my jeep has been robbed!!!!!!!


I'm new since last week.
I just want to say sorry about what happens to your jeep.
(Even I nevet met you).

I want you to know that it happened to other people at my college, people got upset because brand new SUV with catalyst converter got stolen while they were in class on first day of class last year fall. Unbelievable. there were four different SUVs were stolen with catalyst converter in different building parking LOT.

People got mad because there were no camera in the parking LOT. Oh, boy. I hate when people steal that stuffs I mean catalyst converter.

I remembered saw on TV news a month ago about SUVs with calayst converter, they says will put more bolt or weld that thief won't take it because weld will stay with it and strong and more bold. Many people complained about catalyst converter that has been stolen on TV news.

Well, it's everywhere, no matter where you live or park whether safe or not.

My friend who live in a quiet neighborhood and safe but guess what? His two tires got stolen. It can happens to anywhere. Also for some stupid people did the vandlism on nice cars. (Be aware if someone see you sign with other deaf, they can do something to your car like vandlism or stratch). My other friend's car got really bad stratches on her driver door it looks really ugly so clear, it happened at the store during the day. Her car got it painted and she paid $600. She got really upset cuz she got broke. Oh, man!. Why some stupid people do that to cars or stealing cars?.

I'm sorry about your jeep.

Have a good day!.

Newark.. nah.. i would be concern about Camden...i'll be shot in less 24 hours if i mistaken approach the wrong people.
you should worry about Newark. My friend got mugged at gun-point at Newark Penn Station. Just a small part of Newark is safe like Ironforge and the government area. My other friend got assaulted by bunch of stupid kids on sidewalk - just for nothing. My other other friend also got nearly assaulted by a stupid punk on street, wanting to have a fight but luckily, he talked his way out of it.

No no, try Richmond, CA.

an hour away from my local. They'll shootin' at each other when they cross terriorities.
oh jesus - yup that's pretty much true. That's why I avoid it like a plague whenever I go down to Philly. I would NOT want to get stuck in slow-moving traffic in Camden.

i was in Richmond, CA (when i was young kid with my family who live there for just temporary before we moved to Fremont) when there were greatest gangester trading place as known as "Trading Bay", there are Vallejo, Concord, SF, Oakland, San Pablo, Daly City and Petulma areas that comes in Richmond to make the trade: drugs, weapons, girls, and illegal things which cops will bust everyday. IF IF i saw the trading attempt, they dont give a f..k about it and just shoot at me, chase me down n beat me up, or threat me n my family. That is one of dangerous city in 1990's.

Experts say 'most dangerous city' rankings twist numbers -

as you can see that: #9- Richmond, California.

we are not safe in everywhere, anyway.
yup pretty much, NorCal. That's why I want to repeal gun restrictions! Let us carry CCW! haha. When you said Richmond... I was thinking of Virginia lol. That was one seriously ghetto place, damn.