Official AllDeaf Switched At Birth Discussion [tv show on abc family]

Saw the second epsiode last night - it was ok, but keen to watch the next one.

Yiz, uhhhh, Helen Keller? :laugh2:
Canadian folks - try hulu?

Hulu doesn't work outside of USA either. Shame really. Disappointed. Can't get good movies with Sign Language or Deaf actors except on YouTube. YouTube's CCs often don't work correctly or there are none at all. :aw:
You all have excellent feedback! I love how much discussion is surfacing from this show! I personally think it’s very realistic and can’t wait to see what is going to unfold in next week’s episode. Marlee Matlin will be making an appearance, as you all know, and we also find out who Bay’s real birth father is! I find myself getting emotionally involved with each character because it’s so real! Anybody else feel the same? To hold you over for next week, here are some sneak peeks and make sure to follow the Twitter handle and Facebook page to keep up to date on all the latest breaking news!
Are you guys talking about me on here?? just curious, cause the one was mentioned on my name on there..
Are you guys talking about me on here?? just curious, cause the one was mentioned on my name on there..

Me. I just wondered if you were a real person, or someone who works for ABC. Because you joined as the show started and it is almost all you talk about.

Maybe you are just really interested in the show. I like dogs a lot. But I talk about other things too.
lol! No, I'm just like you guys were as we likes the tv shows mostly, I'm a huge tv addicts. Just one person who joined is ABCFamily there.

I likes the dogs too! :) and so is the other things too!
I viewed the first 2 episodes on YouTube last night. Some of the captions were backwards?!! I am pretty good at reading upside-down and backwards, however, serious work needs to be done on it. Also, the whole show should be captioned throughout.

It was interesting as TV dramas go and I will continue to view it, however, I noticed that it is geared to educate the hearing about deafness, but to tell you the truth, it is still very primarily 'hearing'. It is a good 'meet halfway' effort though. IMO, It would be good to have a broadcasting network that broadcasts a tv series purely from the Deaf perspective.
I just watched it. The captions on Hulu were a little buggy for the first minute but fine after that.

I liked this episode even more than the first. Lots of good tension. Writing is getting a little better and so is the acting, but still a little bit of overdetermined and unnecessary stuff. That's expected in the early episodes of any TV show. For example, if you watch some of the first Seinfeld episodes, you'll cringe...

My favorite character is Bay. Besides being the best actress on the show, she is also the most complex. Much of the storyline revolves around Daphne's deafness, but it's really Bay's complexity that will drive this show. Definitely looking forward to her character development, and I'm looking forward to seeing more interaction/tension between the two girls in general.

Right now, the only thing that makes Daphne an interesting character is her deafness, and that is going to quickly wear off with the audience, so I hope the writers are able to do something to give her more texture and nuance soon. But she sure is cute. Damn!

I want to smack the rich parents. Grrrr!

Good job, ABC. My offer still stands: I'll write for you! I work for cheap, too! lol.
I viewed the first 2 episodes on YouTube last night. Some of the captions were backwards?!! I am pretty good at reading upside-down and backwards, however, serious work needs to be done on it. Also, the whole show should be captioned throughout.

It was interesting as TV dramas go and I will continue to view it, however, I noticed that it is geared to educate the hearing about deafness, but to tell you the truth, it is still very primarily 'hearing'. It is a good 'meet halfway' effort though. IMO, It would be good to have a broadcasting network that broadcasts a tv series purely from the Deaf perspective.

Okay, first off, consider the audience for this show: 99% HEARING. It MUST accommodate that audience, whether we want it to or not. Why on earth would ABC produce a show from a deaf point of view that would exclude virtually it's entire audience? Nobody would watch it. It would be canned right away and we wouldn't get anywhere.

Second, what do you mean it is "still very primarily 'hearing'"? I think this show has been very good about preserving the Deaf perspective and at the same time crossing over and bridging the gap between hearing and deaf. How can you say it's primarily hearing when it's bringing up all the issues we deaf people face when dealing with the hearing, and it is sympathetic to the DEAF view--not the hearing?

Do you have any idea how many hearing people are learning how to interact with a deaf person and are being exposed to positive ideas about deafness from watching this show? I saw at least 4 stereotypes about deaf people broken down in tonight's episode. It is really the first of its kind.

You want a "purely Deaf perspective"? Go to (where you will, ironically, find Switched at Birth on the front page)
I guess it is a little too early in the piece. However, I do hope they bring out the issues that many of us oral-mainstream raised deafies faced with speech therapy and resource rooms and all that caboodle and the issue of rights for accomodations. They show Daphne already has those accomodations, but what about the fight to receive that right? ....also the effort it takes to be oral day in day out etc. Daphne sim-coming to her mother who had used sign with her all her life is just out of place. They should have captioned it. Plus, they make it out that Daphne can lipread the hearing family and her schoolmates at times when it is not possible that she could have done so. I certainly couldn't and I am pretty good at it. It still is a good effort on ABCFamily's part. I do hope they take our feedback seriously though.

Enough said, I'd better save my comments in the future until much later.
I look forward to all of your feedback every time I come on this board! I’m still happy to hear that you are all enjoying the show and appreciate it for its content. There’s definitely more drama and more new surprises being brought into the show every week. Tonight’s episode will feature Marlee Matlin, so make sure to tune-in for that! Do any of you have a favorite character on the show thus far? Or perhaps a favorite budding couple? If you plan on watching tonight, don’t forget to join the blog party! You can all converse with other avid viewers of the show while you’re watching!
I look forward to all of your feedback every time I come on this board! I’m still happy to hear that you are all enjoying the show and appreciate it for its content. There’s definitely more drama and more new surprises being brought into the show every week. Tonight’s episode will feature Marlee Matlin, so make sure to tune-in for that! Do any of you have a favorite character on the show thus far? Or perhaps a favorite budding couple? If you plan on watching tonight, don’t forget to join the blog party! You can all converse with other avid viewers of the show while you’re watching!

Have you seen the complaints about the captioning? That's important! It's screwed up.
I love the show so far... What about y'all? Oh btw. Hearing eval tomorrow to see how deaf I really am. I've been putting it off because.... well I don't really know why I've been putting it off.