Night/morning owls shall unite and dominate this world.

Read or Listen to music. Mostly Christian Literature.
Recently I've been staying up late just to catch the night bloggers who post little gems like these:






That last one was my favorite....I was so high I cried because I realized snakes are just tails with faces. omg :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

I think I need to tumblr ;)
I guess I have to play WoW to understand what is so great about it. But then probably not. My cousin is a hard core gamer and he nags my eyes off about all the games he's played.
WoW is a mmorpg, and pretty popular because it is kind of a open world living, you quests, socialize with other real people, fight against npcs or if you prefer, you can pvp (players vs players) there are 2 sides. Horde and alliance. A lot of fun, but once you reach end game it can get Boring...