. This was during my time there but now I think a lot of College Hall has offices in it and I'm not sure if the upper floors still serve as a dorm. I remember the Florida Avenue side of the building had a "coffin" door, too.....
Reminds me of claims that Tower A at RIT was haunted. It's easy to make people think that by pushing an elevator button and going opps wrong one and push another one and get off the elevator, leaving the first button lit, making the elevator open on that floor with nobody there.
I've had to deal with that in Tower A many times. There would always be gullible or paranoid students who would freak out when the door opens randomly. I always explain that to them.

I do know that each dorm building has elevators that are programmed differently. In Sol, the elevators are programmed to sit at the 1st floor and 6th floor when not in use during the night. When someone enters the elevator on the first floor, the other elevator will then move down to the 1st floor and stay there.

There are also elevators that reset when they feel ZERO weight in the elevators. If someone got in the elevator, pressed all the buttons, then got out... it would reset because there's no one in the elevator.
The light switches for the halls might be easy to flip without others at the opposite end noticing. I don't remember where the switches are.
Yep, that's right. The light switches are usually located next to the doorway by the elevator lobby and by the doorway to the stairs. I've seen some students leave through the stairs and turn off the light just as they leave. :roll:
The light in the room on top of Tower A is also on sometimes because of people going up there to work on the HVAC stuff or the radio station. I think it's stupid that they put the HVAC stuff so close to the big window so it looks ugly from the ground. They should've designed the elevators to go up to the top room so that room would still be open now.

They closed off the room by taking out the spiral stairs from the 12th floor up to that room because people in wheelchairs would have a hard time getting up there. Now that most people never go up there, I won't be surprised if they think it's haunted. :eek3:
That little room used to be an actual room that people could use... with permission. It was usually reserved for meetings or conferences. This was before Tower A was renovated in 2000. I've had several meetings in that room when I was a student at RIT during 2000. :)

Oh yeah, I remember that itty bitty spiral stairway. ;)
I've also seen people on the roof of the other large dorms go into the rooms on top. Wonder if there are stories about those. The easiest one to see people on top of is Gleason because it's only 7 floors and you can get far away from it on the 1/4 mile with a clear view of it.
A lot of students do find ways out of those windows and walk on the roof to other parts of the buildings. Of course, some of them get caught or do some damage to the rooftops because they walked on the wrong parts of the rooftops. :roll:

One guy was caught and it turned out that he was doing it as part of a fraternity thing. That fraternity was later suspended for it. :roll:
In old RIT yearbooks from the time when they actually had yearbooks, I saw pictures of the dorms with balconies. Those are gone now. Wonder if there are stories about somebody jumping off, prompting their removal.
Those balconies were there when RIT was a wet campus. Students would be drunk and fall off those balconies. RIT felt it was not worth the risk of having balconies in the dorms like that. So, they fixed it all.
As for which dorm is supposedly haunted and if my memory serves me right, I think it was the College Hall dorm which is right next to the Tower Clock. This was during my time there but now I think a lot of College Hall has offices in it and I'm not sure if the upper floors still serve as a dorm. I remember the Florida Avenue side of the building had a "coffin" door, too.....

"Coffin" door? Are you sure that it wasn't a door for delivering coal? BTW, what's a "coffin" door?
theres alot stories of haunted in dorms, all dorms...
"Coffin" door? Are you sure that it wasn't a door for delivering coal? BTW, what's a "coffin" door?
Byrdie, it's shape/outline is that of narrow coffins of old. I wish I was skilled enough to go somewhere on the Net and get an image of it. Maybe you can as it's quite well known......
Was these stories true? :Ohno:

If you are referring to my imagination, then yes.. if not, then I have never been to Gally AS a student (Been there as a tourist though), since I am in Australia :aw:

My mistake.. my question is for authetic. sorry
I didnt see anything in the tunnel. I have been using the tunnel so many times to go to the laundry, bar, store or to classes or dining room.

You misunderstood me. I am speaking of Gallaudet tunnels. I have no problems using underground tunnels on RIT campus many times.
Byrdie, it's shape/outline is that of narrow coffins of old. I wish I was skilled enough to go somewhere on the Net and get an image of it. Maybe you can as it's quite well known......

The coffin door is a legend at Gallaudet. I remember when I was there, the legend goes - If any freshmen walks through that door, they will never graduate. I for one, was laughing at that because it was just a door and I walked through it. :lol:

Here's some more Ghost Stories of Gallaudet -- Ghost Stories on the Gallaudet Campus « Fookem and Bug

Here's a YouTube Vid showing what the coffin door looks like --

I used to live in 201A at Clerc.... there was a ghost in my room.
Jolie, than you for posting an image of that door; now maybe Byrdie will see it. Btw, that's not the same door; it is a nice looking newer one. The one I knew was the same shape and everything except that it was older, and had a more "creepy" look to it. Lol....