Moving Abroad

TweetyBird said:
welcome anytime Bullym0m! :D ohh ok i went to lava mountains that where volcan (i cant spelling words) so i touched in middle volcan and took pictures there... also i swam with trocial fishes too but i was lil scared cuz of they bumps on my legs and tickle my feet!!! this sunday we will swimming with turtles... i cant wait.. we walked around here and i love hawaii store cuz of it is so pretty things.. i would like buy some stuff to bring home.. :D
Great Thanks for your tell us how much you really enjoying exploring in Hawaii.. ((chuckles))

One day, I'd love to go....
Bullym0m said:
Great Thanks for your tell us how much you really enjoying exploring in Hawaii.. ((chuckles))

One day, I'd love to go....
when i done with here then i will tell u more story what i did in hawaii.. allright??? smile
TweetyBird said:
when i done with here then i will tell u more story what i did in hawaii.. allright??? smile
Sure, That would be no problem at all, Love to hear all your news when r u finished vacation.. *wink*~ By the way, Enjoy your vacation.. ta ta....
Bullym0m said:
Sure, That would be no problem at all, Love to hear all your news when r u finished vacation.. *wink*~ By the way, Enjoy your vacation.. ta ta....
GREAT!!!! SMILE... :dance:
***BUMPS!!!*** Sweet_KJ! Where are you? I'm still awaiting word from you! :lol: Things going alright with you and the plans of moving?
Hi PurpleRose,

I still haven't made my way out to Europe yet. I am still in touch with him, but we haven't made any moves because 1) my folks would not allow or accept the idea of me flying out first, they rather meet him first; 2) it's so darn expensive right now --; 3) I got a teaching job in my home state; 4) He is planning to visit me sometime, but $$ and job conflicts.

Also, I am dating someone else too... the Euro-beau knows about it, and he still has hopes for the future. I'm just enjoying what I got right now, and when I have the mobility to move (moola wi$e and single) I will do that.