My New Artwork

CyberRed said:
Aw, that's so cute. I am glad you are doin' so well with your drawin'. Keep it up with practice just like me when I first got my new program. :thumb:

when you start on photo??

Mine start with Jasc Photoshop 7 and 8 was 4 yrs ago ehhehe till now still doing on design lol
BlueButterfly said:
Umm make the butterfly in blue and the background can be something with a Christmas tree:)

Here's your avatar and signature image:



Enjoy ! :)
DeafMonkey said:
when you start on photo??

Mine start with Jasc Photoshop 7 and 8 was 4 yrs ago ehhehe till now still doing on design lol

Did you see I made Star Trek: The New Generation in this thread ? You can look up the date. That was when I started practicin' all the way through until now. I finally got to know how to do animation with my NEW program. I don't use ImageReady, because it is kinda of complicated for me. :lol:
BUT, I will get to know how to use ImageReady AFTER I get the idea with my NEW program that carry animation. I am very visualized person. :D
CyberRed said:
Did you see I made Star Trek: The New Generation in this thread ? You can look up the date. That was when I started practicin' all the way through until now. I finally got to know how to do animation with my NEW program. I don't use ImageReady, because it is kinda of complicated for me. :lol:
BUT, I will get to know how to use ImageReady AFTER I get the idea with my NEW program that carry animation. I am very visualized person. :D

yeahh complicated about ImageReady lol but I have Jasc photoshop 7 and 8 which there have animated that I made few of them. Right now I dont use jasc Photoshop 7 and 8 anymore .. I gave it to my mom of Jasc Photoshop 7 cause it would be easy for my mom to make resize or else :) . cause sometime she asked me how to reszie or else so I do it for her from my computer lol .

WIsh there other program to make animate easy for me so i can do it lol heheheh. Right now I am still learning about ImageReady lol
Hi CyberRed:)

WOW!! I didn't know that you designed many beautiful icons. I did see your name "CyberRed2005" last week. Until I saw this thread for the first time in a few minutes ago.

I don't know how to install the icon under my username "Momoftwo". I want a Santa. I went to few websites and found and I tried to copy it and paste it under my username and it didn't work??

Will you please tell me how?

Wow, everything you designed is so beautiful!!!! Wow!! You have great talent!!!!!

Ahhhh, I am in a hurry because I have to go and take my daughter to school that she has a music club before school starts.

:wave: Momoftwo,

It is from text that I type on images that I drew. I have PhotoShop 7, PhotoShop Elements 2.0 and a few. I can't copy and paste it under my username if, it's someone else's copyright. Have to make my own drawin' and, then put my name on it. I also have 410,000 different images ( real/cartoon images ) to install from my own disc. :)

What kind of program do you use, if any ?

Aw thank you. :hug: God gave me this talent. I started drew when I was 3 years old ( my first draw was birds ).

Ok, see ya... :wave:
CyberRed said:
:wave: Momoftwo,

I also have 410,000 different images ( real/cartoon images ) to install from my own disc. :)[/COLOR]


Where did you get that 410,000 images from??? I tried to look for it cause of stupid "copyright" which I cant steal for it so i had to look for no copyright wahhh that make me :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: took me so long to make in my photoshop lol

psst psst CR can you give me 410,000 ?? PM me in private message or on yahoo messenger :) .. thanks :hug:
DeafMonkey said:
Where did you get that 410,000 images from??? I tried to look for it cause of stupid "copyright" which I cant steal for it so i had to look for no copyright wahhh that make me :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: took me so long to make in my photoshop lol

I bought it from the computer store. It would be an easier this way rather than stealin' someone's copyrighted images. Stealin' is bad. lol

psst psst CR can you give me 410,000 ?? PM me in private message or on yahoo messenger :) .. thanks :hug:

Give you 410, 000 ? :lol: I would suggest you to buy one for yourself, so you can enjoy all you want with it. It costs only $ 20.00. :)
CyberRed said:
Give you 410, 000 ? :lol: I would suggest you to buy one for yourself, so you can enjoy all you want with it. It costs only $ 20.00. :)
$20.00 for that???? where?
ahhh in bestbuy.. in canada for $20?? nah it would be ummm about $25 cause in usa cheap than canad but only about umm 3.00 dollar to 5.00 off i guess lol :D .. if i m wrong lol ..

someday will go to bestbuy in here if i ask someone to give me a ride cause my home to bestbuy long way!!!!! lol

Thanks CR
:wave: Hi Safari,

These 2 banners are for you. Enjoy ! :hug:


DeafMonkey said:
ahhh in bestbuy.. in canada for $20?? nah it would be ummm about $25 cause in usa cheap than canad but only about umm 3.00 dollar to 5.00 off i guess lol :D .. if i m wrong lol ..

someday will go to bestbuy in here if i ask someone to give me a ride cause my home to bestbuy long way!!!!! lol

Thanks CR

Oh, sorry - I didn't see your post. lol
Yeah, in Canada would probably cost more than USA.... $ 25.00 is not that bad, still cheap to me. I hope you could find someone to give you a lift to buy one. Have fun with it when you buy. :lol: Enjoy !

Thanks for the banners! I like both. :) I'll do that in my signature right away. I apperciate for your efforts on your banners for me. :hug: You did terrific job!!

I've tried to iput banner in my signature. Unfortunately, I've not find how it works. Will you please explain it to me how to enable the banner?

Safari said:

I've tried to iput banner in my signature. Unfortunately, I've not find how it works. Will you please explain it to me how to enable the banner?


1 ) Ok, go to
2 ) upload your new banner at each one at a time ( be sure to know where the banners are in your computer file )
3 ) copy and paste the img from there ( be sure to save that img to paste here in your "reply to thread" )
4 ) come here in this blank message box before postin'... click "insert image", the yellow sky icon above this message box. And, it will pop up in front of you. Paste the img in there and then click "Ok" .. You are all done. Viola !
( Hope it helps )