New Law Bans Baggy Pants In Schools

A local school here has solved the problem. Whenever a kid is wearing baggy pants, the teachers send the kid to the office. The principal has the kid pull up his pants and secure them with a garbage bag tie. The principal sends the kid back to class. Problem solved.

Give them pink-colored garbage bag ties (assuming here this mostly or exclusively a boy thing). And maybe they'll think twice and instead bring their own belt or better fitting pants.
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When you were 14

What would your reaction have been

To baggy pants

To teachers who tried to enforce the rules

To parents who ordered you around

What would you have done THEN.
But wait, there is more:
Wait, wait.. Governor Scott is a Republican and yet he wanted to increase more tax to fund private education? And passed the law to ban so ridiculously irrelevant thing like baggy pants in schools (using government power) when there are still some huge and serious issues in schools like bullying left untouched?

I don't understand why people are complaining about kids (or adults) wearing these stupid pants and wanting government to do something about it WHILE private companies are the ones who are responsible; manufacturing and selling the baggy pants to the public? Oh my, talk about misguided anger.

When you were 14

What would your reaction have been

To baggy pants

To teachers who tried to enforce the rules

To parents who ordered you around

What would you have done THEN.

Simple! Rebelled...I dyed my hair "green" in the 60's and got suspended from school, even tho' my grades were excellent....When the mini-skirt craze came about....I loved 'em!...Wore them back to school (deaf)...and got punished....the supervisor lengthened the hems of my skirts...and I turned around and sewed them right back up!....Luckily, I was able to stick around enuf to get my diploma!...But I gave them hell in school and was sort of labeled "a troublemaker"...HAHA

When you were 14

What would your reaction have been

To baggy pants

To teachers who tried to enforce the rules

To parents who ordered you around

What would you have done THEN.

If I liked them, I would have listened to my mom because I had too much respect for her. I probably would have fought with her about it but I knew if I snuck out wearing them and she found out, it would have broken her heart. Also, I probably would have muttered obsencities behind the teachers' back but wouldnt dare to go against them. I wasnt a strong-willed person growing up.

When you were 14

What would your reaction have been

To baggy pants

To teachers who tried to enforce the rules

To parents who ordered you around

What would you have done THEN.

I did not do it when I was a teen. I kept my self covered up like a young lady should. :)
I pretty much respected my parents. The tussle on clothing wasn't that big of a deal since we all wore the typical jeans, shirts, shorts as kids. Even the long hair was fine....except for summer when our hairs were cut to get ready for camping, hiking, fishing, swimming and fun stuff in Washington and Oregon.

When you were 14

What would your reaction have been

To baggy pants

To teachers who tried to enforce the rules

To parents who ordered you around

What would you have done THEN.

I would have rebelled.

I would have thought the pants were stupid but I would have worn them anyway because I see no reason to lose my civil rights, nor my freedom of choice just because I was under a certain age.

My attitude would have been simple: In a country dedicated to the concept of individual liberty you should be able to to anything that does not impede on the freedoms of others.

My mother's attitude would have been, "He is going to have to start making up his own mind what he is going to do or not do sooner or later. He might as well start now."
I would have thought the pants were stupid but I would have worn them anyway because I see no reason to lose my civil rights, nor my freedom of choice just because I was under a certain age.

It is my civil right to not be exposed to vulgurness. My kids civil rights to have an education with out disruption in class of someones backside or breast hanging out. Which is why we have dress codes in school. Boobs and butts are to be covered up, until they are of age at least.
Are you really want to interfere with people about whatever clothes they wear?

Not cool and if it was me so get fuck off my clothing.

Not when the clothes reveal underpants, bras, or private parts. I dont want my children going to school and having to see that on the other kids. School is about education not about exposure.
It is my civil right to not be exposed to vulgurness. My kids civil rights to have an education with out disruption in class of someones backside or breast hanging out. Which is why we have dress codes in school. Boobs and butts are to be covered up, until they are of age at least.

Exactly what was said about girls wearing jeans, hot pants, short skirts, and said about boys wearing long hair, bangs, T shirts, earrings and about both dyeing their hair pink, purple, or green.

Freedom to versus freedom from.

The question of which shall prevail.
Not when the clothes reveal underpants, bras, or private parts. I dont want my children going to school and having to see that on the other kids. School is about education not about exposure.

I'm 23 years old guy and not in K-12 school anymore.

My post is referred about in public area, outside of K-12 school and tell your kids to not look at other's sagging instead scold to others.
Personally, I believe that uniforms are better for students in each school. Less distraction and good formality.
Personally, I believe that uniforms are better for students in each school. Less distraction and good formality.

but won't work in some school, especially LAUSD is one of them.

I prefer basic dress code to uniform.
but won't work in some school, especially LAUSD is one of them.

I prefer basic dress code to uniform.

Of course. It may not work for in that case, but it does not give them a right to have extreme exposure. It is easy to slam "don't like it? don't look it!" comment on others when you still CAN see anywhere and everywhere in some schools...

That is why I still am for uniforms.
Of course. It may not work for in that case, but it does not give them a right to have extreme exposure. It is easy to slam "don't like it? don't look it!" comment on others when you still CAN see anywhere and everywhere in some schools...

That is why I still am for uniforms.

I haven't seen like that so common when I was in high school but... students will get in around to make fun of your clothes if uniform is mandatory and it has been major issue in many school in southern states that where uniform is required, Birmingham is one of them so not best solution because it is nature of kids to being immature.
Personally, I believe that uniforms are better for students in each school. Less distraction and good formality.

Communist Russia had a system that worked very well to curb any form of juvenile law breaking or delinquency. Each school was issued colors that were easily distinguishable. Each student had a large number printed on the back of the clothing. All students had to were these at all times.

Any student got out of line in any way the authorities knew immediately who the perp was.

While it worked well for them the question is would it work well for us considering we claim civil liberties and civil rights for our citizens.
I haven't seen like that so common when I was in high school but... students will get in around to make fun of your clothes if uniform is mandatory and it has been major issue in many school in southern states that where uniform is required, Birmingham is one of them so not best solution because it is nature of kids to being immature.

I have seen them before. In OSD, it is very rare that is easy to handle for staffs but I saw in some public schools. It got me under impressive. I don't remember any staff took it seriously because it was many to handle.
I have seen them before. In OSD, it is very rare that is easy to handle for staffs but I saw in some public schools. It got me under impressive. I don't remember any staff took it seriously because it was many to handle.

OSD = full of deaf drama like rest of other deaf school so not new to me about deaf drama, even exist in college level, especially Gallaudet University and NTID.

I had seen plenty of deaf drama at ASD (deaf school in Alabama) and they love to pick on others, even your clothes too, of course, they required to wear uniform like in Mississippi and Louisiana.
OSD = full of deaf drama like rest of other deaf school so not new to me about deaf drama, even exist in college level, especially Gallaudet University and NTID.

I had seen plenty of deaf drama at ASD (deaf school in Alabama) and they love to pick on others, even your clothes too, of course, they required to wear uniform like in Mississippi and Louisiana.

... I thought we are talking about clothes code, not the deaf drama, aren't we? :confused: