new to hearing loss... struggling with very unsupportive parents

I am really glad that the second meeting went much better. I am so proud of you for finding the courage to be honest. That is all it took for this situation to begin to be resolved. It is out of your hands now, as the teachers are mandated reporters and must report this incident to social services. Just keep in mind that getting social services involved is not necessarily a bad thing, as it will probably result in your father, and probably your mum as well, being mandated into therapy that will help them learn more appropriate parenting skills. Even though your parents may appear angry at first, this is the best thing for the whole family. I am very proud of you for being so courageous.:hug:

amen she is right!
On what you have keyed so far re your father's erroneous opinion- the only "apparent solution" is your relocating somewhere else with the assistance of "social services". Not exactly a pleasant task but unfortunately necessary by the actions of your father.It is very difficult to envision a complete revision on his part re: acceptance of your hearing loss. What does your mother have to say on this matter?

The consequence of NOT using a hearing aid is much worst for you- the rest of your life.

No easy solution-to say the least.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Please talk with a school counselor that can support you. Any caring adult in your school environment that you feel comfortable with can help. You can also get support here on AD but that's not a substitute for help in real life. We're additional support.

Yes additional support from the "internet" and only that. Only you can do the action. Go speak to a person that can make it happen, given any situation. Reading something on the internet won't solve your situation, but it can help you if you take it as an advice/support.
On what you have keyed so far re your father's erroneous opinion- the only "apparent solution" is your relocating somewhere else with the assistance of "social services". Not exactly a pleasant task but unfortunately necessary by the actions of your father.It is very difficult to envision a complete revision on his part re: acceptance of your hearing loss. What does your mother have to say on this matter?

The consequence of NOT using a hearing aid is much worst for you- the rest of your life.

No easy solution-to say the least.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

No, relocation is not the only apparent solution. Nor is it necessary. Please go back and watch some more Dr. Phil. There is more than one solution. Relocation is just one, and not the most preferable one.
Ok, ok -- what is wrong with you, kid? Go out there and smoke some pot with a swig of tequila, dye your hair magneta pink, pierce your nose and tongue, get a tattoo --- maybe that will put your Popsy more at ease about the hearing aid thing?
Tried that

Dads still freaking about my treatment choices

but then again hes the disablist out
What is the "best" option given her father's "FIRM opinions"? Given her age -relocation would "appear" the least "distressful " given the "possibility of social assistance in her country". It is hard "conceive by dealing,effectively with her hearing loss adjustment- using a hearing aid" would "miraculously resolve within the household". Possible-likely?

Dr Phil has not discussed this specific situation on any of his TV programmes-to the best of my knowledge.
His "life law #8"- We teach people how to treat us. Strategy: Own,rather than complain, how people treat you. His "life law #7" Life is managed, it is not cured. Strategy: Learn to take charge of YOUR life. His website:

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
I'm surprised nobody said anything about ALDA (Association of Late Deafened Adults) I've heard amazing things about them and I strongly reccomend ALDA to Late Deafened people.

View their brochure here: Brochure 910.pdf

I never heard of this. My brother -in -law is losing his hearing and I think my older sister said she is too.
yep... he's still angry with me over my hearing loss

I feel bad for you. First your life changes drastically when you loose your hearing and now your parents are deliberately and coldly putting you through this shit storm. :mad:
The not so good news is... My hearing loss has gotten worse and is now profound! Absolutely gutted about that but hey ho what can you do! :(

The good news is... Guess who's now wearing hearing aids!! :)
My dad is getting nowhere near them!!
Wow! Congrats on the good news! I'm assuming the audi was able to adjust them to account for your further loss? How are you liking them? I suppose it's way too early to say for sure, but do you have any first impressions?

Did the audi or doctor have any explanation at all as to why you should lose nearly all your hearing in just a few months' time?
The not so good news is... My hearing loss has gotten worse and is now profound! Absolutely gutted about that but hey ho what can you do! :(

The good news is... Guess who's now wearing hearing aids!! :)
My dad is getting nowhere near them!!

That isn't necessarily "not so good news". Just depends on your perspective.;)
The not so good news is... My hearing loss has gotten worse and is now profound! Absolutely gutted about that but hey ho what can you do! :(

The good news is... Guess who's now wearing hearing aids!! :)
My dad is getting nowhere near them!!

That great you got hearing aids! If you know, what brand of hearing aids you got? How are they working for you?
i am lots older than you i finger spell and bsl lip read i do have aids but hate them and gives minimul help..if i was you i talk to rnid,and as you still at school under age then you should have social worker.if you can go to local deaf club you meet others of own age.your parents need advice about deafness and parenting skills.
That isn't necessarily "not so good news". Just depends on your perspective.;)

yeah it does depend on your perspective... and from my point of view its alot more than 'not so good news'. Im absolutely gutted about it! Ive gone from having normal hearing to hearing basically nothing in less than 6 months! Sorry if im not exactly exstatic about that!
el888 going from "normal hearing to a vast decrease" within a few months combined with the "erroneous belief-shame of hearing loss- of your father" is a very tough situation for a 17 year old to deal with-now!

Much success in getting " assistance" to finally have some resolution- you can live with.

Fortunately for most people reading this screen-your situation is not what they
experienced dealing with their "deafness/hearing loss".

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
el888 going from "normal hearing to a vast decrease" within a few months combined with the "erroneous belief-shame of hearing loss- of your father" is a very tough situation for a 17 year old to deal with-now!

Much success in getting " assistance" to finally have some resolution- you can live with.

Fortunately for most people reading this screen-your situation is not what they
experienced dealing with their "deafness/hearing loss".

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

drphil. el...888 started this thread to seek support for what she is going through, not for you to tell her that she's one of the unlucky ones and that others were lucky enough to be spared from her situation, how is that helpful to her in any way?

el...888, it's very normal to go through a major shock of losing something you had all your life and it takes time to adjust. The more help you get, the easier it will be for you to cope and live with your new reality. hang in there, life does get better!
el..888 situation is unusual. I believe in "talking/getting assistance" is the first step to some resolution she can live with. Again a loss up to Profound level within a 6 months period is unusual. I know a person -Bena Schuster went bilateral deaf-overnight. She wrote a book about what happened next.. Life after Deafness Cdn Hard of Hearing Association Ottawa-1995
From my experience: almost 40 years elapsed from a "slight loss to deafness". From my multiple classes-1992/2007 at CHS/Toronto- no classmate went as "fast" as el...888.
The human variability-no doubt.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07