mystery diagnosis


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Jul 30, 2007
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I've always been fatigue since I was 16 but lately it got worse and the dizziness is new symptoms and its not spinning type its like disortion and "whooo" weird feeling inside head.
And I got nauseous and headache from sugar last 2 weeks so I switched to splenda it helped the nausea and headache but I get shaky and weak feeling if I don't eat 4-6 time a day for example if I got up early like 6:30 I'll eat breakfast, then 9-10 I'll eat in between meal then 12-1 lunch then 3-4 in between meal and dinner and if I stay up late I'll have midnight meal. But usually I have to sleep until 11 so I eat 11 then lunch 12-1 then meal 3-4 then dinner and so on.
Its unusual because I used to eat 2 time a day sometimes 3 if woke up early.
Fatigue's ridilicious I need to sleep at least 10-12 hours just to feel "ok" with minimal dizziness and sometimes I take 2 hours nap in afternoon as well.
And embarassing and probably TMI but my urine stink, it doesn't smell like ammonia or anything it have undescribable smell and darker than usual and sometime cloudy.
Its weird. I asked doctor about fatigue he just shrugged and said I don't know maybe just need do something like excerise? And I tried nope it makes me even more tired.
So I have appt with doc again on 20th to demand some testing because this is unusual and seem to be progressive.
What do you think?
I wonder - do you eat SUFFICIENTLY with proper nutrition? are you adequately hydrated? Dark urination is usually a sign of severe dehydration but then... could be anything else. Most of preventable problems are usually from what you eat/drink and how much you eat/drink.
If your doctor show don't care, find another doctor!!!

Or other choice is go to ER and demand what's wrong with you.
I wonder - do you eat SUFFICIENTLY with proper nutrition? are you adequately hydrated? Dark urination is usually a sign of severe dehydration but then... could be anything else. Most of preventable problems are usually from what you eat/drink and how much you eat/drink.

Yes I eat healthy food and take multivitamin daily I only eat something that's not healthy is for snack or dessert like pop tart, cookies, chip, cake or ice cream but its in small size like 3 small cookies that's it. And I'm always drinking something usually iced tea sweetened with splenda.

I am curious- how is your period? Is it always heavy?

If I were you, I would avoid Splenda. It is nasty. Avoid artificial sweeteners.

Your doctor is neglecting... Get second opinion. There are two things off my head- thyroid problems and anemia.

I am curious- how is your period? Is it always heavy?

If I were you, I would avoid Splenda. It is nasty. Avoid artificial sweeteners.

Your doctor is neglecting... Get second opinion. There are two things off my head- thyroid problems and anemia.

I rather splenda over sweet and low and other artifical sweener because those have saccharin and splenda is made from sugar so its fine.
I used to have super painful seem like life ending pain for cramps but normal flow for period so I started bc depo provera (I tried all other bc it doesn't work out well for me like can't swallow pill and chewable pill give me worst breakthrough bleeding, patch hurt to take off, etc) 3 months ago and due for other shot on 20th and the cramps gone :dance: only light spotting so far but its getting less and less now its normal and can last up to 6 months. The multivitamin I'm taking have 100% daily value of iron in it so I'm not anemic. But thyroid maybe.
Yes I eat healthy food and take multivitamin daily I only eat something that's not healthy is for snack or dessert like pop tart, cookies, chip, cake or ice cream but its in small size like 3 small cookies that's it. And I'm always drinking something usually iced tea sweetened with splenda.

drink LOT of water like you do with tea.
Actually mono does fit..mono is flu like as well but the fatigue and dizziness and stuff fits...sometimes mono symptoms can present differently in people as well.
I rather splenda over sweet and low and other artifical sweener because those have saccharin and splenda is made from sugar so its fine.
I used to have super painful seem like life ending pain for cramps but normal flow for period so I started bc depo provera (I tried all other bc it doesn't work out well for me like can't swallow pill and chewable pill give me worst breakthrough bleeding, patch hurt to take off, etc) 3 months ago and due for other shot on 20th and the cramps gone :dance: only light spotting so far but its getting less and less now its normal and can last up to 6 months. The multivitamin I'm taking have 100% daily value of iron in it so I'm not anemic. But thyroid maybe.

I heard some bad reviews about patch. :X That is good your period is under control.

I am thinking that Liza may hit a nail. it could be chronic fatigue.

My mom has Fibromyalgia, and she really hates it. She can't sleep in the middle of the night. Sometimes, she takes 1-2 hours of nap on the afternoons. She manages to ignore tiredness, and stays busy.
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I'd see another Dr, Skullchick. You're very thin, so it could be blood sugar issues. It could also be some type of infection as well. If you're doctor won't cooperate, get another one!

Good luck! Keep us posted. :)
Here are some of the symptoms of chronic fatigue:

Chronic fatigue syndrome: Symptoms -

Primary signs and symptoms

In addition to persistent fatigue, not caused by other known medical conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome has eight possible primary signs and symptoms. Chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms include:

* Loss of memory or concentration
* Sore throat
* Painful and mildly enlarged lymph nodes in your neck or armpits
* Unexplained muscle soreness
* Pain that moves from one joint to another without swelling or redness
* Headache of a new type, pattern or severity
* Sleep disturbance
* Extreme exhaustion lasting more than 24 hours after physical or mental exercise
According to the International Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Study Group — a group of scientists, researchers and doctors brought together by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to determine a standard method for defining and diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome — a person meets the diagnostic criteria of chronic fatigue syndrome when unexplained persistent fatigue occurs for six months or more along with at least four of the eight primary signs and symptoms.

Additional signs and symptoms

In addition, people with chronic fatigue syndrome have reported other various signs and symptoms that aren't part of the official definition. These include:

* Abdominal pain
* Allergies or sensitivities to foods, alcohol, odors, chemicals, medications or noise
* Bloating
* Chest pain
* Chronic cough
* Diarrhea
* Dizziness, balance problems or fainting
* Dry mouth
* Earache
* Irregular heartbeat
* Jaw pain
* Morning stiffness
* Nausea
* Chills and night sweats
* Psychological problems, such as depression, irritability, anxiety disorders and panic attacks
* Shortness of breath
* Tingling sensations
* Visual disturbances, such as blurring, sensitivity to light, eye pain and dry eyes
* Weight loss or gain
If you have chronic fatigue syndrome, your symptoms may peak and become stable early on, and then come and go over time. Some people go on to recover completely, while others grow progressively worse.
Dark, smelly urine? For heaven's sake, get a decent doctor! Have you seen a urologist? Sorry you are going through this. :(
Another idea just occurred to me. It's possible you could have a UTI (urinary tract infection).

Some of the symptoms of UTI include:

* Pain (stinging or burning) on passing urine
* Constant feeling of needing to pass urine
* Difficulty starting to pass urine
* Fever
* Generally feeling unwell, nauseous
I don't have uti I know it cuz I have had it many time 2 years ago.
Chronic fatigue syndrome somewhat fit,
I forgot to add I do have occassional joint pain and muscle pain/weakness and sometimes randomly have pin-prick sensation tingling pain in small spot sometimes few different small spot always from waist and down like few days ago I had that on my right side of butt near hip and on my right feet.
Sometimes in past I could have it on my lower back, or on my hip, or my feet or thigh its never above my waist. And usually only last 24 hours. Its only tiny spot like 6 inch diameter area.
And muscle weakness/pain and joint pains sometimes I get achy muscles or joint pain from simple activity like driving I get muscle cramps on my arm and elbow hurt.
Ice tea contains sanic acid.( Spelling.)

It strips away the iron in your body if drank in large amount. Therefore it can lead to anemia.

Just a thought.

Best thing to do is see a MD.

Good luck