My hearing started to go in 2008, and by April of 2010 it was completely gone. I had a tumor on my my vestibular cochlear nerve, so they just ended up cutting the nerve completely in 2010. My hearing has never been awesome due to growing up with a musician Father and GrandFather (often times sleeping next to the amp while he played ... sheesh ... ). :Oops:
I have just recently decided to embrace who I am with this. I am sick of feeling self-conscious about who I was destined to be.
Work is probably my greatest frustration since everyone wears masks (I'm in dental) so lip reading is out most of the time, and my aids always get caught around my mask loops so I tend to not wear them sometimes .... :roll: Luckily, I am a part-timer, and I work alone most of the day.
Thanks to everyone for making me feel like I have a place to be me!