Obsess with one candy or something else

A cup of joe at night? Will it keep you up all night in which you are unable to sleep? Is the coffee decaf?

Nah....regular coffee...and it doesn't keep me awake...Actually, it soothes me...makes me mellow.
Nah....regular coffee...and it doesn't keep me awake...Actually, it soothes me...makes me mellow.

Ah good! If my mother drinks regular coffee at night, it'll cause her to stay awake all night so that's why she prefers decaf.
Obsession is a daily normal thing in my household. Raising an autistic child has its perks and zillions of repetitive wants or sayings. I've learned to get used to it. Rigjt now, its all about pizzas! Oy vey.
Obsession is a daily normal thing in my household. Raising an autistic child has its perks and zillions of repetitive wants or sayings. I've learned to get used to it. Rigjt now, its all about pizzas! Oy vey.

When you mentioned pizza, it reminded me of the shirt I have. Here's a picture of the shirt as it is taken from the website where I purchased it.

I don't know anyone that extreme, but I'm not really crazy about candy. One thing I'm guilty for is I always have a container of mixed nuts on the coffee table (for you smarty pants, thàt means shelled seeds!). :P

Like the kid who went to pick up his date from her grandmothers house.
He got there early and the grandmother told him to wait in the den. He was hungry so he started snacking on the bowl of nuts, before he knew it, he had ate them all. Well, finally she comes down and the grandmother called him out and asked if she looked lovely and all in which he replied Yes she does!
So he then turns and appologizes for eating all the nuts.
The grandmother turns and says, thats ok sonny, I cant eat them with no teeth anyways, I done sucked all the chocolate off them.
I work with a RN who every day snacks on black licorice. I detest black licorice more than anything I can possibly describe.... The smell... taste... BLECH! Every time I walk by him in the halls or coming into work, that's all he smells like... It makes me so sick to my stomach! :barf: When he's doing paperwork, he's got a stick of that crap hanging out of his mouth! When he's walking in between places, he has the mini's in his pockets snacking it up. ( This disturbs me more probably because we keep gloves, pens, lights and various other hospital objects in our jacket pockets why is he keeping loose candy in there!?!? How gross!! ) Anyway, yes... Day in and day out for the past 2 years I've been an employee and even in the 3 years prior while I was interning... all I could ever remember about him was that black licorice of death smell.... makes me want to puke just thinking about it.... :barf: Someone once told me he uses it as a fix to keep from smoking while at work ( Since you're not allowed to smoke anywhere on the hospital property not even in your car since it's still in their garage ) Not sure how true it is... I just wish I didn't have to smell it all the time... and his teeth always look black tinted.... blech.... :shock:
I work with a RN who every day snacks on black licorice. I detest black licorice more than anything I can possibly describe.... The smell... taste... BLECH! Every time I walk by him in the halls or coming into work, that's all he smells like... It makes me so sick to my stomach! :barf: When he's doing paperwork, he's got a stick of that crap hanging out of his mouth! When he's walking in between places, he has the mini's in his pockets snacking it up. ( This disturbs me more probably because we keep gloves, pens, lights and various other hospital objects in our jacket pockets why is he keeping loose candy in there!?!? How gross!! ) Anyway, yes... Day in and day out for the past 2 years I've been an employee and even in the 3 years prior while I was interning... all I could ever remember about him was that black licorice of death smell.... makes me want to puke just thinking about it.... :barf: Someone once told me he uses it as a fix to keep from smoking while at work ( Since you're not allowed to smoke anywhere on the hospital property not even in your car since it's still in their garage ) Not sure how true it is... I just wish I didn't have to smell it all the time... and his teeth always look black tinted.... blech.... :shock:

I have not ever liked black licorice. :thumbd: On the other hand, red Twizzlers....yummy!