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New Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Last night, I went to 42nd Biennial Miss Deaf Oklahoma Pageant at Sulphur, Oklahoma. I watched five contestants do their introductions, talent shows, casual/sportswear, evening gowns, and on stage interviews. Then at the end of the pageant, the winner is.........JENNIFER NIX aka STRAWBERRY.




Mod: Please make this thread sticky, will ya? Thanks in advance.
Strawberry, post your pics from your competitions here if you have one....
Oh yea....FYI: Currently, she will not able to being online till Monday or so. Since she is a winner, she have to stay there to do something....Heck, if I know what she do afterward. I will try to find the pics to post the pic of her to winning but it takes some time to do that. Just be patient with me. Sorry for any inconvience.
:applause: Congratulations Jennifer!!! So happy to hear about your "crowning"!! Make way for Miss Oklahoma... PAH!! Now I can say I know Miss Deaf Oklahoma, heh! *winksa!* Do show pictures of your pageant, we'd love to ooh-aah over your beautiful poses! :D
Congratulations! That's great news! I knew you could do it! :thumb: :party:
Congratulations! Nice to have a member who won a beauty pageant.
Good luck on assuming your duties for the next year or so! And that is right, we do want to see pictures! :applause:
Strawberry U ROCK! CONGRATS on ur winning the pagent thats wonderful news! look forward to seeing u on the AD and telling all about ur experinces!


GLAD to know a member of the beauty pagent!
Congrate to Strawberry. We are proud of our fellow ADer have winning the pagent. Waiting for her respond about her experience and etc...
:applause: Strawberry, Way to go! It is nice to see someone else who is Miss Oklahoma......

Wendy ;)