New Years Resolutions: Worth it or Not?

No resolutions this time. All I know of that I will definitely in college and still working as I am happy with that! :)
bonkiefry said:
We will buy a new house and it will be our first time to get a new house!!! :thumb:
its very thrilling in getting a first home.. i remember mine back in 2001 getting my very first own home :D
DelicPumpkPie said:
No resolutions this time. All I know of that I will definitely in college and still working as I am happy with that! :)
so u're happy with what u are now in 2004? or want to make a tid-bit change?
TweetyBird said:
i have lot travel in 2005... i will move out and get my own place.. CANT WAIT!!! my friend and i will get own business in spring alike my friend make crafts.. i do sew things to sell.. :)
sell me some stuff.. and i might buy some :D
there are few to names but can't think of rigght now but can tell few...

work on losing my pounds

go to DC to visit auntie and RAD

go on vacations as much as possible

Short term goal: pay off my debts

Long term goal: buy a place where I can call a home permanetly!
The best resolutions are the ones kept to yourself :P

I've never made resolutions, because why make them at the beginning of the year when you should be making them at any given time? Thats just how I feel about it. Im always striving to be the best I can, to do the right things, to enjoy life as it should be enjoyed, etc etc. :D
Im going to try and go swimming twice a week, before went once a week.

Don't know what else! All my last resolutions were to lose a couple of pounds, but I think now Im happy with my weight.
DreamDeaf said:
Keep my relationship with my partner in good stead.

OoO DD has someone??...Is it someone I know??.. :D
We will tell you in one year's time. Suffice to say that I do love my partner very dearly and am happy to be in this relationship.

Fly Free said:
:lol: Vampy -- i agree!

Meg -- i have tried sticking with resolutions and they have all not been successful oh well LOL

Yeah, me too.. I am tired of talking talking but I never make any promise myself. I prefer to see what I can do when the right time tells me.

I am sick of my talkative B:S :sure:
DreamDeaf said:
We will tell you in one year's time. Suffice to say that I do love my partner very dearly and am happy to be in this relationship.


aww why in one year?....
Sabrina said:
Yeah, me too.. I am tired of talking talking but I never make any promise myself. I prefer to see what I can do when the right time tells me.

I am sick of my talkative B:S :sure:

Same goes for me too, I made a promise that I would quit smoking by the time 2005 hits, haven't yet. grrr It is so tough! I rather just see if I can do it without making promise, Then I'll let you know when it does.;)
Cheri said:
Same goes for me too, I made a promise that I would quit smoking by the time 2005 hits, haven't yet. grrr It is so tough! I rather just see if I can do it without making promise, Then I'll let you know when it does.;)

Try the patch?