OHMYG..... My heart was so hard beats!

Ah, Must be Baby spiders boomer arrival in your area... Rebelgirl..

ugh.. they're dead, alright!!!!! lol i can't stand the fact knowing its going to have babies!!! nuh uh....
*gulps* I was just talking about spiders with my friend in private IM... I had one sitting on my porch. It was a big fat fuzzy one. my daughter came home from school and saw me standing behind a glass door staring at a spider. I told my daughter to go around and I'll unlock the door for her to come in. Instead, she comes forward to the spider and said I've never seen those before. Before I could say anything.... She killed it. but that's not all!!!

after she stomped on it, THOUSANDS of spiders came out of the big spider!!!!!! OMG!!! I freaked out. so i went and got my spray and killed it as much as i could! ugh.. I hate spiders!

:jaw: oh wow thousands of spiders came out of it yikes :ohno:

if it is small spider aint scare of it can kill it but for like big spider or poison spider FORGET IT! I would freak it out!! that will give me goosebump! lol :lol: If I see big spider then I grab spray and fast! as I can like hurrrrrrrrrry with goosegump somehow with screamed for sure if I do it I guess :lol: lol
Oh, yeah, forgot to tell y'all. Ever heard of Camel Spider? They're big friggin' spider. Bet y'all won't stomp on it.

Hey, Cheri, I don't believe we've met yet. So, my name's Texan Guy. I'm sure Camel Spider would be your favorite meal. lol
LOL...at this topic about spiders! Must be Halloween time! :lol:

Okay, let me tell you about what happened long time ago when I was living at the other place before I moved here. We always have some big huntsman spiders in and outside of the house. This big huntsman spider is always up on the wall in the kitchen and it doesn't bother us. One day he must have move to another wall just above a double sliding door between the kitchen and the living room. I was coming into the kitchen from the living room and I felt something landed on top of my head! Oh flippin' heck, the spider gaves me a heck of a fright! :lol:

Another one about in my hubby's Ford F100 truck again at the other place. My hubby and I was going out in his truck and the sun was shining into my eyes. I put the sunvisor down and a huntmans spider suddenly jumped down on me. Eeeek! :lol:
wow, must be a mexican jumping spider or something. they tend to jump around.

I have seen a few huge black spiders at my work, they crawl very fast! I used the vacuum to suck them up and they're long gone inside the vacuum's belly. :giggle:

I saw some black widows, too. They're very poisionous, I hear. scary!
Recently Happen!!:eek:

I took the wood logs from outside to My fireplace. I put logs inside the fireplace and black thick spider jump out of the fireplace to my face between chest. :shock: I was screamed loudly and panic! :run: Spider was falling on the rug, and It's run faster to under my black leather sofa! :nono: So I took the kitchen towel then looked around the sofa then saw its escape into my dinning room. I was throwing a towel and grab it to outside. :ugh3: The spider ran down the outdoor front stair and spider turn around and looked at me, then I was so afraid of it and shut the front door closed hard. :Ohno:

I doesn't mean to laugh at you but your funny post... :lol: "The spider ran down the outdoor front stair and spider turn around and looked at me, then I was so afraid of it and shut the front door closed hard"... I can image how you feel when the spider stared at you... :cold:...

It look like that spider remember your face... You have to dye your hair and change your face then spider will not recongize you... :giggle:

It's really scary... I would scream real hard when I see fat spiders in my house... :Ohno:
*gulps* I was just talking about spiders with my friend in private IM... I had one sitting on my porch. It was a big fat fuzzy one. my daughter came home from school and saw me standing behind a glass door staring at a spider. I told my daughter to go around and I'll unlock the door for her to come in. Instead, she comes forward to the spider and said I've never seen those before. Before I could say anything.... She killed it. but that's not all!!!

after she stomped on it, THOUSANDS of spiders came out of the big spider!!!!!! OMG!!! I freaked out. so i went and got my spray and killed it as much as i could! ugh.. I hate spiders!

:cold: your daughter must be brave... I am tooooo :Ohno: to kill spider...

baby spiders :eek3: I hope it won't one or two leftover...
LOL...at this topic about spiders! Must be Halloween time! :lol:

Okay, let me tell you about what happened long time ago when I was living at the other place before I moved here. We always have some big huntsman spiders in and outside of the house. This big huntsman spider is always up on the wall in the kitchen and it doesn't bother us. One day he must have move to another wall just above a double sliding door between the kitchen and the living room. I was coming into the kitchen from the living room and I felt something landed on top of my head! Oh flippin' heck, the spider gaves me a heck of a fright! :lol:

Another one about in my hubby's Ford F100 truck again at the other place. My hubby and I was going out in his truck and the sun was shining into my eyes. I put the sunvisor down and a huntmans spider suddenly jumped down on me. Eeeek! :lol:

:Ohno: big huntsman spider is really ugly spider... I would scream when I see them... Are they harm?
wow, must be a mexican jumping spider or something. they tend to jump around.

I have seen a few huge black spiders at my work, they crawl very fast! I used the vacuum to suck them up and they're long gone inside the vacuum's belly. :giggle:

I saw some black widows, too. They're very poisionous, I hear. scary!

No, all the spiders including black widows are not really poison... What the people said about spiders and poison is myth... I learn from sons... They learn at school and visited insects house last summer... some spiders cause harm yes, but not poison.
Trust me, Black Widows are very poisonous (they can make you very sick, and it even can be fatal)...They are fearful of humans, but very dangerous if it bites human.

In my state, there's two spiders we got to watch out, it's black widows and recluses spider.

Did you know daddy long leg spider is very poisonous (even more than black widow or recluses spider) but have too tiny mouth to bite humans? I now think twice before I pick up daddy long leg spider. :)
Trust me, Black Widows are very poisonous (they can make you very sick, and it even can be fatal)...They are fearful of humans, but very dangerous if it bites human.

In my state, there's two spiders we got to watch out, it's black widows and recluses spider.

Did you know daddy long leg spider is very poisonous (even more than black widow or recluses spider) but have too tiny mouth to bite humans? I now think twice before I pick up daddy long leg spider. :)

Yup, that's true about black widow is very poisonous spider.

Oh, I hate black widow and brown recluse spiders, they got on my big nerves.
Can you show your son this picture.. and your son might familiar!
This is dangerous spider..
u know what is it ? It's black widow spider!