My damaged car (accident)

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All I need to bring the supported paper work in tomorrow afternoon and I will be crusing in my new car on the way home. :)
What are you doing about your damaged car. Junk it or repair it to sell? Your parents complain against leaving it on lot.
What are you doing about your damaged car. Junk it or repair it to sell? Your parents complain against leaving it on lot.
Will be repaired and have it sold.
Will it be towed for repairing?
Nah, the engine is OK. Dad looked into it, and was fine. Will fix it later. I'm off to bed :zzz:

Will answer questions tomorrow morning.
I understand but not solve the problem for everyone who know how to fix thing like lawyer, doctor, IT, blah blah and they pick brand new car over used car due warranty. :dunno:
yeah some of our friends are executives and doctors. they always ask me for advice when their cars starts acting funny.... :roll:
they say: "what is wrong with my car"
I say: "It should still be a Pepsi can"
OFC, I don't mind to buy the broke old truck and replace the new engine in future when I have enough time and money in future since I learned a lot about vehicle.
it can be cheaper then you think. you can buy an old project truck off ebay or craiglist for anywhere between $50-$1500 depending on the make, model and condition. just saw a 54 Ford F-100 get saved from a crusher for only $300.00 needed a motor a lot of other stuff, but it had a clear title and parts are plentiful. a "You-Pull-It" junkyard motor can be had for $75.00. just takes time and spare cash in the budget...

it takes the average gearhead 3 years to get a car built.
I am happy that I taked auto class. :D I admit that any vehicle with PCM is pretty easy to me for find troubleshooting thru OBD-II and rebuild but problem is costly.
good learning to fix it yourself ends up saving tons of money in the long run. :thumb:
Picking the new car up today, later this afternoon! :hyper:
That jumping smiley should have a big smile instead a frown face

he's just both excited and scared at same time because he's worried that he might crash it :laugh2:
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