My yard is not your toliet!

Great solution! If they forget in the future, just put it in a shoe box and mail it to them!
Cane Corso

Rollin' over and a laughin' my fanny off, Wooo laughin' so hard!
My mom hates when someone walks their dogs on her lot and pooped. They didn't bother to pick up so they left it there. I told her I would take care of her problem.

What I did was, collected all poops that they left on her lot and put in a plastic bag. At night I took the bag to the neighbor's front door and left there with a note saying " Here is your dog's poop so please pick it up next time."

The neighbor never walk her dog to my mom's lot anymore. Hehehehehe:giggle:
My mom hates when someone walks their dogs on her lot and pooped. They didn't bother to pick up so they left it there. I told her I would take care of her problem.

What I did was, collected all poops that they left on her lot and put in a plastic bag. At night I took the bag to the neighbor's front door and left there with a note saying " Here is your dog's poop so please pick it up next time."

The neighbor never walk her dog to my mom's lot anymore. Hehehehehe:giggle:

but i dont know about here in New York, :eek3: cuz some people
here can be freakin crazy! they can get psycho! My hubby's best
friend in Buffalo has a neighbor across the street is a one mean ornery
neighbor, cuz one day he asked him nicely to please move his stupid
semi truck off the street into his driveway, he went psycho and pointed
his gun at him!! He had to call the cops on him....crikey! Just never know
what kind of neighbors you encounter, heh!
So glad that your mom's neighbor is not like that....whew! LOL!