Obama - McCain debate #2

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:ty: for post interesting link, Jolie...

It seem to me that McCain moviate when he hear "war"... All what his moviation is only military, wars and victory.... He is only interest in victory ...

You're welcome.

I wanted to point out that even though the idea was there but it is not always implemented.
The debate was really kinda boring but one thing that REALLY stuck to me was when McCain said this:

"Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation."

Uh hello?????? What you did over the last decade with banking is why our economy is in meltdown mode and now you want to take our healthcare there....really intelligent. This man is just scary.

I also hated how everything was I, I , I , I ...I know what to do...I know how to catch Bin Laden, I know how to create peace, I know how to work across both aisles, I know this and I know that....funny thing is he never shares with us what he knows...only that he somehow knows it.

What I found most interesting were the polls afterwards that showed viewers thought McCain was not very likeable or intelligent sounding...I heartily agree. He came off as a sad, angry, little man and Obama looked Presidential

I liked that rating monitor in CNN which was observing Ohio study group. The rating was FLAT as a dead horse to most of his responses. The rating was rising and RISING to the roof as Obama speaks. I really liked the format of debate #2. That just raised my confidence level on Obama even though - like what Reba said... he's too liberal for my taste but...... I'll manage for 4 more years :cool2:
The debate was really kinda boring but one thing that REALLY stuck to me was when McCain said this:

"Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation."

Uh hello?????? What you did over the last decade with banking is why our economy is in meltdown mode and now you want to take our healthcare there....really intelligent. This man is just scary.

I also hated how everything was I, I , I , I ...I know what to do...I know how to catch Bin Laden, I know how to create peace, I know how to work across both aisles, I know this and I know that....funny thing is he never shares with us what he knows...only that he somehow knows it.

What I found most interesting were the polls afterwards that showed viewers thought McCain was not very likeable or intelligent sounding...I heartily agree. He came off as a sad, angry, little man and Obama looked Presidential

Exactly. Doing the same thing and expecting different results is the true definition of insanity!:P
I watched the Presidential Debate last night. Thank god I did not get any interruptions or distractions this time, haha.

I think Obama just nailed the debate in a cordial way. McCain's body language seems to be showing that he is tense. He kept pacing back and forth with his face being tightened up.

I was taken back of how McCain pointed the finger on Obama.

Obama was stating that if Pakistan was unwilling or unable to take out Osama Bin Laden and the Al Quaeda out, then the US will take up on the act and to take them out. McCain on the other hand was too quick to jump in and to twist things around by claiming that Obama is wanting to put an attack on Pakistan. Obama refuted and said it was never what his intention were. Obama cleared it out by saying that if Pakistan was unable or unwilling, then US should step in to take the act but not to attack Pakistan.

Here is part of the Presidential Transcript from last night that I wanted to show -

I just thought that part of the debate was taken back when McCain was trying to make it look like it was worse than it really is.

If anyone wants to read the transcript, Here it is - Transcript of second McCain, Obama debate - CNN.com

McCain says "i know how to handle this, my friend..." and waved his finger at Obama, shaming him about "attacking" Pakistan. Huh.... that's funny.... and this is the man who said regarding Iran-Israel conflict - "We obviously would not wait for the United Nations Security Council...... Now, Sen. Obama without precondition wants to sit down and negotiate with them, without preconditions."....... as in "fuck UN! Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran!"
I watched the Presidential Debate last night. Thank god I did not get any interruptions or distractions this time, haha.

I think Obama just nailed the debate in a cordial way. McCain's body language seems to be showing that he is tense. He kept pacing back and forth with his face being tightened up.

I was taken back of how McCain pointed the finger on Obama.

Obama was stating that if Pakistan was unwilling or unable to take out Osama Bin Laden and the Al Quaeda out, then the US will take up on the act and to take them out. McCain on the other hand was too quick to jump in and to twist things around by claiming that Obama is wanting to put an attack on Pakistan. Obama refuted and said it was never what his intention were. Obama cleared it out by saying that if Pakistan was unable or unwilling, then US should step in to take the act but not to attack Pakistan.

Here is part of the Presidential Transcript from last night that I wanted to show -

I just thought that part of the debate was taken back when McCain was trying to make it look like it was worse than it really is.

If anyone wants to read the transcript, Here it is - Transcript of second McCain, Obama debate - CNN.com

Thanks for that portion of the transcript and the link. Obama's answers give solutions, and the give explanations of why it will work. McCain's answers are nothing more than stringing the same old words together with no solution mixed in at all. His words may sound pretty, but they are empty when it comes to solutions for the many crises the U.S. is in.
McCain says "i know how to handle this, my friend..." and waved his finger at Obama, shaming him about "attacking" Pakistan. Huh.... that's funny.... and this is the man who said regarding Iran-Israel conflict - "We obviously would not wait for the United Nations Security Council...... Now, Sen. Obama without precondition wants to sit down and negotiate with them, without preconditions."....... as in "fuck UN! Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran!"

You know, I watched the debate last night with several friends. One of them was a woman who immigrated here from Afghanistan several years ago when Germany was invading the country. She grew up in a palace, her father was an extremely influential and successful businessman. She and all 20 of her brothers and sisters were taken out of the country under cover to protect their safety. She has always been very politically aware and politically active regarding the situations in the Middle East. Following her and her siblings escape from Afghanistan, they spent 2 years living in a refugee camp before they were allowed to immigrate. Some of them are in the U.S., some of them are in Canada. They are all educated, successful and law abiding. Who is she voting for? Obama. She has intimate knowledge of the cultural and military situation in the middle east, and it is her opinion that McCain has no idea what he is dealing with in the region, nor did Bush.

And she is not basing her opinion on knowledge from several years ago. She returns to Afghanistan on a yearly basis to visit with her father. She believes, and I have spoken to others who are from the Middle East who adamantly agree, that Obama holds the most viable solution for ending this crisis, and for finally doing what we started out to do in the beginning...capturing Osama Bin Laden.

Just thought I'd thow that in.
wait what? Germany invaded Afghanistan??
McCain says "i know how to handle this, my friend..." and waved his finger at Obama, shaming him about "attacking" Pakistan. Huh.... that's funny.... and this is the man who said regarding Iran-Israel conflict - "We obviously would not wait for the United Nations Security Council...... Now, Sen. Obama without precondition wants to sit down and negotiate with them, without preconditions."....... as in "fuck UN! Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran!"

Thanks for that portion of the transcript and the link. Obama's answers give solutions, and the give explanations of why it will work. McCain's answers are nothing more than stringing the same old words together with no solution mixed in at all. His words may sound pretty, but they are empty when it comes to solutions for the many crises the U.S. is in.

You know, That's what makes it interesting. With both of them pointing the fingers at each other, Obama was able to refute his statement while McCain seemingly to be the one that was jumping around in the circle.

As for the Iran thing, McCain only yet was too quick to jump in and to say that but I don't see how he was able to refute on it or to valid his stance in that debate.

To make it simple, Obama was able to make a layout and to direct it while McCain was just beating around the bush or rather, stretching the truth to nowhere.
wait what? Germany invaded Afghanistan??

I think she meant Soviet Union. They invaded Afghanistan in December 1979 in order to prop up the communist government there.
You know, I watched the debate last night with several friends. One of them was a woman who immigrated here from Afghanistan several years ago when Germany was invading the country. She grew up in a palace, her father was an extremely influential and successful businessman. She and all 20 of her brothers and sisters were taken out of the country under cover to protect their safety. She has always been very politically aware and politically active regarding the situations in the Middle East. Following her and her siblings escape from Afghanistan, they spent 2 years living in a refugee camp before they were allowed to immigrate. Some of them are in the U.S., some of them are in Canada. They are all educated, successful and law abiding. Who is she voting for? Obama. She has intimate knowledge of the cultural and military situation in the middle east, and it is her opinion that McCain has no idea what he is dealing with in the region, nor did Bush.

And she is not basing her opinion on knowledge from several years ago. She returns to Afghanistan on a yearly basis to visit with her father. She believes, and I have spoken to others who are from the Middle East who adamantly agree, that Obama holds the most viable solution for ending this crisis, and for finally doing what we started out to do in the beginning...capturing Osama Bin Laden.

Just thought I'd thow that in.

:confused: I never heard about this so I asked my hubby to make sure before I post here. He never heard about this either.

We only know that it´s German troops were sent to Afghanistan in 2006 after Angela Merkel won at election.

5 minutes go then I will watch their debate on TV...:P
I think she meant Soviet Union. They invaded Afghanistan in December 1979 in order to prop up the communist government there.

Thanks for the correction. And yes, the year 1979 was the year that my friend left.
McCain says "i know how to handle this, my friend..." and waved his finger at Obama, shaming him about "attacking" Pakistan. Huh.... that's funny.... and this is the man who said regarding Iran-Israel conflict - "We obviously would not wait for the United Nations Security Council...... Now, Sen. Obama without precondition wants to sit down and negotiate with them, without preconditions."....... as in "fuck UN! Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran!"

McCain reminds me of a confused old man that somehow got up past security and managed to become part of this debate.

Reminds me of this old man:


In Nineteen Dickity Two, I was a POW! POW! POW!
McCain reminds me of a confused old man that somehow got up past security and managed to become part of this debate.

In Nineteen Dickity Two, I was a POW! POW! POW!


I'd take Abe Simpson over McCain, anytime anywhere. Instead of attacking, he would just fall asleep. :)

I'd take Abe Simpson over McCain, anytime anywhere. Instead of attacking, he would just fall asleep. :)

or he'd dash out to watch Mr. Ben Matlock show. :laugh2:
I watched the debate and I agree that Obama seemed more relaxed than McCain and pretty well-versed in international affairs. However, I was bothered by yet another reference to our favorite bogeyman, bin Laden. Obama thumps his chest and boasts that if bin Laden is in our sights, we would take him out. Well, good luck with that...The FBI has already said that there is no hard evidence linking him to the events of 911, and the CIA has apparently stopped looking for him. But other than that, I was impressed with Obama.
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