OHMYG..... My heart was so hard beats!

Huntsman spider are harmless but they do give a painful bite and they are not poisonous.

It's not that unusual to see huntsman spiders here up to 3 inches or more across the feet.

I usually work evening shift and sometimes when I come home at night one will run up my arm off the door handle, jump off and land in the pile of poop I just left there.....
I cannot stand any spider. One time I was brushing my teeth. I saw a big back spider was laying on the wall. It was so close by me. I jumped and refuse kill it with my own hand or anything. This spider's body size is "25 cent". I asked my neighbor to help me. He said he need a jar to catch it. He decide keep a jar with spider. ewww, I cannot handle a big spiders. I would kill small spiders!
i used to be friends with spiders when i was young.. i would freak out if my mom or my sisters tried to kill spiders.. that is till i was 16.. i got bitten by a brown recluse spider at my knee and it was painful!!!! i couldnt walk and couldnt sleep well .. fever and chills.. i had to use crutches to get around for 4 long months..... it finally got better and yes i went to dr to get antiobitcs in beginning to help heal up the infection.. but whew.. now? i do kill spiders.. but if i look closer if its recluse spiders.. i stomped them.. but if its wood spiders.. they r good as they kill moths and fleas etc..

my mom got bitten by black widow when she was young .. she almost died from it... but lucky shes fine... yes we both still have scars from the bites... big one.. dang!
I cannot stand any spider. One time I was brushing my teeth. I saw a big back spider was laying on the wall. It was so close by me. I jumped and refuse kill it with my own hand or anything. This spider's body size is "25 cent". I asked my neighbor to help me. He said he need a jar to catch it. He decide keep a jar with spider. ewww, I cannot handle a big spiders. I would kill small spiders!


Sounds like something I would do, Spiders are the most frighten thing for me to even have a gut to kill it, which I don't. I would just run and scream, sometimes my oldest son would kill it for me, if it's big he wouldn't I would have to bid him money to kill it for me, he says how much? I said 10.00? he said ok!! :giggle:
omg!!!!!!!!!! ewww.... i never like spiders but wanna know something funny?

Deafscuba98 had the pet laser light and he decided to put the laser light on the spider and guess what happened? the spider is actually chasing the light. it freaked me out to see the spider crawling so fast over the light. and He tried do it again, still same chasing after the light. I told deafscuba98 to get the spider out of here! eww spiders.
Interesting, here in my home country, spiders are of very small and harmless types. I never saw those spiders that are mentioned in this thread at home :eek:
i hate bugs as well i hate spider i hate anything that came up to my face eekkk if anything come up to my face i freak out LOL

OYYY about posts of spiders
but it is good to learn about them no matter if we hates them
Interesting, here in my home country, spiders are of very small and harmless types. I never saw those spiders that are mentioned in this thread at home :eek:

psst.. members let's mail highlands a box full of those dangerous spiders. :giggle: