no longer christmas

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Yea, I did read your post.

It's getting change since christian is going fall down and other religion (most no religion) are growing since 90's and more people aren't care about religion. I'm tell you that christian is #1 most annoying religion since AFA is trying to fuck us up but most companies are ignore them and some of them are file to sue on AFA.

Of course, I'm agnostic and don't think about me. ;)

Bullshit, Jehovah Witness is one of the MOST annoying.. I'm sick and tired of seeing 'em when they come to my door.. They were holding a Watchtower in their hands. Trying to convience me to join their religion.. I told 'em to go to hell over and over.. They are considering as solicitors.

So anyway.. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! :D
Christmas, Hannukkah, etc are based on what they believe so they celebrate the holidays. Regiliouses can cause conflicts with other people. It's sad.

I believe that God does not want us to label ourselves as to which regilious we are in. I'm simply plain christian because I believe that Jesus died for us. Jewish doesn't believe that Jesus died for us.

What if my daughter or son falls in love with a jewish person and wants to marry him or her, that's absolutely fine with me and my husband because God wants everyone to love others no matter who they are like races, regiliouses, etc. God needs us to love others. So, christian and jewish couple have to compromise that they can celebrate BOTH holidays (christmas and hannukkah). It's not fair for them not to get married because of the STUPID regiliouses!! They love each other so much which is the most important thing!! We put that regilouses out.

I personally believe in God and believe that Jesus died for us. Ok...just very humble.

I have soooo many jewish friends from my hometown where I grew up. It has a very strong jewish community in my hometown - most of them in my hometown are not strong regilious (very weak). They said that they don't know if Jesus died for us. That's ok because it's hard for them to believe and they came from jewish families. They love christmas because they think it's so beautiful and really fun holiday. They said "merry christmas" to us and we said "happy hannukkah" to them.

So, really regiliouses really interefere others. I believe that God does not need that regiliouses. God needs us to love others. Yes, God wants people to believe in God and God knows that it is very hard for people to believe in Jesus because of the miracles. That's so hard for people to believe. It's been 2 thousands years!! So hard!

I wish there are NO regilouses so that way there would be NO fightings!!!!! See...that's why God does NOT need people to label themselves as to which regilouses they are in!

Again, I'm simply plain christian (no regilous label like catholic or methodist or etc). It means that I believe in God and I believe Jesus died for us. period!

Oh, that's more thing to say...about the Bible...I think that the Bible is not 100% accurate because this Bible is 2000 yrs old and today is change. I think God changed few things like He allows few things "Ok, I change it because I allow it".

Happy Holidays!:)
Someone pm'ed me and asked me if I'm okay because someone was surprised at my above post about the bible being not 100% accurate.

So, I told someone that I said, "Yes, I'm GREAT".

Yes, because I found few scriptures that don't match today and few scriptures don't make sense to me so that's why I THINK that this bible is not 100% accurate because it's been 2 thousands years!!!!

Yes, I still am very strong christian and I still am a HUGE faith in God.

I've thought about the bible for a long time about not accurate. I would say that the bible may be about 90% accurate - maybe or maybe 85% accurate. That's why I said I think God changed few for today.

For instance, the Bible said "no sex before marriage". I thought I would say no to my boyfriend for sex. But I had a boyfriend and I was so madly in love with my boyfriend like crazy and very chemistry. I thought about God's rules "no sex before marriage" but I listened to my heart and saying it's okay which means that God said yes you go ahead for sex with your boyfriend so he and I did have sex and in 4 yrs later, he and I got married. We are still very happily married. That's one of the examples that the Bible is not 100% accurate.

That's why I think the Bible is not 100% accurate. I would say maybe it's 90% accurate.

I hope I'm right.:)
Maybe I would say 95%.....(not 85% or 90%) but I think maybe the Bible would be 95% accurate.

I think sex before marriage is very healthy due to prevent from getting divorced. If you wait for sex after you get married, what if you are not happy with your spouse related to sex and you ended up divorced. Divorced is a very serious one, not good for the children, etc.
Yea, I did read your post.

It's getting change since christian is going fall down and other religion (most no religion) are growing since 90's and more people aren't care about religion. I'm tell you that christian is #1 most annoying religion since AFA is trying to fuck us up but most companies are ignore them and some of them are file to sue on AFA.

Of course, I'm agnostic and don't think about me. ;)
Well, that's for you, since other religions and agnostic of complaining is very annoying which lead me stronger in my faith. Giving up on the Person, who gave His life for us and people been getting colder, hating, and mocking and etc. That I don't get it. But I have understanding the reason. This is part of the world, cold, dark and cruel. Even tho, some christians can be overboard, but what "THEY" (christians) did, doesn't make me giving up. Only good influental is christians who learn to grow in the Lord to become more like Him. Does the world like that? No, the more of genuine love, the angrier the world becomes. Rude remarks by me saying merry christmas. And christmas becomes more commercialize than actual meaning of christmas.
Bullshit, Jehovah Witness is one of the MOST annoying.. I'm sick and tired of seeing 'em when they come to my door.. They were holding a Watchtower in their hands. Trying to convience me to join their religion.. I told 'em to go to hell over and over.. They are considering as solicitors.

So anyway.. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! :D

Excuse me, You don't get it.

Go find out about AFA (American Family Association) and both of AFA and Jehovah Witness are not same because AFA is non-profit organization and JW is just other group. My post is based on my opinion and that's how I feel about them.

then... shut up... :roll:
Well, that's for you, since other religions and agnostic of complaining is very annoying which lead me stronger in my faith. Giving up on the Person, who gave His life for us and people been getting colder, hating, and mocking and etc. That I don't get it. But I have understanding the reason. This is part of the world, cold, dark and cruel. Even tho, some christians can be overboard, but what "THEY" (christians) did, doesn't make me giving up. Only good influental is christians who learn to grow in the Lord to become more like Him. Does the world like that? No, the more of genuine love, the angrier the world becomes. Rude remarks by me saying merry christmas. And christmas becomes more commercialize than actual meaning of christmas.

Who cares? I'm agnostic, period.

That's your problem... :roll:
Who cares? I'm agnostic, period.

That's your problem... :roll:
Who cares? I do. You re agnostic? That's your choice. Does that mean I must do more and stuff you and make u believe what I believe? No. My problem? No. Do I have to be silence? No. If you read as a start on the thread, I answered their questions. So hope you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS. Teehee. Also HAPPY HANNAKAH. Teehee
Who cares? I do. You re agnostic? That's your choice. Does that mean I must do more and stuff you and make u believe what I believe? No. My problem? No. Do I have to be silence? No. If you read as a start on the thread, I answered their questions. So hope you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS. Teehee. Also HAPPY HANNAKAH. Teehee

Whatever... :roll:
Ok first of all I see some bashing here. If you are going to poast please dont bash!!!! next My teacher was reacently talking about a school board form a certin county( dont remember where) they were going to have a christmas party and they were going to bring santa for the kids. Two parents were not happy abuot this and called the school board saying that if they didnt change the name of the party and not have santa clause then they were going to sue them. The parents wanted them to change the name to a winter party. The school board told them no and they were going to have their CHRISTMAS PARTY anyway. I have no problem with marry christmas or anything else. You have freedrom of speech in this country. I therefore I think that you should be able to say merry christmas.
Don't confuse with between Christmas and Merry Christmas.

Christmas isn't offend so much since Merry Christmas is too offend on other religion and got no respect but more schools are changing and replace into winter party. Some parent don't want their children to got messed up with other children and they have rights to be agnostic and no religion. Now, religion is so much worthless and joking.
Don't confuse with between Christmas and Merry Christmas.

Christmas isn't offend so much since Merry Christmas is too offend on other religion and got no respect but more schools are changing and replace into winter party. Some parent don't want their children to got messed up with other children and they have rights to be agnostic and no religion. Now, religion is so much worthless and joking.

Ok, in my view about " Merry Christmas " and why it offends others, just because they don't want Jesus Christ to be known who is the Creator of this earth and universe. It's why they want their children NOT to remember Jesus Christ who DIED for them when He left Heaven to be born. It's important for children and their future children to know WHAT Merry Christmas means - about Jesus Christ's birth. I don't care IF, it offends other religions. They have to LEARN to respect it and leave it as that, because of its tradition in the Christian families for years. Why change it ... oh just because, it offends other religions ? Gee - Can't they just mind their own business and do what they believe on their own ? That " Happy Holidays " don't offend me, because I have my own beliefs and that's Merry Christmas for me. Merry Christmas is my own business. :)
Ok, in my view about " Merry Christmas " and why it offends others, just because they don't want Jesus Christ to be known who is the Creator of this earth and universe. It's why they want their children NOT to remember Jesus Christ who DIED for them when He left Heaven to be born. It's important for children and their future children to know WHAT Merry Christmas means - about Jesus Christ's birth. I don't care IF, it offends other religions. They have to LEARN to respect it and leave it as that, because of its tradition in the Christian families for years. Why change it ... oh just because, it offends other religions ? Gee - Can't they just mind their own business and do what they believe on their own ? That " Happy Holidays " don't offend me, because I have my own beliefs and that's Merry Christmas for me. Merry Christmas is my own business. :)

Not always... Merry Christmas is widely for Christian, including Catholic.

For other religion, such as Jews, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhism and other few religions are doing different on their own then don't bother them to know about god but views are different. "Happy Holiday" is known as integrated with most religions, such as other word for winter break and winter party. At our school, we are using winter break and it was changed from 10 years ago. At elementary school, they are still to use "Christmas Party" and won't offend, unlike "Merry Christmas".

Why does we need believe in god? Hell no... I don't believe in god or jesus, period. Children don't need bother to learn from them but only parent would handle with them. Every religions are different moral and believe in other way. I have rights for not believe on everything and won't let my kids to learn from this shit since my parent never went to church or take care of religion. I have NO religion, as agnostic and no religions have growing so rapidly since between 90's and 2000's.

It's your business about religion and that's fucking my business for not believe or not interesting in religion.
Well, its offended for having christmas party and by saying merry christmas. Since multirelgions, leading dark cold atmosphere. In this generation pervert the meaning of christmas, bec being tooo commercialize leading lots of stress. Christmas meaning of love, joy, peace and giving. In older days were so much togetherness. No, noone force anyone to change religion. Its nothing but disrespect of christmas holidays. All the mouthing and seek to tear down the meaning of christmas bec of religions and agnostics. Is it wrong to have Hannakuh holiday, no. Would christian protest and complain jewish holidays? No. If it would be islams, would christian complain? No. If its christians holiday, will other religion complain and even agnostics? Yes. Why? Its their answer and even, trying to fix to what appear to be to make it look bad. But, the love endure thru hard times. Complain about all of this? No. How to deal with this? Let the peace continue to flow.
Well, its offended for having christmas party and by saying merry christmas. Since multirelgions, leading dark cold atmosphere. In this generation pervert the meaning of christmas, bec being tooo commercialize leading lots of stress. Christmas meaning of love, joy, peace and giving. In older days were so much togetherness. No, noone force anyone to change religion. Its nothing but disrespect of christmas holidays. All the mouthing and seek to tear down the meaning of christmas bec of religions and agnostics. Is it wrong to have Hannakuh holiday, no. Would christian protest and complain jewish holidays? No. If it would be islams, would christian complain? No. If its christians holiday, will other religion complain and even agnostics? Yes. Why? Its their answer and even, trying to fix to what appear to be to make it look bad. But, the love endure thru hard times. Complain about all of this? No. How to deal with this? Let the peace continue to flow.

You aren't make any sense about religion.

I don't need listen about them, period.
You aren't make any sense about religion.

I don't need listen about them, period.

FYI, there's NO religion in the eyes of God. There's no sense of talkin' about "religion" either, because there's none. There's ALWAYS talkin' about Jesus Christ everywhere in despite of their different beliefs. Jesus Christ is NOT a "religion". You read it here. When you die -- you still will hear Jesus is always there. You can't get away from Him because, He is EVERYWHERE around you where ever you are. If, you go to the store, He is there. If, you are in the shower, He is still in there, too. Everywhere. You can't get rid of Him. He is so, so, so BIG God ! :)

So, tell me HOW do you get rid of Him if, you don't need to listen about Him ?
FYI, there's NO religion in the eyes of God. There's no sense of talkin' about "religion" either, because there's none. There's ALWAYS talkin' about Jesus Christ everywhere in despite of their different beliefs. Jesus Christ is NOT a "religion". You read it here. When you die -- you still will hear Jesus is always there. You can't get away from Him because, He is EVERYWHERE around you where ever you are. If, you go to the store, He is there. If, you are in the shower, He is still in there, too. Everywhere. You can't get rid of Him. He is so, so, so BIG God ! :)

So, tell me HOW do you get rid of Him if, you don't need to listen about Him ?

That's christian's views and we aren't believe about them.

It's sounds like BS to me but oh well...
:ugh3: :iough:

My goodness... Lots of bashing...

I'm Christain and I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas...

Seems everyone's not going to have a Happy Holidays this month... :(
FYI, there's NO religion in the eyes of God. There's no sense of talkin' about "religion" either, because there's none. There's ALWAYS talkin' about Jesus Christ everywhere in despite of their different beliefs. Jesus Christ is NOT a "religion". You read it here. When you die -- you still will hear Jesus is always there. You can't get away from Him because, He is EVERYWHERE around you where ever you are. If, you go to the store, He is there. If, you are in the shower, He is still in there, too. Everywhere. You can't get rid of Him. He is so, so, so BIG God ! :)

So, tell me HOW do you get rid of Him if, you don't need to listen about Him ?

I have one more to say...

I'm not going in debate with you but I have rights to disagree and being agnostic.
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