New iPhone/iPad app for watching (AVI) movies with subtitles

:lol: but but, it is PowerON who is complaining, not I.
I have no problems adding subtitles to the movie, and don't see it as an extra work.

btw, if you find me a government job with a $100,000+ salary, I'll take up the offer. ;)

Try this one:

I think that's the official title, but they make around $120K/yr.
No, I don't mean how long it get it done. It's how average brain have to figure it out. The more dummy, they get, they screw up on instruct stuff. So, I'm saying, general people don't know that shit.

iTunes is very simple, find movie, buy it and download. Watch it when you can with CC. That's simple and friendly.

hack stuff is much difficult and more work to create DAMN subtitle, even if I'm deaf and don't know the FUCKING audio tone they saying.

People are simple to get iTune movies but not much captioning. Deaf people hate to wait too long to get new movies online with CC. Some deafies can get movie hacks with subtitle. Your PowerOff to be complaining. :giggle:
CineXplayer is an iPhone app that allows you to watch Xvid (AVI) videos on your iPhone and iPad. It can't yet play subtitles but the next update will.

They just loaded a youtube video demonstrating using this CineXplayer with subtitles. It looks great.

They are on version 1.3 right now and the next update (1.4) will have this subtitles capability.

Ron Jaxon

Thanks! It's useful.
Still too much work for YOU?

I think you shoud go to the people who are rich and does nothing and lets the other do your work.


You don't get it.

Think of general people. Do they know much to doing? NO.
Not matter if you rich or not.

You go to rental movie, you watch movie, it come with CC. That's normal. Simple.
You don't get it.

Think of general people. Do they know much to doing? NO.
Not matter if you rich or not.

You go to rental movie, you watch movie, it come with CC. That's normal. Simple.
Not my problem. You don't get it with the life we are in.
The CineXplayer app is now updated to work with subtitles and it works great! It looks just like the above video.

The process was simple.

Download the video and SRT file.

Connect device (iphone/ipad) to computer and itunes.

sync the video and srt file to device.


No need to convert it to mp4. It plays AVI files with subtitles. So it's not "to much work". It's less work because you don't have to convert anything. Just load it.

This is great because I have some train and plane trips coming up.

Ron Jaxon
The CineXplayer app is now updated to work with subtitles and it works great! It looks just like the above video.

The process was simple.

Download the video and SRT file.

Connect device (iphone/ipad) to computer and itunes.

sync the video and srt file to device.


No need to convert it to mp4. It plays AVI files with subtitles. So it's not "to much work". It's less work because you don't have to convert anything. Just load it.

This is great because I have some train and plane trips coming up.

Ron Jaxon

How can I sync the srt file to device?

I use an air sharing app that allow me drag any file from computer to ipod touch thru wifi without itunes since 2009.
On the air share I'm not sure. But I'll walk you through what you have to do when your device is attached to your computer with the USB connection. Maybe it'll point out what you need to do.

Ok, you have the video and SRT file on your computer.

Connect device to computer with USB and it'll open in itunes.

Under your device in itunes open "Apps" (This is where you'll see the apps you have).

Scroll down and you'll see Cinexplayer on the page. Click it and you'll see a place to add your video and srt files. You'll just click "Add" and add your files in.

Then click sync. It'll toad to your device (Took me less then a minute).

Oh, and the SRT and video file need to have the same name:
(moviename.avi -

Ron Jaxon
Thanks good to know. I'm sure there will be an update eventually with VLC that'll allow subtitles.

Ron Jaxon
I agree with PowerOn when he means

that too much work as being too complicated for most people to follow all these instructions to get something to work because their eyes will get glazed over.

For example, Ron Jaxon used many terms which would not be clear to an average person with PDA (personal digital assistant) such as Blackberry, Tmobile, Palm, etc. He used USB, SRT, download, sync, connect device, connect to mp4, play AVI, etc in one breath which will leave many readers drowning in this confusion and gasping for time outs and dazzled by all these complications.

Also, it does not matter that I do not have iPod or iPad or iMobile or whatever because it is still too much work or too complicated to get this done.
First of all anyone who owns an iPhone (Which this thread is about) will know words like "Sync". If they didn't they'd never use their iPhone. Anyone who has added apps, videos, pictures, music or anything to their iphone will know what sync means. If they don't their phone comes with instructions.

So, to add a movie with subtitles to their iphone takes no more work then adding a single movie. No technical terms needed.

Open itunes and add them to the phone. Nothing complicated there. Here's the outline again.

-Plug iphone into the computer (Everyone who owns an iPhone knows how to do this).
-iTunes opens on the computer (This happens by itself).
-In itunes open your phone (This has to be done by anyone who wants to add something to their phone or update it with their computer).
-Click Apps (Everyone who owns an app on iPhone knows where this is).
-Click the "CineXplayer" app (If they downloaded it they'll know they have it. Just scroll down to it.).
-Click "add" (Nothing complicated about that).
-Add the video file and Subtitles (SRT) file (Anyone who has found a subtitles file and download it will have a (srt) file.
-Click Sync (Again, anyone who's every added anything to their iphone will know how to click a button marked "sync").

Now, anyone who has ever used an iPhone before can fallow exactly what I just typed and it'll work. No technical knowledge needed to click links marked as what they are.

Now, I can understand some peoples confusing on actually findind the Subtitles file. You don't have to MAKE them. Just search for them and download them. So I'll explain that in the simplest terms.

Go to google and search for the subtitles to the movie you are looking for. For example if you're looking for English subtitles for the movie star wars. Just search for "Star wars subtitles English". When you find them then download them.

There are also some sites just for subtitles. To many to list but just to name a few. etc...

The subtitles will have an extension will be either .srt or .sub. For example it might be something like "". These are very small files and will take no time to download. Once you've downloaded them you'll need to test them make sure they match your video. You'll need a video player on your computer that supports subtitles (Windows media player does). But I prefer, and recommend a free player called "VLC Player" because it plays just about all video and audio formats. This means it doesn't matter if the video ends with .flv .avi .wmv .mp4 .mov or all the "extensions" that you might see at the end of a video file.

Give the subtitles and video file the same name (Exp. starwars.mp4 - Put them both in the same folder on your computer. Then play the video and make sure the subtitles match your video. If they don't just search for another one. If they do then you're ready to load them into your phone or device.

Hope that helps. It's all very easy and no. you don't need to know any technical terms. Just download them, load them then enjoy them.

Ron Jaxon
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Ron Jaxon,

I can't find your post about AVPlayer app for iPhone/iPod Touch. I tried to use it on my iPhone but subtitles (.srt) on few torrent movies won't work with AVPlayer. What kind of subtitle encoding?

I believe that CineXPlayer app is best. It s easier and faster than AVPlayer.