Minn. Judge Rules Teen Must See Cancer Doctor

And these parents are not Indian, either. They are Catholic.
I don't believe they have to be Indians to join.

...Membership is only by Spiritual Adoption. It is also the only way the Nemenhah Seminary can accept you into the program and designate you a Medicine Man or Medicine Woman. As a Nemenhah Medicine Man or Woman you will be able to practice your Healing Ministry under the full weight and protection of the Native American Free Exercise of Religion Act 1993 (NAFERA) and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act 1993 (RFRA).

After reading the Constitution of the Band, if you wish to request Spiritual Adoption and to begin your training as a Nemenhah Medicine Man or Woman, click on the link below, download the PDF application for spiritual adoption, fill it out, and mail with the suggested donation to:

P.O. Box 126
Weaubleau, MO 65774
Nemenhah Band : Spiritual Adoption

According to the application form:

...Through this application I declare that (1) Natural Healing comprises part of my Spiritual Orientation; (2) I will First Do
No Harm; (3) I will diligently study the Sahaptan Healing Way and strive to become a Sahaptan Guide, Carrier and Shirt in due course,
understanding that I shall receive my training from Chief Cloudpiler, or by whomever he assigns to assist for purposes of my training
as a Medicine Man or Woman of the Nemenhah Band; (4) in accordance with the Constitution of the Band, which I have read and to
which I subscribe, I covenant to generously donate out of my surplus so that my gift may help to support my Mentor and my Band,
beginning with the suggested donation of $250.00 which accompanies this application and going forward each month thereafter as
the Spirit dictates.

Banned doesn´t solve anything but the public health information from Government need to be spread out to help the people to understand about health issues.
You're right. Besides, the fat people could send their skinny friend or relative in to order the food, and then bring it outside to them. It's a ridiculous law.
There is a warrant out for the mother's arrest. If they return to the U.S., the mpther will be arrested, and the son will be taken into state custody.

It doesn't appear that the mother is too terribly concerned about the 7 children she left behind here, either.

This family has been identified as Catholic. There is nothing in the Catholic Doctrine that would prohibit receiving medical care. In fact, the Catholic Doctrine would certainly not support this mother's actions that will ultimately lead to the death of her child as a result of medical neglect. They don't have a "religious" leg to stand on in this case.

I wonder. This woman gave birth to 8 children. Did she go to the hospital to give birth? Did she regularly see a doctor during all of her pregnancies? Did she get anesthesia during delivery of those infants? If so, why should she get medical care, and then turn around and deny it to her son claiming "religious" reasons?

We also know that this is a 13 year old boy who cannot read, and therefore cannot give informed consent. It looks like these parents are guilty of more forms of neglect than just medical neglect.
Wait...the 13 year old boy CAN'T read? Wow...talk about embarrassment. Imagine trying to read a map and you still get lost.
What is your point Jiro? The boy does not have the constitutional right to make decisions regarding his medical care. That is why the arrest warrant has been issued for his mother.

Exactly. He is not at legal age to reach his own constitutional rights. So...*shrugs* sorry it seems unfair, but that's the way it works for EVERY minors under the age of 18.
I think you forget one thing.

Some people do not believe in hospitals. Their kids are going to either live or die that is base on their personal gods/Gods' choices 'to take' children for various religious reasons. Should gov'ment force the parents to take their kids to hospitals because it's best choice for the parents?

To me, it's too power to control parents' choices. =/
Okay let me ask you this.

Is it REALLY wrong to save a child's life? Even if it includes forcing or violating their religion rights?

Even though it sounds harsh, I say no. The children DESERVE to live no matter the cost. They may not like it at first but they will thank us later on.

God works in many mysterious ways, and everything happens for a reason but we cant depend on God for everything such as a person's in serious illness or whatever.

Think about it...we are smart people. We know what's best for us to get something to take care of us and such.

If we've taken education into studying science and medication, we would easily know these things that would help us live longer.

Miracles only happen VERY rarely but like I said, God works in mysterious ways and we would probably never even be able to understand God, but of course he put us here for a reason. consider this part of the human experience, where you gotta know whats right and wrong and everything.
Exactly. He is not at legal age to reach his own constitutional rights. So...*shrugs* sorry it seems unfair, but that's the way it works for EVERY minors under the age of 18.
The Constitution sets down the age limits only for voting and serving in elected offices. It doesn't set an age limit for constitutional protections, such as those included in the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.
Okay let me ask you this.

Is it REALLY wrong to save a child's life? Even if it includes forcing or violating their religion rights?

To me, no, it's right to save my future children' lives. Again, it's up to parents for their opinions because I'm not a parent. It's a various opinion on indiviual person that is base on his or her POV with or without religious reasons. Obviously, it is not respect any parent's wish if gov'ment force them to do it, which is against their wills. If any child is old enough to understand what risks are, it makes sense why the 13 year old boy refused to have it after he KNEW the situation. So why did doctors want to force him to take a medical treatment when it is against his will??

Even though it sounds harsh, I say no. The children DESERVE to live no matter the cost. They may not like it at first but they will thank us later on.

I understand prefectly and I agreed what you said. But you CANNOT tell parents what to do and what to do not. It's their personal choices to make.

Sorry to say this...

You should to remember some people who do not believe in hospitals, and it is NOT fair to take their parental choices.
The Constitution sets down the age limits only for voting and serving in elected offices. It doesn't set an age limit for constitutional protections, such as those included in the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.

Okay let me ask you this.

Is it REALLY wrong to save a child's life? Even if it includes forcing or violating their religion rights?

Even though it sounds harsh, I say no. The children DESERVE to live no matter the cost. They may not like it at first but they will thank us later on.

God works in many mysterious ways, and everything happens for a reason but we cant depend on God for everything such as a person's in serious illness or whatever.

Think about it...we are smart people. We know what's best for us to get something to take care of us and such.

If we've taken education into studying science and medication, we would easily know these things that would help us live longer.

Miracles only happen VERY rarely but like I said, God works in mysterious ways and we would probably never even be able to understand God, but of course he put us here for a reason. consider this part of the human experience, where you gotta know whats right and wrong and everything.

Well said. Though I'm uncomfortable at the thought of infringing on people's religious beliefs, I draw the line at endangering other people's rights.
I´m surprise that you posted that link because it doesn´t support you view accord your many posts.

:ty: for good link.

actually it does. read it very carefully especially at the end.

:ty: for the link.

I can see many medias misinterpret many different articles. I do wish to see their own word on TV news.

Accord the article.

He was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma. Multiple hospitals recommended chemotherapy and radiation. The survival rate for Hodgkin's is 80 percent with chemotherapy, according to the Mayo Clinic.

The family refused the treatment.

Why the family refused the treatment to beleive in their belief over doctors when they know it´s 80% - 90% chance to cure? If they really love their son then help him, forget their belief.

"I wanted to do alternative medicine. They were aware of that. I just did not like what the chemo did," Hauser said.

The parents reject the treatment that´s because they don´t like chemotherapy... :cold: Yes of course we know that chemo is a painful therapy but it´s best chance to save people´s life.

Eventually, Danny received one round of chemotherapy. He didn't return for the second treatment. The hospital contacted authorities and that led Brown County attorney Jim Olson to go to court to file a child in need protection or service petition.

The petition alleges that Colleen and Tony Hauser are medically neglecting Danny. It's in the state's interest to prevent a child from dying from a treatable cancer, according to Olson.

What the parents did is neglect his health. They as responsible parents must positive their son about chemotherapy.

In this instance, the family has a religious and parental right to care for their son in a way that is consistent with their beliefs. The family practices a Native American faith called Nemenhah, Colleen Hauser said.

"It's our religious belief. God has put everything on this earth to heal any kind of whatever-you-want-to-call-it. He has put every plant, herb ... we men just have to find it. And they are finding it. And it's working," she said.

Oh I see that catholic parents practices a Native American faith "Nemenhah". Very sad to know that their belief comes first before save their child´s life. I remember thru newspaper around 25 or 30 years ago, JW couple were shock after learn that their son lost a lot of blood due car accident and need blood transfion. They begged for saline transfion but it´s not enough to save their son´s life because of ALOT of blood loss. They choose to save their son´s life over their belief. After that, they gave their belief up. It shows itself that they love their son very much to listen the doctor to save his life.

His mother says if Danny weren't getting better, the family would consider chemotherapy. Danny Hauser says he would not.

"I see it as a poison, it poisons your body," Danny Hauser said.

Where Danny get those information from?

And why runaway for?

It make no sense...

Colleen Hauser says this is a family decision, and not one for the state. And the family is respecting Danny's wishes.

"He told me this time and time again, 'Mom, I would rather die and be with God rather than go through the hell of chemo.' And that is how he feels. And I as a parent am not going to deprive him of his beliefs," Hauser said.

Asked if his mother was right, that he would rather die that go through chemotherapy, Danny Hauser said, "Yes."

Again, where is that information, Danny get from? It´s his first cancer which is not the same as the link, I provided in my first post.


With girl´s condition is total different as Danny because she was suffer for out and in all her life since she was little girl. She know what she saying... I must say that she is VERY brave and take many chemo therapy until she decided that it doesn´t work on her but Danny? Sorry, I believe that their parents brainwashed him over herbal medicines, chemotherapy, etc., lead him beleive that herbal is the best medicine than chemotherapy... I would support him if he had been out and in many times since his childhood. I think the parents are not doing their job as responsible parents enough.
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I thought the warrant was for the mother not making a court appearance.

Father appeals to his wife to return with their cancer-stricken son - CNN.com

Actually, Father and husband want his son and wife come home. It´s good to know that Father obey the court order... What mother did is violate the court order which is bad... It teachs their children okay to disobey/disrespect the law/rules...

She left her husband and 7 children.... It prove itself is neglectful...

*shake my head*
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Jiro asked, "What would happen if he died from chemotherapy as ordered by court?" He didn't ask about the success rate of the procedure but about the safety of the procedure itself.

Jiro, yes, children can die from the effects of chemotherapy. That's one of the risks that is covered by the doctor prior to signing the informed consent form.

Huh? How?

I never heard that the children dies from the effects of chemotherapy. Yes I am well aware of cons and pros of chemotherapy but die? Chemotherapy give the people better chance to be survive...
You're right. Besides, the fat people could send their skinny friend or relative in to order the food, and then bring it outside to them. It's a ridiculous law.


It´s people´s own responsible for want junk foods over listen the public health information. They are adult and know about health issues thru information via websites, books, etc. Information over health issues are public to the everywhere. It´s person´s responsible, not Government.
I dont think the kid completely understand how life threatening cancer is...since he dont know how to read, it tells me that he is not properly educated so may not know alot about such things as diseases due to their VERY religionous close minded family. :roll: