oh no

Originally posted by Oddball
Surely, I was so wasted when I was young. I was certificated partyhead in Ohio before moved to Las Vegas.

Jams, you were lucky to get hangover at the place instead of driving on the road. I was so wasted with alcohol and weed and had to drive back home from downtown Cleveland with a fucked up friend. I drove her car!! Smh. The cop busted me for speeding and I wondered he did not smell my strong breath plus what's more I forgot my drivers license!! Anyway, he waived me cuz I explained to him that I was not that far to my home (it was true). Whew. I should have gotten DUI three or four times in Ohio. RME at myself.

Once I moved to Las Vegas, I drink less and less now cuz LV and Arizona DUI policies are stricter due to frequent car accidents. Arizona prison is more brutal than LV. That's why I said to myself.. not worth shit if I get busted by AZ cops for DUI and wind up in the prison for a few months. The warden can order inmates in old fashioned stripes uniforms to dig the ground (burials) during scorching heat and each of them are allowed to drink STALE water. Also, they walk closely with CHAINS!! I was like oh, gosh..(it is true story cuz I watched AZ prison on Discovery Channel).

Ouch...I have never been to jail before *knocking on wood*. I did drive while drunk once years ago, but never again because I realise how dangerous it was driving in that condition. I was all over the road, but I'm surprised no one stopped me, EVEN the cops. I guess I got 'lucky' that no cops were on the roads that night I drove.

:rofl: I saw u being so drunk on the cam, Jamie but at least you are too smart to not doing anything stupid.

GOod girl! *pat on ur back*
well i dont think i really had a hangover.. just a SLIGHT SLIGHT headache, it was more of a dull thud and i didnt think too much of it :) I didnt sleep well because I was afraid of oversleeping so i slept light - as a result i woke up a lot :D

and.. i kept telling people that i was drunk - not stupid. I still had some sort of control - which was nice. :)
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I have been there and done that.

Actually, this is going to be my short testitmony as an alcoholic.

I was attracted to hard liquors at a young age. Young as 9 years old. I drank sips of red and white wine before I had my first taste of a hard liquor, which was Old English Eggnog Whiskey. Then next hard liquor was vodka. Whenever my parents were not home, I would raid the freezer and find a bottle of vodka. Then I would drink a little straight out of the bottle little by little. Of course, my parents never noticed something missing because I drank in samll amounts. I had been doing it over the years until I attended Gallaudet University.

I remember the first night I was drunk at Gallaudet University. I drank at least 5 beers plus a bottle of vodka. Then I became very drunk. Yes, I was underaged at that time. I experienced my first hangover. I remember the night I was drunk for the first time and had a hangover the next day, but I managed to drag myself to my 8:00 AM English class. I even went to cross country practice in the afternoon while I still had hangover.

I partied only on nights that I did not have classes the next day. That's how I managed to ace on every test and held a 3.75 GPA during the entire semester.

No, I did not leave Gallaudet because of partying. It was just my foolish committment to my ex-husband that summarized the whole story.


After I left Gally, I drank even more. Especially on the weekends. Until the day I walked out of my marriage forever, I slowed down my drinking.

Until in October 2001, it was the worst night of being drunk and hangover the next morning. I drank one WHOLE bottle of Eggnog Whiskey AND one WHOLE bottle of Kahula. Imagine the astonishing look my former deaf roommate's face when she woke me up in the morning. The first thing she asked me "Are you trying to kil yourself??" Then she explained that her hearing girlfriend heard me throwing up all night in the bathroom. It kept her awake all night as she was trying to go to sleep because she had to go to work the next day. I felt bad about it. Then I saw the mess in my bathroom. Ewwwww! All vomit spots were still in the bathroom because they were not cleaned yet. The odor was terrible. It only made me feel even more sicker.

So I came to a conclusion. This was the end of my "heavy drinking." I don't wanna kill myself by accident. I had drank both bottles that were over 60 Proof.

There was one time I drank Kessemert Whiskey (sp?) that had 100 Proof. I drank four cups of that whiskey and got fekked up drunk. The strange thing I never had hangover the next day. But I know for a fact that I had a terrible temper that night, which I almost never experienced with other hard liquors or alcoholic beverages.

The reason why I no longer drink heavily is beause I never feel good or proud about it after I sober up. It only threw me into a depression. So it had to stop.

It has been two years that I decided to stop drinking heavily. I only drink one or two glasses of alcoholic beverage once a year or every other year.

BTW, I do know for a fact that when I chewed snuff right after I drank an alcoholic beverage, I felt so high. Feel so good. WOW! :eek: But I no longer chew snuff, anyway.
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Originally posted by LadyDuke
I have been there and done that.

Actually, this is going to be my short testitmony as an alcoholic.

So I came to a conclusion. This was the end of my "heavy drinking." I don't wanna kill myself by accident. I had drank both bottles that were over 60 Proof.

The reason why I no longer drink heavily is beause I never feel good or proud about it after I sober up. It only threw me into a depression. So it had to stop.

It has been two years that I decided to stop drinking heavily. I only drink one or two glasses of alcoholic beverage once a year or every other year.

Kudos to you, LadyDuke! I know it's no funny task being a drunk almost on a daily basis. I was like that for a few years during my early 20's. Nowadays, I rarely drink -- only maybe a couple drinks once every month or 2 months.

if i wanted to get drunk right now I wud go for rum and coke it's best and fastest to get drunk :rofl: jammie u rock! cuz u live on ur own and u can do anything as long u can be drunk and think at same time instead of gettin fooked up but I'm glad u survived and I'm sure it was ur first time eh? sorry if I went off topic but my first drink was when i was 20 few months b4 i turned 21 so.. :twisted: heh.
Hi, my name is Bowak and i am a big time binge drinker.

Well, my binge drinking days were over ages ago. I drank undgeraged and got drunk. My mother sat me down the next day disussing on my getting extremely drunk on my father's 50th birthday. ( he was a bit drunk too).

Anyways, I don't drink very much these days. However, my binge drinking stopped in 1995 maybe '96 not sure when.

LadyDuke, am glad your doing ok these days :)