New Law Bans Baggy Pants In Schools

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And they grow up to be a fat plumber with his ass showing off when he works on the plumbing...dang it again.

Ewww....Plumber's Butt!
Baggy pants will get you arrested at the airport....

SAN FRANCISCO — Police say a University of New Mexico football player's saggy pants led to his arrest at San Francisco International Airport.

Sgt. Michael Rodriguez says 20-year-old Deshon Marman was boarding a flight Wednesday to Albuquerque, N.M., when a US Airways employee noticed his pants were "below his buttocks, but above the knees, and his boxer shorts were showing."

Rodriguez tells the San Francisco Chronicle that the employee asked Marman to pull up his pants, but he refused. She then asked him to leave the plane.

The officer says that after 15 minutes, Marman got off the plane and was cited for trespassing.

Marman's mother, Donna Doyle, tells the paper that her son had attended a friend's funeral and he was still in an emotionally raw state.

US Airways spokeswoman Valerie Wunder says the airline's dress code forbids "indecent exposure or inappropriate" attire.

Source: Saggy pants lead to arrest at airport - Travel - News -

Lame Excuse: A friend died and he didn't feel like pulling up his pants....

That's how he dressed to attend a funeral?
That's how he dressed to attend a funeral?

Usually even gangstas honor their fallen by dressing up nicely for the funeral. This is not an acceptable excuse. All he had to do was pull his pants up and that would have been the end of it.
Usually even gangstas honor their fallen by dressing up nicely for the funeral. This is not an acceptable excuse. All he had to do was pull his pants up and that would have been the end of it.

I have to agree on this one. Personally, I don't care much for this fashion but I wouldn't ban it.
I have to agree on this one. Personally, I don't care much for this fashion but I wouldn't ban it.

On the other hand, wearing pants like this to a funeral is disrespectful. I certainly would make a request that he pull up his pants at a funeral.
On the other hand, wearing pants like this to a funeral is disrespectful. I certainly would make a request that he pull up his pants at a funeral.
You would think that someone wouldn't even need to be told how to dress for a funeral. Sadly, that's not the case. I recently attended a funeral for a fallen soldier, and I was shocked at how some of the young people dressed. Some of the women looked like hookers on the job. One wore a bright red dress, skin tight, barely covering the crotch, boobs practically falling out of the top, and impossibly high spike heeled shoes. The guy driving their car left his boom music on the whole time at the grave site when he parked there. Honestly, several of the couples looked like they were going to the prom or clubbing.
That's how he dressed to attend a funeral?

Don't think so, he probably change it before go to funeral, he should know better.

Speaking of baggy pants, he was wear baggy pants on plane but no mention about funeral.
Personally, I can't stand those baggy pants where the underwear is showing. I've even seen girls wearing thongs and when they bent over you could see their crack....(one of my older boy's girlfriend)....We were going out to eat and I handed her a jacket! Happily, she isn't dating him anymore...

What happens often is that we ladies get our panties and our jeans mixed up. I know that I can wear certain undies with certain jeans, depending on the waist height or depending on whether I'm wearing shorts or hiking pants. Once in a while, I get them mixed up, but always fix the problem right then and there because it's uncomfortable otherwise. I'm surprised I'm not hearing stories about homeboys getting their pants pulled down. (limp hand across the opposite shoulder twice with a stupid face) On the other hand, you might get shot for doing that, even in the hallway at school.

It's funny because I feel like that the baggy boys seem handicapped because they can't run very fast with them on. They seem vulnerable from a strategic point.
When are the adults going to grow up?

I think the question should be, "When will parents stop being adults?"

Or how about, "When will people learn to live and let live?"

I know people my age who are controlling like that, and they make me feel like they have become my friends' parents.
I really don't like the baggy pants thing either but we don't need laws on this. Parents need to teach such decency in dressing at home. I have asked one young man at the airport to pull up his pants. Sometimes I just want to yank them down but that would just start a fight and I would end up getting fired! The gangstas sure can't run from the police when their pants are falling down and they have to use one hand just to hold them up!

What makes me even sadder or madder is the way way parents let their teen daughters dress. They look like hookers and this causes the men to look even when they shouldn't. Low cut tight tops showing way too much cleavage. Tight low cut jeans and wearing thongs! They are putting themselves in a bad position to draw unnecessary attention to their bodies. I just don't understand it unless they are trying to get attention one way or another. Sometimes when you see the mother she is dressed the same way!